
Анастасия Новых

  Эзоосмос  Анастасия Новых  Лотос.   Скрытая реальность ежедневно присутствует в людском обществе. Познание ее тайн помогает человеку не только обрести опыт существования в этом мире, но и сделать шаг в области исследования своей сущности... Очень многие так называемые болезни людей, внезапные депрессивные состояния, попытки суицида, несчастные случаи, убийства зачастую являются следствием проявления деятельности скрытых сил. Когда-то были и те, кто им активно противостоял, защищая людей на той стороне реальности. Чаша весов Добра и Зла - в руках самого человека. Все решает его эзоосмос.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Лотос. Скрытая реальность ежедневно присутствует в людском обществе. Познание ее тайн помогает человеку не только обрести опыт существования в этом мире, но и сделать шаг в области исследования своей сущности... Очень многие так называемые болезни людей, внезапные депрессивные состояния, попытки суицида, несчастные случаи, убийства зачастую являются следствием проявления деятельности скрытых сил. Когда-то были и те, кто им активно противостоял, защищая людей на той стороне реальности. Чаша весов Добра и Зла - в руках самого человека. Все решает его эзоосмос....

Innocence Lost

Truthful Innocence

  Innocence Lost  Truthful Innocence  Innocence Lost discusses the feelings behind a new soul's introduction into society and how society has disappointed the soul. Innocence does not understand the way life rejects his honesty and sincerity but instead wishes him to conform to the society's standards. Innocence travels through the eyes of his friends Honesty, Trust, Faith, Loyalty, and Love and sees the effects of society on children, marriages, friendship, and life. Innocence continues to search as he describes himself and the treatment of his friends. To his amazement, his innocence is being lost. The stories which Innocence encounters along his journey are too graphic and too harsh at times for him to bear. Innocence turns inward for guidance. His internal guidance pushes him towards his old but true friends Honesty, Trust, Faith, Loyalty, and Love, true friends who had been forgotten but were always present. Innocence eventually learns to guide his soul back to its origin. His story is told through...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Innocence Lost discusses the feelings behind a new soul's introduction into society and how society has disappointed the soul. Innocence does not understand the way life rejects his honesty and sincerity but instead wishes him to conform to the society's standards. Innocence travels through the eyes of his friends Honesty, Trust, Faith, Loyalty, and Love and sees the effects of society on children, marriages, friendship, and life. Innocence continues to search as he describes himself and the treatment of his friends. To his amazement, his innocence is being lost. The stories which Innocence encounters along his journey are too graphic and too harsh at times for him to bear. Innocence turns inward for guidance. His internal guidance pushes him towards his old but true friends Honesty, Trust, Faith, Loyalty, and Love, true friends who had been forgotten but were always present. Innocence eventually learns to guide his soul back to its origin. His story is told through......

Old Money, New Money (Open Door)

Peter Sheridan

  Old Money, New Money (Open Door)  Peter Sheridan  The city is Dublin, the year is 1972. Redser and Pancho are two teenagers from the North Wall. Redser is top of the class, especially good at math. Pancho's knack is finding money, not adding or subtracting it. Redser's parents run the local credit union. Pancho's dad runs riot in the city pubs on pay day. The boys' worlds could not be further apart. Yet they are the best of friends. One day, on his regular paper round, Redser stumbles upon the aftermath of a crime. Two elderly sisters, 'the East Wall witches', have been burgled. But the robbers haven't taken all the money. Redser and Pancho are about to face the biggest challenge of their lives.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The city is Dublin, the year is 1972. Redser and Pancho are two teenagers from the North Wall. Redser is top of the class, especially good at math. Pancho's knack is finding money, not adding or subtracting it. Redser's parents run the local credit union. Pancho's dad runs riot in the city pubs on pay day. The boys' worlds could not be further apart. Yet they are the best of friends. One day, on his regular paper round, Redser stumbles upon the aftermath of a crime. Two elderly sisters, 'the East Wall witches', have been burgled. But the robbers haven't taken all the money. Redser and Pancho are about to face the biggest challenge of their lives....

Back (British Literature)

Henry Green

  Back (British Literature)  Henry Green  One-legged Charley Summers is finally home from the war, after several years in a German prison camp, only to find he must now deal with the death of his lover Rose. A shell-shocked romantica??slow, distant, and dreamya??he begins to have trouble telling Rose's half-sister Nancy apart from Rose herself, now buried in the village churchyard. Coping and failing to cope with the quiet realities of daily life, Charley's delusions elevate his timid courtship of a practical and unremarkable young woman into an amnesiac love story both comic and disturbing. A contemporary of Anthony Powell and Evelyn Waugh, Henry Green was one of the greatest English novelists of the twentieth century, and Back is his most haunting and personal work.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин One-legged Charley Summers is finally home from the war, after several years in a German prison camp, only to find he must now deal with the death of his lover Rose. A shell-shocked romantica??slow, distant, and dreamya??he begins to have trouble telling Rose's half-sister Nancy apart from Rose herself, now buried in the village churchyard. Coping and failing to cope with the quiet realities of daily life, Charley's delusions elevate his timid courtship of a practical and unremarkable young woman into an amnesiac love story both comic and disturbing. A contemporary of Anthony Powell and Evelyn Waugh, Henry Green was one of the greatest English novelists of the twentieth century, and Back is his most haunting and personal work....

Окружающий мир. 2 класс. Часть 1

З. А. Клепинина

  Окружающий мир. 2 класс. Часть 1  З. А. Клепинина  АСТ-Пресс Школа.   Учебник АСТ-Пресс Школа. Учебник "Окружающий мир" предназначен для учащихся 2 класса начальной школы. Основная содержательная тема учебника - "Природа". На обширном текстовом и иллюстративном материале учащиеся знакомятся с сезонными изменениями в природе, с поведением животных в разное время года, с жизнью растений. Вопросы и задания, игровые ситуации со "зверюшками" помогают закрепить полученные знания и систематизировать их. Практическая деятельность реализуется через наблюдения, моделирование, исследования, эксперименты, беседы с взрослыми, что позволяет учащимся приобрести новый опыт и применять свои знания в повседневной жизни....

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Эзоосмос. Анастасия Новых . Книги.

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