Механизмы модуляции памяти

  Механизмы модуляции памяти  Наука.   Сборник статей, посвященных проблемам памяти, механизмам памяти, способам управления ею.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Наука. Сборник статей, посвященных проблемам памяти, механизмам памяти, способам управления ею....

Информационные технологии и вычислительные системы, №1, 2007

Редактор С. В. Емельянов

  Информационные технологии и вычислительные системы, №1, 2007  Редактор С. В. Емельянов  Едиториал УРСС.   Вашему вниманию предлагается выпуск журнала Едиториал УРСС. Вашему вниманию предлагается выпуск журнала "Информационные технологии и вычислительные системы". В журнале представлены материалы: распознавание образов, Математическое моделирование, интернет-технологии, компьютерная графика и многое другое....

A Hedonist's Guide to Lisbon

Sarah Marshall

  A Hedonist's Guide to Lisbon  Sarah Marshall  HG2.   A Hedonist's Guide to....   Lisbon is Europe's Rio de Janeiro vibrant and exciting with an amazing Latin spirit. The wonderful atmosphere pervades the whole town from comfortable bars in the run down back streets to the achingly modern and hip. Helped by the great weather, fantastic food, delicious indigenous wine and unbelievably fresh seafood - Lisbon is a city of laid back charm.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин HG2. A Hedonist's Guide to.... Lisbon is Europe's Rio de Janeiro vibrant and exciting with an amazing Latin spirit. The wonderful atmosphere pervades the whole town from comfortable bars in the run down back streets to the achingly modern and hip. Helped by the great weather, fantastic food, delicious indigenous wine and unbelievably fresh seafood - Lisbon is a city of laid back charm....

A Guide to Practical Toxicology: Evaluation, Prediction, and Risk, Second Edition

Adam Woolley

  A Guide to Practical Toxicology: Evaluation, Prediction, and Risk, Second Edition  Adam Woolley  Toxicologists in both academia and industry will find this updated text a significant addition to their research library.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Toxicologists in both academia and industry will find this updated text a significant addition to their research library....

Testosterone Deficiency in Men (Oxford Endocrinology Library)

  Testosterone Deficiency in Men (Oxford Endocrinology Library)  Over the last few years there has been a substantial increase in the interest not only by the medical profession but also the media in the role of testosterone in health and disease. This interest has been mirrored by a rapid increase in research publications and development of improved modes of delivery of testosterone therapy. This new pocketbook provides a comprehensive but concise and up-to-date knowledge of established and salient new data on the management of testosterone deficiency. It includes a background of essential knowledge on the diagnosis, treatment and safety. It also explores the associations of testosterone deficiency with organ systems and their diseases such as diabetes and osteoporosis.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Over the last few years there has been a substantial increase in the interest not only by the medical profession but also the media in the role of testosterone in health and disease. This interest has been mirrored by a rapid increase in research publications and development of improved modes of delivery of testosterone therapy. This new pocketbook provides a comprehensive but concise and up-to-date knowledge of established and salient new data on the management of testosterone deficiency. It includes a background of essential knowledge on the diagnosis, treatment and safety. It also explores the associations of testosterone deficiency with organ systems and their diseases such as diabetes and osteoporosis....

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Механизмы модуляции памяти. . Книги.

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