Writing Securities Research: A Best Practice Guide

Jeremy Bolland

  Writing Securities Research: A Best Practice Guide  Jeremy Bolland  "There is a strong need for this book by Jeremy Bolland, which dissects all issues relating to securities research. The requirement for better research does not only apply to the US securities market but to securities markets all over the world. This book is relevant in any setting. It will equip analysts with many useful tools to help them achieve success." Mark Mobius President Templeton Emerging Markets Fund "Jeremy Bolland's book is essential reading for all people involved in writing securities research. Moreover, it is not just a technical and legal guide, but also a timely reminder of the principles of good writing." Andrew Leeming Author of The Super Analysts "Knowing your ratios and spreadsheets is no longer enough to become an investment analyst. As Jeremy Bolland points out, you need to know your do's and don'ts of how to approach clients and......

Economic Growth: New Directions in Theory And Policy

  Economic Growth: New Directions in Theory And Policy  This enlightening and significant new volume focuses on the nature, causes and features of economic growth across a wide range of countries and regions. Covering a variety of growth related topics - from theoretical analyses of economic growth in general to empirical analyses of growth in the OECD, transition economies and developing economies - the distinguished cast of contributors address some of the most important contemporary issues and developments in the field. These include, amongst others: * endogenous growth theory * Keynesian theories of the business cycle and growth * unemployment and growth * FDI and productivity spillovers * knowledge externalities and growth. This useful analysis of the many facets of economic growth will be an essential read for those interested in economic theory and economic policy-making, as well as students and scholars of macroeconomics and finance.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This enlightening and significant new volume focuses on the nature, causes and features of economic growth across a wide range of countries and regions. Covering a variety of growth related topics - from theoretical analyses of economic growth in general to empirical analyses of growth in the OECD, transition economies and developing economies - the distinguished cast of contributors address some of the most important contemporary issues and developments in the field. These include, amongst others: * endogenous growth theory * Keynesian theories of the business cycle and growth * unemployment and growth * FDI and productivity spillovers * knowledge externalities and growth. This useful analysis of the many facets of economic growth will be an essential read for those interested in economic theory and economic policy-making, as well as students and scholars of macroeconomics and finance....

Современное деловое письмо

Ю. М. Рогожин

  Современное деловое письмо  Ю. М. Рогожин  ГроссМедиа Ферлаг, РОСБУХ.   Делопроизводство и кадры.   Универсальное пособие о письмах, целиком и полностью основанное на российском опыте ведения служебно-деловой переписки. Содержит свыше 100 примеров писем по 30 основным темам, около 1000 готовых формулировок для быстрого и безошибочного составления оригинальных текстов. В полном объеме учитывает требованиям ГОСТ Р6.30-2003 и других руководящих документов к структуре, содержанию и оформлению писем. Незаменимо для предпринимателей, менеджеров, их помощников, референтов, секретарей, а также для обучающихся по специальности ГроссМедиа Ферлаг, РОСБУХ. Делопроизводство и кадры. Универсальное пособие о письмах, целиком и полностью основанное на российском опыте ведения служебно-деловой переписки. Содержит свыше 100 примеров писем по 30 основным темам, около 1000 готовых формулировок для быстрого и безошибочного составления оригинальных текстов. В полном объеме учитывает требованиям ГОСТ Р6.30-2003 и других руководящих документов к структуре, содержанию и оформлению писем. Незаменимо для предпринимателей, менеджеров, их помощников, референтов, секретарей, а также для обучающихся по специальности "Делопроизводство" ("Документационное обеспечение управления")....

Little Lulu Volume 12: Leave It To Lulu

John Stanley, Irving Tripp

  Little Lulu Volume 12: Leave It To Lulu  John Stanley, Irving Tripp  undefined  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин undefined...

Sokora Refugees, Vol. 1


  Sokora Refugees, Vol. 1  Segamu  Kana thought her life couldn't get any worse--she was consistently behind on her schoolwork, she had no luck with the boys and she was the only one of her friends who hadn't Kana thought her life couldn't get any worse--she was consistently behind on her schoolwork, she had no luck with the boys and she was the only one of her friends who hadn't "blossomed" yet. However, when the new boy in class conjures up a portal in the girl's shower, she is transported to the magical world of Sokora...wearing nothing but a small cotton robe! Now, on top of landing at the center of a giant battle between good and evil, she finds that her body is beginning to go through some tremendous changes!...

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Writing Securities Research: A Best Practice Guide. Jeremy Bolland . Книги.

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