Аварии и катастрофы кораблей

И. М. Короткин

  Аварии и катастрофы кораблей  И. М. Короткин  Судостроение.   В книге систематизированы материалы по авариям и катастрофам надводных кораблей флотов капиталистических стран, происшедших в результате пожаров и внутренних взрывов, столкновений, посадки на мель и действия штормов. Показаны мероприятия, проводимые с целью повышения живучести и безопасности кораблей. Книга предназначена для судостроителей и моряков, может быть использована студентами, представляет также интерес для широкого круга читателей.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Судостроение. В книге систематизированы материалы по авариям и катастрофам надводных кораблей флотов капиталистических стран, происшедших в результате пожаров и внутренних взрывов, столкновений, посадки на мель и действия штормов. Показаны мероприятия, проводимые с целью повышения живучести и безопасности кораблей. Книга предназначена для судостроителей и моряков, может быть использована студентами, представляет также интерес для широкого круга читателей....

Очерк истории церковно-приходской школы. От ее возникновения на Руси до настоящего времени

С. И. Миропольский

  Очерк истории церковно-приходской школы. От ее возникновения на Руси до настоящего времени  С. И. Миропольский  Православный Свято-Тихоновский гуманитарный университет.   Предлагаемая книга Сергея Иринеевича Миропольского Православный Свято-Тихоновский гуманитарный университет. Предлагаемая книга Сергея Иринеевича Миропольского "Очерк истории церковно-приходской школы. От ее возникновения на Руси до настоящего времени" является уникальной педагогической монографией. Книга посвящена рассмотрению истории возникновения и развития русской школы с XIX по XVII века. Данное монографическое исследование пронизано единой авторской концепцией о том, что принятие Россией христианского вероисповедания обусловило неповторимую специфику и своеобразие становления русской школы. Предпринятый автором анализ развития школы учитывает влияние христианства на всю русскую культуру....

Artesia Volume 3: Afire - The Third Book Of Dooms (Artesia)

Mark S. Smylie

  Artesia Volume 3: Afire - The Third Book Of Dooms (Artesia)  Mark S. Smylie  The drums and horns of war still sound through the Middle Kingdoms, though the invading Empire of Thessid-Gola has been dealt a setback. The powers at play - the High King of Therapoli, his nobles and officers, the lurking Isliklid King, his warrior-servants, and the Sultan, commander of the Empire's armies - are all maneuvering for advantage, setting snares and traps for each other, with prisoners of war become hostages held in the balance. And through this den of vipers marches Artesia, self-proclaimed Queen of Dara Dess, with magic coursing through her veins, the whispers of ghosts in her ears, and an army at her back as she confronts the temptations, limits, and consequences of power.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The drums and horns of war still sound through the Middle Kingdoms, though the invading Empire of Thessid-Gola has been dealt a setback. The powers at play - the High King of Therapoli, his nobles and officers, the lurking Isliklid King, his warrior-servants, and the Sultan, commander of the Empire's armies - are all maneuvering for advantage, setting snares and traps for each other, with prisoners of war become hostages held in the balance. And through this den of vipers marches Artesia, self-proclaimed Queen of Dara Dess, with magic coursing through her veins, the whispers of ghosts in her ears, and an army at her back as she confronts the temptations, limits, and consequences of power....

Public Policy And the Income Distribution

  Public Policy And the Income Distribution  Over the last forty years, rising national income has helped reduce poverty rates, but this has been accompanied by an increase in economic inequality. While these trends are largely attributed to technological change and demographic shifts, such as changing birth rates, labor force patterns, and immigration, public policies have also exerted a profound affect on the welfare of Americans. In Public Policy and the Income Distribution , editors Alan Auerbach, David Card, and John Quigley assemble a distinguished roster of policy analysts to confront the key questions about the role of government policy in altering the level and distribution of economic well being. Public Policy and the Income Distribution tackles many of the most difficult and intriguing questions about how government intervention ? or lack thereof ? has affected the incomes of everyday Americans. Rebecca Blank analyzes welfare reform, and presents systematic research on income, poverty rates,...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Over the last forty years, rising national income has helped reduce poverty rates, but this has been accompanied by an increase in economic inequality. While these trends are largely attributed to technological change and demographic shifts, such as changing birth rates, labor force patterns, and immigration, public policies have also exerted a profound affect on the welfare of Americans. In Public Policy and the Income Distribution , editors Alan Auerbach, David Card, and John Quigley assemble a distinguished roster of policy analysts to confront the key questions about the role of government policy in altering the level and distribution of economic well being. Public Policy and the Income Distribution tackles many of the most difficult and intriguing questions about how government intervention ? or lack thereof ? has affected the incomes of everyday Americans. Rebecca Blank analyzes welfare reform, and presents systematic research on income, poverty rates,......

Capital Intentions: Female Proprietors in San Francisco, 1850-1920 (The Luther H. Hodges Jr. and Luther H. Hodges Sr. Series on Business, Society, and the State)

Edith Sparks

  Capital Intentions: Female Proprietors in San Francisco, 1850-1920 (The Luther H. Hodges Jr. and Luther H. Hodges Sr. Series on Business, Society, and the State)  Edith Sparks  Late nineteenth-century San Francisco was an ethnically diverse but male-dominated society bustling from a rowdy gold rush, recovery from the earthquake, and explosive economic growth. Within this booming marketplace, some women stepped beyond their roles as wives, caregivers, and homemakers to start businesses that combined family concerns with money-making activities. Edith Sparks traces the experiences of these women entrepreneurs, exploring who they were, why they started businesses, how they attracted customers and managed finances, and how they dealt with failure. Using a unique sample of bankruptcy records, credit reports, advertisements, city directories, census reports, and other sources, Sparks argues that women were competitive, economic actors, strategizing how best to capitalize on their skills in the marketplace. Their boardinghouses, restaurants, saloons, beauty shops, laundries, and clothing stores dotted the city's landscape. By the early twentieth century, however,...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Late nineteenth-century San Francisco was an ethnically diverse but male-dominated society bustling from a rowdy gold rush, recovery from the earthquake, and explosive economic growth. Within this booming marketplace, some women stepped beyond their roles as wives, caregivers, and homemakers to start businesses that combined family concerns with money-making activities. Edith Sparks traces the experiences of these women entrepreneurs, exploring who they were, why they started businesses, how they attracted customers and managed finances, and how they dealt with failure. Using a unique sample of bankruptcy records, credit reports, advertisements, city directories, census reports, and other sources, Sparks argues that women were competitive, economic actors, strategizing how best to capitalize on their skills in the marketplace. Their boardinghouses, restaurants, saloons, beauty shops, laundries, and clothing stores dotted the city's landscape. By the early twentieth century, however,......

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Аварии и катастрофы кораблей. И. М. Короткин . Книги.

Улан-Удэ, Нижнекамск, Новотроицк, Новочеркасск, ВеликийНовгород, Химки, Пятигорск, Камышин,
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