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Profits with Principles Ira Jackson, Jane Nelson
In the wake of business scandals at Enron, Arthur Andersen, Global Crossing, Tyco—the list grows daily—there is an increasing sense among employees, executives, investors, and the public that the “anything goes” culture of the New Economy is over. Today, businesses must act responsibly, transparently, and with integrity. Using in-depth case studies and examples from over 50 companies that range from Starbucks to Citigroup, General Motors to General Electric, DuPont to Dell, Ira A. Jackson, former director of the Center for Business and Government at Harvard’s Kennedy School, shows the quantifiable and enduring business advantage to “doing the right thing.” Companies that give back to their employees and society—focusing on values and purpose as well as profitability—often gain commpetitive advantage and improve their brand image, consumer loyalty, and employee satisfaction. Identifying seven principles of making......
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Nonparametric Comparative Statics and Stability Douglas Hale, George Lady, John Maybee, James Quirk
The authors, leading researchers in the fields of mathematical economics and methodology, present the first comprehensive synthesis of literature on qualitative and other nonparametric techniques, which are important elements of comparative statics and stability analysis in economic theory. The topics covered show how to assess the comparative statics and stability of economic models without a precise quantitative knowledge of all model components. Applications of the analysis range from determining refutable hypotheses from theory to auditing the solutions of large, computer-based systems. This book discusses in depth the methodology involved in a nonparametric analysis of many neoclassical economic models. Constituting a virtually self-contained manual on such analysis, it provides detailed derivation of necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of restrictive comparative statics and stability results for a range of specified models. Further, algorithms for applying......
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On the Methodology of Economics and the Formalist Revolution T. W. Hutchison, Terence Hutchison
This collection of essays examines the methodological problems confronting economists in the face of two major developments in the second half of the twentieth century. The first is the vast increase in the number and variety of writings on the methodology or 'philosophy' of economics, especially from those intensively specialising in methodology. This has led to the virtual breakdown in communication between methodologists and mainstream economists, with methodology becoming increasingly isolated from mainstream economics. The second major development has been what Benjamin Ward first called 'the formalist revolution' which he, not unjustifiably, described as 'more important than the Keynesian Revolution'. Professor Hutchison attempts to contribute to serious methodological analysis of this 'revolution' and, at the same time, suggests how communication between mainstream economists and methodologists might be improved....
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Creative Technological Change: The Shaping of Technology and Organisations (Management of Technology and Innovation) Ian McLoughlin
Creative Technological Change explores the organizational challenges posed by new technology. It draws on a wide range of thinking from organization theory, innovation studies as well as the sociology of technology....
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A Systems Approach to Small Group Interaction with "Making the Grade" CD-ROM Stewart L Tubbs
A Systems Approach to Small Group Interaction pioneered the systems approach and is the only book that integrates all important small group topics into a single comprehensive conceptual model. The text also features a unique systematic organization. Each chapter begins with a brief preview, followed by a glossary of terms, a real life case study, and then the chapter text material; next comes several experiential exercises for skill development, and finally the chapter concludes with two original readings....
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Profits with Principles. Ira Jackson, Jane Nelson . Книги.
Махачкала, Нефтеюганск, Златоуст, Новошахтинск, Камышин, Ярославль, Сургут, Балаково, Смоленск, Чита, Петропавловск-Камчатский, Южно-Сахалинск, Магнитогорск, Томск, Калининград, Петрозаводск, Мытищи, Ставрополь, Кемерово, Бийск, Сыктывкар, Орехово-Зуево, Белгород, Рубцовск, Курган, Нижневартовск,
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