Sports Economics

Rodney D. Fort

  Sports Economics  Rodney D. Fort  This unique book applies economic theory to the business of sports. It deals mainly with professional team sports (with a section devoted to college team sports), showing how supply and demand join at the market level, and how team owners act together through their leagues (or athletic departments through the NCAA) to facilitate their market power. This book will help the reader understand the business side of sports and how it impacts the games seen at the stadium or in the arena. Topics covered in this book are: demand, supply, and sports market outcomes; the market for talent and labor relations; government and the sports business; and college sports. With amusing anecdotes and interesting stories about sports business personalities, this book is for anyone who is involved in the economic side of sports and sports management.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This unique book applies economic theory to the business of sports. It deals mainly with professional team sports (with a section devoted to college team sports), showing how supply and demand join at the market level, and how team owners act together through their leagues (or athletic departments through the NCAA) to facilitate their market power. This book will help the reader understand the business side of sports and how it impacts the games seen at the stadium or in the arena. Topics covered in this book are: demand, supply, and sports market outcomes; the market for talent and labor relations; government and the sports business; and college sports. With amusing anecdotes and interesting stories about sports business personalities, this book is for anyone who is involved in the economic side of sports and sports management....

Working Across Cultures: Applications and Exercises

Martin J. Gannon

  Working Across Cultures: Applications and Exercises  Martin J. Gannon  The 71 exercises in this book can help you provide students and trainees with the practical experience and knowledge needed to succeed in real-world situations. Drawing from over 15 years of cross-cultural training experience, the author has assembleda diverse number of engaging exercises that can be quickly implemented with minimal effort. Self-administered questionnaires, case studies, culture-focused interviews, and pro and con debates are just a few of the wide range of activities you can use to enrich the classroom.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The 71 exercises in this book can help you provide students and trainees with the practical experience and knowledge needed to succeed in real-world situations. Drawing from over 15 years of cross-cultural training experience, the author has assembleda diverse number of engaging exercises that can be quickly implemented with minimal effort. Self-administered questionnaires, case studies, culture-focused interviews, and pro and con debates are just a few of the wide range of activities you can use to enrich the classroom....

Start Your Own Import/Export Business (Entrepreneur Magazine's Start Ups)

Roger Connors, Tom Smith

  Start Your Own Import/Export Business (Entrepreneur Magazine's Start Ups)  Roger Connors, Tom Smith  Entrepreneur Press.   Turn the World Into Your Market Without Leaving Home! Importing is not just for those lone-wolf, footloose adventurer types who survive by their wits and the skin of their teeth. It's big business these days-;more than $870 billion in goods and services, according to the U.S. Department of Commerce. Exporting is just as big: In one year alone, American companies exported $349 billion in merchandise to 226 foreign countries. Everything from beverages to commodes-;and a staggering list of other products you might never think of as global merchandise-;are fair game for the savvy trader. But the import/export field is not the sole purview of the big guys. According to the U.S. Department of Commerce, large companies sell only 4 percent of all exports. The other 96 percent-;the lion's share of the business-;is wide open to the startup entrepreneur. As a top import/export agent, you can net a healthy six-figure income by matching buyers and sellers from around the globe, right from your own...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Entrepreneur Press. Turn the World Into Your Market Without Leaving Home! Importing is not just for those lone-wolf, footloose adventurer types who survive by their wits and the skin of their teeth. It's big business these days-;more than $870 billion in goods and services, according to the U.S. Department of Commerce. Exporting is just as big: In one year alone, American companies exported $349 billion in merchandise to 226 foreign countries. Everything from beverages to commodes-;and a staggering list of other products you might never think of as global merchandise-;are fair game for the savvy trader. But the import/export field is not the sole purview of the big guys. According to the U.S. Department of Commerce, large companies sell only 4 percent of all exports. The other 96 percent-;the lion's share of the business-;is wide open to the startup entrepreneur. As a top import/export agent, you can net a healthy six-figure income by matching buyers and sellers from around the globe, right from your own......

New Product Development: Managing and Forecasting for Strategic Success

Robert J. Thomas

  New Product Development: Managing and Forecasting for Strategic Success  Robert J. Thomas  Learn how to maintain a firm grasp of a project throughout its development, how to forecast with greater accuracy and how to ensure the successful launch of a product. Covers new consumer and industrial products, the latest services and technologies. Contains a slew of examples and case studies to illustrate concepts.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Learn how to maintain a firm grasp of a project throughout its development, how to forecast with greater accuracy and how to ensure the successful launch of a product. Covers new consumer and industrial products, the latest services and technologies. Contains a slew of examples and case studies to illustrate concepts....

Self-Employment: From Dream to Reality! : An Interactive Workbook for Starting Your Small Business

Linda D. Gilkerson, Theresia M. Paauwe

  Self-Employment: From Dream to Reality! : An Interactive Workbook for Starting Your Small Business  Linda D. Gilkerson, Theresia M. Paauwe  Refreshingly clear, step-by-step explanations, examples, and exercises lead readers through planning and starting a small business. A good complement to other, more complicated business start-up books; this one was used successfully in a micro-enterprisetraining program operated by the authors.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Refreshingly clear, step-by-step explanations, examples, and exercises lead readers through planning and starting a small business. A good complement to other, more complicated business start-up books; this one was used successfully in a micro-enterprisetraining program operated by the authors....

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Sports Economics. Rodney D. Fort . Книги.

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