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Effective Coaching in Healthcare Practice Hadikin
Book DescriptionThe first book on coaching aimed specifically at midwives and other healthcare professionals....
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Doing Business in the Middle East : Politics and Economic Crisis in Jordan and Kuwait (Cambridge Middle East Studies) Pete W. Moore
Book DescriptionExamining relations between state authority and elite business representation in the Middle East, Pete Moore considers the examples of Kuwait and Jordan. He examines why organized business in Kuwait has been able to coordinate policy reform with state officials, while their Jordanian counterparts have generally failed, despite similar fiscal crises. Moore concludes that unleashing the private sector alone is insufficient to change current political and economic arrangements when established political infrastructures remain in place....
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The Moralisation of Tourism Jim Butcher
Book DescriptionThis work seeks to respond to some of the criticism made at tourism in recent times. It focuses on the counter position of 'new' forms of tourism--ecotourism, alternative tourism, community tourism and ethical tourism--which have been presented as morally superior alternatives to the package holiday. Using a host of international examples it examines what the advocates of 'new tourism' see as being wrong with mass tourism and looks critically at the claims made for the new alternatives....
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Applied Research in Uncertainty Modeling and Analysis (International Series in Intelligent Technologies)
Book Description Uncertainty has been a concern to engineers, managers, and scientists for many years in engineering and sciences. Uncertainty has for a long time been considered synonymous with random, stochastic, statistic, or probabilistic. Since the early sixties views on uncertainty have become more heterogeneous and more tools that model uncertainty than statistics have been proposed by several engineers and scientists. The tool/ method to model uncertainty in a specific context should really be choices by considering the features of the phenomenon under consideration not independently of what is known about the system and what causes uncertainty. Applied Research in Uncertainty Modeling Analysis concentrates on general aspects of uncertainty, modeling, and methods, and consists of large numbers of examples on engineering and sciences....
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Watercolor for the Fun of It Sketching: How to Sketch With Watercolor David R. Becker
North Light Books. This is the perfect jump start for beginners who want to tackle the watercolor medium with speed and success. It presents an easy-to-understand approach that quickly familiarizes aspiring artists with basic materials, tools and techniquesfor getting started. Illustrations, exercises and complete step-by-step demos show how to achieve fast results by creating sketches with drawing media as well as watercolor. With this easy "sketching" approach, artists will learn how to plan successful paintings using thumbnail sketches, value sketches, color sketches, sideline sketches, composition adjustments and experiments. Accessible, affordable and fun, this guide will have beginners developing their skills and on their way to creating satisfying work in no time....
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Effective Coaching in Healthcare Practice. Hadikin . Книги.
Барнаул, Березники, Рязань, Балаково, Абакан, Ленинск-Кузнецкий, Красноярск, Челябинск, Сызрань,
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