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Photoshop for Nature Photographers: A Workshop in a Book Ellen Anon, Tim Grey
This is the first book to teach nature photographers practical Photoshop skills that will solve their most common problems. Authors Anon and Grey provide a real-world approach that simulates a workshop experience, feature gorgeous photography, and include tips and techniques from the biggest names in nature photography....
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The KidHaven Science Library - Computers (The KidHaven Science Library) Roberta Baxter
What's inside a computer? How does information get into and out of the computer? Can faster, more powerful computers be invented? These questions and more will be answered in Computers . Learn about computers from the gigantic machines with mechanical switches to the computers of today....
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WebSphere Application Server: Step by Step (Step-by-Step series) Rama Turaga, Owen Cline, Peter Van Sickel
A complete reference to the complex and multifaceted middleware that is WebSphere Application Server—used by huge enterprises as well as small businesses—this guide covers not only installation and configuration but the critical verification and management process for ensuring successful installation and implementation. All of the different packages, from Express to Network, are addressed so that companies of all sizes will be able to successfully implement WebSphere Application Server V6. The steps involved in setting up a complete WebSphere Application Server installation are provided, and the configuration process for a highly available, workload-managed (HA/WLM), clustered environment built using the WebSphere V6 Network Deployment package is demonstrated. Also discussed are dynamic caching, security, Web service enablement, the Application Server Tool (AST) kit, and WebSphere Rapid Deployment (WRD)....
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Rural Living in France Jeremy Hobson
An important new book for anyone planning to live, work or buy a home in the French countryside. It contains comprehensive advice and information about all aspects of living in the country including buying a home and land; buying and keeping livestock; growing fruit and vegetables; equipment and plant; selling produce; hunting, fishing and other rural pursuits; a comprehensive glossary; and much, much more....
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The Costs of Crime and Justice Mark A. Cohen
Politicians and pundits frequently talk about the costs to crime and society, but few ever define their terms or clarify their statistics. So how does a society measure economic loss due to criminal activity? In The Costs of Crime and Justice , Mark Cohen presents a comprehensive view of the financial setbacks of criminal behavior. Victims of crime might incur medical costs, lost wages and property damage; while for some crimes pain, suffering and reduced quality of life suffered by victims far exceeds any physical damage. The government also incurs costs as the provider of mental health services, police, courts and prisons. Cohen argues that understanding the costs of crime can lead to important insights and policy conclusions - both in terms of criminal justice policy but also in terms of other social ills that compete with crime for government funding. This book systematically discusses the numerous methodological approaches and tallies up what is known about......
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На главную
Photoshop for Nature Photographers: A Workshop in a Book. Ellen Anon, Tim Grey . Книги.
Артём, Грозный, Люберцы, Санкт-Петербург, Тверь, Ростов-на-Дону, Кисловодск, Одинцово, Коломна, Подольск, Балашиха, Петропавловск-Камчатский, Норильск, Волгоград, Петрозаводск, Прокопьевск, Ангарск, Рязань, Черкесск, Альметьевск, Нижний Тагил, Кисловодск, Новомосковск, Камышин, Балаково, Бийск, Норильск,
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