Пейте на здоровье! Лечение напитками

  Пейте на здоровье! Лечение напитками  Эксмо.   Каждый день мы пьем воду, чай, молоко, кефир, но зачастую ничего не знаем об их целебных свойствах. А ведь эти напитки способны вылечить от многих заболеваний, оздоровить организм, очистить его от шлаков, нормализовать работу многих органов и систем. О том, как используются в народной и традиционной медицине вода и минеральная вода, чай, молоко, кисломолочные продукты, а также вино, водка, пиво и квас, расскажет эта книга.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Эксмо. Каждый день мы пьем воду, чай, молоко, кефир, но зачастую ничего не знаем об их целебных свойствах. А ведь эти напитки способны вылечить от многих заболеваний, оздоровить организм, очистить его от шлаков, нормализовать работу многих органов и систем. О том, как используются в народной и традиционной медицине вода и минеральная вода, чай, молоко, кисломолочные продукты, а также вино, водка, пиво и квас, расскажет эта книга....

ПК для женщин и девушек. Краткие инструкции для новичков

Л. Гужикова

  ПК для женщин и девушек. Краткие инструкции для новичков  Л. Гужикова  Аквариум-Принт, ВЯТКА.   Компьютер для начинающих.   Данная книга предназначена для представительниц прекрасного пола, желающих поближе познакомиться с электронным другом - компьютером. Здесь приводится информация о наиболее часто используемых женщинами программах.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Аквариум-Принт, ВЯТКА. Компьютер для начинающих. Данная книга предназначена для представительниц прекрасного пола, желающих поближе познакомиться с электронным другом - компьютером. Здесь приводится информация о наиболее часто используемых женщинами программах....

Cuba Country Study Guide (World Country Study Guide

USA International Business Publications

  Cuba Country Study Guide (World Country Study Guide  USA International Business Publications  Book DescriptionThis study guide contains basic information on economy, government, business, history and geography, climate, traditions, people, places to visit. Provides information on government, political organizations, and more... Includes basic statistics, information on the most important business contacts and business travel. Updated annually.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionThis study guide contains basic information on economy, government, business, history and geography, climate, traditions, people, places to visit. Provides information on government, political organizations, and more... Includes basic statistics, information on the most important business contacts and business travel. Updated annually....

The Economics of Sport : An International Perspective

Robert Sandy

  The Economics of Sport : An International Perspective  Robert Sandy  Book Description This text, by three distinguished authors, applies the theories and techniques of economic analysis to sport and topics related to the business of sport. It builds on a basis of introductory microeconomics and continues the discussion, generally at an intermediate standard. The text has an international perspective, primarily the US, Canada, Europe and Australia, and contains relevant and entertaining case studies. The text suits both undergraduate and postgraduate students in that while it provides a clear progression of topics throughout, it also incorporates optional sections in each chapters of a higher and more challenging level.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description This text, by three distinguished authors, applies the theories and techniques of economic analysis to sport and topics related to the business of sport. It builds on a basis of introductory microeconomics and continues the discussion, generally at an intermediate standard. The text has an international perspective, primarily the US, Canada, Europe and Australia, and contains relevant and entertaining case studies. The text suits both undergraduate and postgraduate students in that while it provides a clear progression of topics throughout, it also incorporates optional sections in each chapters of a higher and more challenging level....

Clement Greenberg: A Life

Florence Rubenfeld

  Clement Greenberg: A Life  Florence Rubenfeld  Book DescriptionLove him or hate him, admire him or revile him, there is no doubt that Clement Greenberg was the most influential critic of modern art in the second half of the twentieth century. His championing of abstract expressionist painters such asJackson Pollock, Barnett Newman, and David Smith put the United States on the international art map. His support for color-field painters Morris Louis and Kenneth Noland dramatically accelerated their careers. The intellectual power of his polemical essays helped bring about the midcentury shift in which New York replaced Paris as the art capital of the Western world; his aggressive personality and fierce involvement in the New York art scene triggered a backlash so potent that one critic termed it a Book DescriptionLove him or hate him, admire him or revile him, there is no doubt that Clement Greenberg was the most influential critic of modern art in the second half of the twentieth century. His championing of abstract expressionist painters such asJackson Pollock, Barnett Newman, and David Smith put the United States on the international art map. His support for color-field painters Morris Louis and Kenneth Noland dramatically accelerated their careers. The intellectual power of his polemical essays helped bring about the midcentury shift in which New York replaced Paris as the art capital of the Western world; his aggressive personality and fierce involvement in the New York art scene triggered a backlash so potent that one critic termed it a "patricide."...

<<<  Naked Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 2004. Sherry ...             Диабетическая микроангиопатия. Б. Б. Салтыков, В. С. Пауков >>>

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