Нескучная классика для всех. Ноты с картинками и любопытными историями. Для фортепиано. Выпуск 2

О. И. Шаповалова

  Нескучная классика для всех. Ноты с картинками и любопытными историями. Для фортепиано. Выпуск 2  О. И. Шаповалова  Классика-XXI.   Ж.-Б.Люлли. Гавот. И.С.Бах. Концерт-соло № 4. По концерту Б.Марчелло. Часть II. Л. Бетховен. Симфония № 5. Часть I. Экспозиция. Ф.Шуберт. Вальс. Ф.Шуберт. Музыкальный момент ор. 94 № 3. Ф.Шопен. Мазурка ор. 67 № 4. Ж.Гуно. Вальс из оперы Классика-XXI. Ж.-Б.Люлли. Гавот. И.С.Бах. Концерт-соло № 4. По концерту Б.Марчелло. Часть II. Л. Бетховен. Симфония № 5. Часть I. Экспозиция. Ф.Шуберт. Вальс. Ф.Шуберт. Музыкальный момент ор. 94 № 3. Ф.Шопен. Мазурка ор. 67 № 4. Ж.Гуно. Вальс из оперы "Фауст"....

English-Russian Dictionary / Англо-русский словарь

М. И. Дубровин

  English-Russian Dictionary / Англо-русский словарь  М. И. Дубровин  АСТ, Астрель.   Словарь содержит 100000 слов, необходимых для речевого общения в рамках программной тематики, большое количество устойчивых словосочетаний, идиоматических выражений и примеров, иллюстрирующих употребление слов в современном разговорном английском языке. В нем использована современная транскрипция, а также приведены американские варианты написания слов. В приложении к словарю помещены: список неправильных глаголов; наиболее употребительные сокращения, принятые в Великобритании и США; список личных имен; таблица перевода некоторых англо-американских единиц измерений в метрическую систему: таблица количественных и порядковых числительных.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин АСТ, Астрель. Словарь содержит 100000 слов, необходимых для речевого общения в рамках программной тематики, большое количество устойчивых словосочетаний, идиоматических выражений и примеров, иллюстрирующих употребление слов в современном разговорном английском языке. В нем использована современная транскрипция, а также приведены американские варианты написания слов. В приложении к словарю помещены: список неправильных глаголов; наиболее употребительные сокращения, принятые в Великобритании и США; список личных имен; таблица перевода некоторых англо-американских единиц измерений в метрическую систему: таблица количественных и порядковых числительных....

Mobilizing Minds: Creating Wealth From Talent in the 21st Century Organization

Lowell L. L Bryan, Claudia L. I. Joyce

  Mobilizing Minds: Creating Wealth From Talent in the 21st Century Organization  Lowell L. L Bryan, Claudia L. I. Joyce  Based on a decade of exclusive research, Lowell Bryan and Claudia Joyce of McKinsey & Company have come up with a simple yet revolutionary conclusion: Your workforce is the key to growth in the 21st century. By tapping into their underutilized talents, knowledge, and skills you can earn tens of thousands of additional dollars per employee, and manage the interdepartmental complexities and barriers that prevent real achievements and profits. This can only be accomplished through organizational design and redesign. That's the new model for survival in the modern, digital, global economy. With the right design, your organization will have the capabilities to pursue whatever strategy is necessary to compete on any scale, react to any market change, leverage any opportunity, and sail past the competition. In Mobilizing Minds , the authors distill their research into seven strategic ideas that shatter the complexity frontiers, have the potential to unleash enormous...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Based on a decade of exclusive research, Lowell Bryan and Claudia Joyce of McKinsey & Company have come up with a simple yet revolutionary conclusion: Your workforce is the key to growth in the 21st century. By tapping into their underutilized talents, knowledge, and skills you can earn tens of thousands of additional dollars per employee, and manage the interdepartmental complexities and barriers that prevent real achievements and profits. This can only be accomplished through organizational design and redesign. That's the new model for survival in the modern, digital, global economy. With the right design, your organization will have the capabilities to pursue whatever strategy is necessary to compete on any scale, react to any market change, leverage any opportunity, and sail past the competition. In Mobilizing Minds , the authors distill their research into seven strategic ideas that shatter the complexity frontiers, have the potential to unleash enormous......

The Boston Consulting Group on Strategy: Classic Concepts and New Perspectives

  The Boston Consulting Group on Strategy: Classic Concepts and New Perspectives  Wiley.   A collection of the best thinking from one of the most innovative management consulting firms in the world. For more than forty years, The Boston Consulting Group has been shaping strategic thinking in business. Wiley. A collection of the best thinking from one of the most innovative management consulting firms in the world. For more than forty years, The Boston Consulting Group has been shaping strategic thinking in business. "The Boston Consulting Group on Strategy" offers a broad and up-to-date selection of the firm's best ideas on strategy with fresh ideas, insights, and practical lessons for managers, executives, and entrepreneurs in every industry. Here's a sampling of the provocative thinking you'll find inside: "You have to be the scientist of your own life and be astonished four times: at what is, what always has been, what once was, and what could be." "The majority of products in most companies are cash traps… [They] are not only worthless, but a perpetual drain on corporate resources." "Use more debt than your competition or get out of the business." "When information flows freely, reputation, more than reciprocity, becomes the basis for trust." "As a......

Rhetoric in Popular Culture

Barry Brummett

  Rhetoric in Popular Culture  Barry Brummett  A “As we go through life experiencing and enjoying music, clothing, architecture, food, and so forth, we are also participating in rhetorical struggles over what kind of society we will live in and what sort of people we will be. This book will empower you to see those struggles as well, so that you will be able to find the rhetoric in rage metal, the motivations on MTV, and the arguments in RV’s.” —From the IntroductionA A Rhetoric in Popular Culture, Second Edition is the only textbook that uniquely joins together two vital scholarly traditions: rhetorical criticism and critical studies. Author Barry Brummett introduces the reader to techniques of rhetorical criticism specifically designed for the analysis of texts in popular culture. The Second Edition of...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин A “As we go through life experiencing and enjoying music, clothing, architecture, food, and so forth, we are also participating in rhetorical struggles over what kind of society we will live in and what sort of people we will be. This book will empower you to see those struggles as well, so that you will be able to find the rhetoric in rage metal, the motivations on MTV, and the arguments in RV’s.” —From the IntroductionA A Rhetoric in Popular Culture, Second Edition is the only textbook that uniquely joins together two vital scholarly traditions: rhetorical criticism and critical studies. Author Barry Brummett introduces the reader to techniques of rhetorical criticism specifically designed for the analysis of texts in popular culture. The Second Edition of......

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Нескучная классика для всех. Ноты с картинками и любопытными историями. Для фортепиано. Выпуск 2. О. И. Шаповалова . Книги.

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