Globalisation, Competition and Growth in China (RoutledgeCurzon Studies on the Chinese Economy)

  Globalisation, Competition and Growth in China (RoutledgeCurzon Studies on the Chinese Economy)  This book explores the current state of globalization, competition and growth in China, presenting much new work and new thinking on a wide range of important issues. China has produced an economic miracle since the late 1970s in its transition from a planned to a market economy. This remarkable economic performance was brought about by an open-door policy and gradual integration with the world economy, culminating in China's admission into the World Trade Organization in 2001. Studies included in this book focus on issues such as foreign direct investment, international trade, reforms in the financial sector, the development of rural township and village enterprises, the investment strategies of multinational corporations, and economic growth.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This book explores the current state of globalization, competition and growth in China, presenting much new work and new thinking on a wide range of important issues. China has produced an economic miracle since the late 1970s in its transition from a planned to a market economy. This remarkable economic performance was brought about by an open-door policy and gradual integration with the world economy, culminating in China's admission into the World Trade Organization in 2001. Studies included in this book focus on issues such as foreign direct investment, international trade, reforms in the financial sector, the development of rural township and village enterprises, the investment strategies of multinational corporations, and economic growth....

Montana Writer Team - Graffiti at Its Best

  Montana Writer Team - Graffiti at Its Best  Publilkat.   Montana spray paint is probably the world's most known specialized graffiti spray paint. Since the year 2000 Montana supports a group of artists which they call the Montana Writer Team. All members - Atom, Cantwo, Dash, Smash 137 and Kent are internationally wellknown and respected artists in the graffiti scene; every one of them has been painting for at least 1 6 years. Since the foundation of the team, several times a year Montana organizes wall productions for these artists all over the world to do PR for the spray paint products. Meanwhile the team has been painting together in Germany, Italy, Finland, Russia, Poland, the USA, Spain, Switzerland and Denmark. For near future there are plans to go to Asia, South America and Australia. Ruedione, one of the directors of Montana and photographer for several years, has been organizing this team from the first day on. On their trips he joins the team and it was also him who started doing artist portraits of each member. Thus the...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Publilkat. Montana spray paint is probably the world's most known specialized graffiti spray paint. Since the year 2000 Montana supports a group of artists which they call the Montana Writer Team. All members - Atom, Cantwo, Dash, Smash 137 and Kent are internationally wellknown and respected artists in the graffiti scene; every one of them has been painting for at least 1 6 years. Since the foundation of the team, several times a year Montana organizes wall productions for these artists all over the world to do PR for the spray paint products. Meanwhile the team has been painting together in Germany, Italy, Finland, Russia, Poland, the USA, Spain, Switzerland and Denmark. For near future there are plans to go to Asia, South America and Australia. Ruedione, one of the directors of Montana and photographer for several years, has been organizing this team from the first day on. On their trips he joins the team and it was also him who started doing artist portraits of each member. Thus the......

Орден иезуитов. Правда и вымысел

  Орден иезуитов. Правда и вымысел  АСТ, АСТ Москва, Харвест, Мидгард.   История Ордена иезуитов, Об истории Общества Иисуса, Игнатий Лойола, Духовные упражнения, Приложения.   С момента создания Общества Иисуса - таково официальное название ордена иезуитов - отношение к нему было неоднозначным. В единое целое сливались восхищение и недоверие, признательность и зависть. На протяжении веков слово АСТ, АСТ Москва, Харвест, Мидгард. История Ордена иезуитов, Об истории Общества Иисуса, Игнатий Лойола, Духовные упражнения, Приложения. С момента создания Общества Иисуса - таково официальное название ордена иезуитов - отношение к нему было неоднозначным. В единое целое сливались восхищение и недоверие, признательность и зависть. На протяжении веков слово "иезуит" воспринималось как синоним лицемерия и фарисейства. Но устав ордена говорит о "жизни по апостольским правилам", о необходимости духовного служения и смиренных трудов на благо церкви и общества. Тому, кто же такие иезуиты на самом деле, и четырехвековой истории Общества Иисуса посвящена эта книга....

Compendium of Roman History / Res Gestae Divi Augusti

Velleius Paterculus

  Compendium of Roman History / Res Gestae Divi Augusti  Velleius Paterculus  Loeb Classical Library.   Res Gestae Divi Augusti. In his 76th year (13 CE–14) the emperor Augustus wrote a dignified account of his public life and work of which the best preserved copy (with a Greek translation) was engraved by the Galatians on the walls of the temple of Augustus at Ancyra (Ankara). It is a unique document giving short details of his public offices and honours; his benefactions to the empire, to the people, and to the soldiers; and his services as a soldier and as an administrator.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Loeb Classical Library. Res Gestae Divi Augusti. In his 76th year (13 CE–14) the emperor Augustus wrote a dignified account of his public life and work of which the best preserved copy (with a Greek translation) was engraved by the Galatians on the walls of the temple of Augustus at Ancyra (Ankara). It is a unique document giving short details of his public offices and honours; his benefactions to the empire, to the people, and to the soldiers; and his services as a soldier and as an administrator....

Нейроспид. Неврологические расстройства при ВИЧ-инфекции/СПИДе

Н. А. Яковлев, Н. М. Жулев, Т. А. Слюсарь

  Нейроспид. Неврологические расстройства при ВИЧ-инфекции/СПИДе  Н. А. Яковлев, Н. М. Жулев, Т. А. Слюсарь  Медицинское информационное агентство.   Пособие подготовлено в соответствии с утвержденной унифицированной программой последипломного обучения врачей по неврологии. Содержит необходимые практикующим врачам общие сведения об этиологии, механизмах развития, классификации, клинических проявлениях, диагностике и принципах лечения ВИЧ-инфекции/СПИДа. Наиболее обширный раздел посвящен синдромологической классификации, клинике, диагностике и лечению неврологических расстройств при этом заболевании. В приложении приведены характеристики основных антиретровирусных препаратов и варианты схем противовирусной терапии, рекомендованные к применению МЗ РФ. Предназначено для врачей-неврологов, ординаторов и интернов.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Медицинское информационное агентство. Пособие подготовлено в соответствии с утвержденной унифицированной программой последипломного обучения врачей по неврологии. Содержит необходимые практикующим врачам общие сведения об этиологии, механизмах развития, классификации, клинических проявлениях, диагностике и принципах лечения ВИЧ-инфекции/СПИДа. Наиболее обширный раздел посвящен синдромологической классификации, клинике, диагностике и лечению неврологических расстройств при этом заболевании. В приложении приведены характеристики основных антиретровирусных препаратов и варианты схем противовирусной терапии, рекомендованные к применению МЗ РФ. Предназначено для врачей-неврологов, ординаторов и интернов....

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Globalisation, Competition and Growth in China (RoutledgeCurzon Studies on the Chinese Economy). . Книги.

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