Emerging Trends in Database and Knowledge Based Machines: The Application of Parallel Architectures to Smart Information Systems

Mahdi Abdelguerfi, Simon Lavington

  Emerging Trends in Database and Knowledge Based Machines: The Application of Parallel Architectures to Smart Information Systems  Mahdi Abdelguerfi, Simon Lavington  This book illustrates important ways in which new parallel hardware is being used to improve the speed and usefulness of a variety of information systems. It contains thirteen original papers that survey the latest trends in performance enhancing architectures for smart information systems. The machines featured in the text have been designed to support information systems ranging from relational databases to semantic networks and other artificial intelligence paradigms. In addition, many of the projects illustrated in the book contain generic architectural ideas that support higher-level requirements by using semantics-free hardware designs. The case studies describe add-on machines and performance-enhancing units that employ parallel hardware to speed up database operations. Other case studies show how high-performance computers support database and related software, even though some platforms were originally designed for scientific or numeric applications. The last three...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This book illustrates important ways in which new parallel hardware is being used to improve the speed and usefulness of a variety of information systems. It contains thirteen original papers that survey the latest trends in performance enhancing architectures for smart information systems. The machines featured in the text have been designed to support information systems ranging from relational databases to semantic networks and other artificial intelligence paradigms. In addition, many of the projects illustrated in the book contain generic architectural ideas that support higher-level requirements by using semantics-free hardware designs. The case studies describe add-on machines and performance-enhancing units that employ parallel hardware to speed up database operations. Other case studies show how high-performance computers support database and related software, even though some platforms were originally designed for scientific or numeric applications. The last three......

Iterative Software Engineering for Multiagent Systems: The MASSIVE Method

Jurgen Lind

  Iterative Software Engineering for Multiagent Systems: The MASSIVE Method  Jurgen Lind  Springer.   The agent metaphor and the agent-based approach to systems design constitute a promising new paradigm for building complex distributed systems. However, until now, the majority of the agent-based applications available have been built by researchers who specialize in agent-based computing and distributed artificial intelligence. If agent-based computing is to become anything more than a niche technology practiced by the few, then the base of people who can successfully apply the approach needs to be broadened dramatically. A major step in this broadening endeavor is the development of methodologies for agent-oriented software engineering accessible to and attractive for professional software engineers in their daily work. Against this background, this book presents one of the first coherent attempts to develop such a methodology for a broad class of agent-based systems. The author provides a clear introduction to the key issues in the field of agent-oriented software engineering. ...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Springer. The agent metaphor and the agent-based approach to systems design constitute a promising new paradigm for building complex distributed systems. However, until now, the majority of the agent-based applications available have been built by researchers who specialize in agent-based computing and distributed artificial intelligence. If agent-based computing is to become anything more than a niche technology practiced by the few, then the base of people who can successfully apply the approach needs to be broadened dramatically. A major step in this broadening endeavor is the development of methodologies for agent-oriented software engineering accessible to and attractive for professional software engineers in their daily work. Against this background, this book presents one of the first coherent attempts to develop such a methodology for a broad class of agent-based systems. The author provides a clear introduction to the key issues in the field of agent-oriented software engineering. ......

MCSD/MCAD Guide to Developing and Implementing Windows-Based Applications with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET

Michael Ekedahl

  MCSD/MCAD Guide to Developing and Implementing Windows-Based Applications with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET  Michael Ekedahl  Course Technology.   Designed for those familiar with Visual Basic .NET and working towards the MCSD exam, this text provides users with the ability to create programs which satisfy the demands of todays business environment.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Course Technology. Designed for those familiar with Visual Basic .NET and working towards the MCSD exam, this text provides users with the ability to create programs which satisfy the demands of todays business environment....


Григорий Кружков

  Гостья  Григорий Кружков  Время.   Поэтическая библиотека.   Григорий Кружков - поэт, переводчик и исследователь зарубежной поэзии; лауреат ряда литературных премий, в том числе Государственной премии Российской Федерации 2003 года; автор сборника литературных эссе Время. Поэтическая библиотека. Григорий Кружков - поэт, переводчик и исследователь зарубежной поэзии; лауреат ряда литературных премий, в том числе Государственной премии Российской Федерации 2003 года; автор сборника литературных эссе "Ностальгия обелисков", поэтических антологий "Лекарство от Фортуны", "Англасахаб" и др. В книгу "Гостья" вошли его избранные и новые стихи, а также некоторые переводы из английской, испанской, французской, итальянской, арабской и древне-ирландской поэзии....

Грибы. Справочник-определитель. Более 120 видов

  Грибы. Справочник-определитель. Более 120 видов  АСТ, Харвест.   В книге описаны строение, развитие и способы размножения съедобных и ядовитых грибов, приведены цветные иллюстрации.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин АСТ, Харвест. В книге описаны строение, развитие и способы размножения съедобных и ядовитых грибов, приведены цветные иллюстрации....

<<<  Software Metrics: A Rigorous and Practical Approach, Revised. Norman E. Fenton, ...             The West of Ireland: A Photographer's Journey. Carsten ... >>>

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Emerging Trends in Database and Knowledge Based Machines: The Application of Parallel Architectures to Smart Information Systems. Mahdi Abdelguerfi, Simon Lavington . Книги.

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