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История государства и права зарубежных стран (Древность и Средние века) В. А. Томсинов
Зерцало-М. Настоящее учебно-методическое пособие содержит рекомендации для семинарских занятий по курсу истории государства и права зарубежных стран. Оно составлено на основе планов семинарских занятий по названной учебной дисциплине, утвержденных кафедрой истории государства и права юридического факультета МГУ им. М.В.Ломоносова. Учебно-методическое пособие предназначается для студентов и преподавателей юридических вузов....
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The Photographer's Guide to Making Money: 150 Ideas for Cutting Costs and Boosting Profits Karen Dorame
With do-it-yourself projects and inspiring and instructional images, this comprehensive resource teaches photographers the tricks of the trade for creating a thriving business without breaking the bank. Drawing on the first-hand experiences of established professionals, this reference discusses opening a photography studio from the ground up, what equipment to purchase, how to make the most of marketing, and how to streamline production efforts. The simple, numbered tips cover all the necessary skills needed to become an expert marketer, an adept accountant and financial planner, a skilled sales and customer service representative, an amateur psychologist, a manager, and a designer while learning to establish the best business in the field....
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A Princess Found: An American Family, an African Chiefdom, and the Daughter Who Connected Them All Sarah Culberson, Tracy Trivas
Sarah Culberson was adopted one year after her birth by a loving, white, West Virginian couple and was raised in the United States with little knowledge of her ancestry. Though raised in a loving family, Sarah wanted to know more about the birth parents that had given her up. In 2004, she hired a private investigator to track down her biological father. When she began her search, she never imagined what she would discover or where that information would lead her: she was related to African royalty, a ruling Mende family in Sierra Leone and that she is considered a mahaloi, the child of a Paramount Chief, with the status like a princess. What followed was an unforgettably emotional journey of discovery of herself, a father she never knew, and the spirit of a war-torn nation. A Princess Found is a powerful, intimate revelation of her quest across the world to learn of the chiefdom she could one day call her own....
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So Long for Now: A World War II Memoir
William M. Dwyer...
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Our Man in Malaya Margaret Sheenan
When the Japanese invaded Malaya during World War II it seemed that John Davis's service in the country had come to an end. But nothing could have been further from the truth. Davis switched from the Federated Malay States Police to the intelligence world, where he planned the infiltration of Chinese intelligence agents and British officers into the Malayan peninsula. Yet Davis was more than a wartime hero. A fluent Cantonese speaker, he became an iconic figure in Malaya's colonial history when during the Communist Emergency he confronted Chin Peng, leader of the Communist Party. Margaret Shennan uncovers the radical and temperamental man whose propensity to challenge the decisions of his superior officers did not always make him an easy comrade, but whose courage and determination to get the job done won him loyalty and respect. Illustrated with Davis's personal photographs, this is a story which truly deserves to be told....
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История государства и права зарубежных стран (Древность и Средние века). В. А. Томсинов . Книги.
Киселёвск, Новотроицк, Челябинск, Благовещенск, Новошахтинск, Мытищи, Саратов, Стерлитамак, Арзамас, Чита, Прокопьевск, Стерлитамак, Артём, Грозный, Йошкар-Ола, Волжский, Волгоград, Артём, Междуреченск, Балашиха, Рыбинск, Люберцы, Новотроицк, Смоленск, Батайск, Ижевск, Рыбинск, Элиста, Москва, Камышин,
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