A Thomas More Source Book

  A Thomas More Source Book  Book DescriptionThis Source Book brings together classic texts by and about Thomas More?poet, scholar, statesman, family man, educational reformer, philosopher, historian, and saint. In addition to serving as an introduction to More?s life and writings for the general reader, this collection is a helpful companion to the study of More?s literary and philosophical masterwork, Utopia, and to the study of sixteenth-century history, literature, philosophy, or politics. The writings focus upon More?s views of education, political theory, church-state relations, love and friendship, practical politics, and the vexing issues of conscience. They shed light on the distinctive Christian humanism that More expressed and embodied. Also included in this book are three famous sixteenth-century accounts of More?s life by Erasmus, Roper, and a team of London playwrights including William Shakespeare.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionThis Source Book brings together classic texts by and about Thomas More?poet, scholar, statesman, family man, educational reformer, philosopher, historian, and saint. In addition to serving as an introduction to More?s life and writings for the general reader, this collection is a helpful companion to the study of More?s literary and philosophical masterwork, Utopia, and to the study of sixteenth-century history, literature, philosophy, or politics. The writings focus upon More?s views of education, political theory, church-state relations, love and friendship, practical politics, and the vexing issues of conscience. They shed light on the distinctive Christian humanism that More expressed and embodied. Also included in this book are three famous sixteenth-century accounts of More?s life by Erasmus, Roper, and a team of London playwrights including William Shakespeare....

Blood Ritual in the Hebrew Bible: Meaning and Power

William K. Gilders

  Blood Ritual in the Hebrew Bible: Meaning and Power  William K. Gilders  The Johns Hopkins University Press.   In ancient Israelite sacrifice as represented in the Hebrew Bible, the handling and use of the blood of sacrificed animals took many forms and served different functions. The Hebrew Bible refers to tossing sacrificial blood onto an altar or an assembly of people, daubing it on the altar's horns or parts of the human body, and sprinkling it on or in front of sacred objects. William Gilders investigates the significance of these blood rituals. Offering a close reading of Leviticus 17:11, Gilders emphasizes the secondary and innovative character of this biblical text, which has often been treated as a key for understanding biblical blood ritual. Focusing on the analysis of practice, Gilders finds that blood manipulation is regularly marked as elite activity, serving as an index of social relationships and hierarchies. Blood rituals also regulate access to sacred spaces and define the limits of such spaces. Drawing on recent theoretical approaches to ritual practices, this...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The Johns Hopkins University Press. In ancient Israelite sacrifice as represented in the Hebrew Bible, the handling and use of the blood of sacrificed animals took many forms and served different functions. The Hebrew Bible refers to tossing sacrificial blood onto an altar or an assembly of people, daubing it on the altar's horns or parts of the human body, and sprinkling it on or in front of sacred objects. William Gilders investigates the significance of these blood rituals. Offering a close reading of Leviticus 17:11, Gilders emphasizes the secondary and innovative character of this biblical text, which has often been treated as a key for understanding biblical blood ritual. Focusing on the analysis of practice, Gilders finds that blood manipulation is regularly marked as elite activity, serving as an index of social relationships and hierarchies. Blood rituals also regulate access to sacred spaces and define the limits of such spaces. Drawing on recent theoretical approaches to ritual practices, this......

David Milne: An Introduction to His Life and Art

David P. Silcox

  David Milne: An Introduction to His Life and Art  David P. Silcox  Book DescriptionA richly illustrated biography of a fascinating artist. David Milne (1882-1953) experienced life as an artist in turn-of-the-century New York, as a soldier in World War I, and as a contemporary of the Group of Seven in Canada. This book traces the gifted painter's development over the course of tumultuous personal and historical events. Milne enjoyed early success, and five of his works were exhibited at the landmark Armory Show of 1913 in New York, alongside paintings by Monet, Duchamp, Matisse and Van Gogh. He was, according to America's foremost art critic, Clement Greenberg, among the three greatest artists of their generation in North America. His highly original paintings from his early career earned him critical acclaim, and at age 65 he was still considered, by curators and other artists, as Canada's most innovative artist. David Milne: An Introduction to His Life and Art is a richly illustrated book that elegantly captures the development of an...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionA richly illustrated biography of a fascinating artist. David Milne (1882-1953) experienced life as an artist in turn-of-the-century New York, as a soldier in World War I, and as a contemporary of the Group of Seven in Canada. This book traces the gifted painter's development over the course of tumultuous personal and historical events. Milne enjoyed early success, and five of his works were exhibited at the landmark Armory Show of 1913 in New York, alongside paintings by Monet, Duchamp, Matisse and Van Gogh. He was, according to America's foremost art critic, Clement Greenberg, among the three greatest artists of their generation in North America. His highly original paintings from his early career earned him critical acclaim, and at age 65 he was still considered, by curators and other artists, as Canada's most innovative artist. David Milne: An Introduction to His Life and Art is a richly illustrated book that elegantly captures the development of an......

Любовные гадания и привороты

Полина Сандр

  Любовные гадания и привороты  Полина Сандр  Олма-Пресс.   Проверено временем.   Старинные и современные гадания, любовные заговоры и привороты - мощнейший инструмент разрешения различных проблем во взаимоотношениях между людьми. Воспользовавшись приведенными в книге Полины Сандр заговорами, наговорами, приворотами и гаданиями, вы не только увеличите шансы обрести любовь своего избранника (избранницы), избавитесь от соперников и соперниц или защитите семью, но и обретете неповторимую ауру привлекательности, благодаря которой окружающие заметно улучшат свое к вам отношение, а ваша жизнь обретет новые счастливые оттенки.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Олма-Пресс. Проверено временем. Старинные и современные гадания, любовные заговоры и привороты - мощнейший инструмент разрешения различных проблем во взаимоотношениях между людьми. Воспользовавшись приведенными в книге Полины Сандр заговорами, наговорами, приворотами и гаданиями, вы не только увеличите шансы обрести любовь своего избранника (избранницы), избавитесь от соперников и соперниц или защитите семью, но и обретете неповторимую ауру привлекательности, благодаря которой окружающие заметно улучшат свое к вам отношение, а ваша жизнь обретет новые счастливые оттенки....

Консуэло. В двух книгах. Книга 1

Жорж Санд

  Консуэло. В двух книгах. Книга 1  Жорж Санд  Маариф.   Классики и современники.   Маариф. Классики и современники. "Консуэло" - один из лучших романов французской писательницы Жорж Санд. Обращаясь в нем к истории, автор стремился найти в прошлом истоки явлений современного общества; большое место в романе занимает история гуситских войн. Роман пронизан верой в творческие возможности человека, мечтой об искусстве. В первую книгу вошли главы I - LX романа....

<<<  Современный компьютер. Сборка и модернизация. Дмитрий Лаптев             Корабли. Раскраска с наклейками.  >>>

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A Thomas More Source Book. . Книги.

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