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Восточный ресторан. Создание и управление Дмитрий Солдатенков
Ресторанные ведомости. Одна из последних тенденций ресторанного рынка в России - открытие ресторанов восточной кухни. В книге собрана актуальная информация, касающаяся открытия и деятельности таких заведений. Анализируя опыт уже действующих успешных восточных ресторанов, автор представляет подробный рассказ об их концепции и особенностях организации - от кухни и технологического оборудования до интерьера и сервиса....
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Making Marketing Happen : How Great Companies Make Strategic Planning Work Brian Smith
Book Description'Making Marketing Happen' is prompted by needs of practising managers who have found the traditional marketing planning texts to be "fine in theory, but hard to apply to my special market". In short, it holds that marketing planning failsfor most companies because it either does not fit their organizational culture, their market conditions or both. Successful companies do not plan. They use a hybrid strategy making process including vision, incrementalism and planning. The ratio of these three things is critical and the right ratio is unique to every company. The author develops this argument and explains how companies can construct the right hybrid strategy making process for their situation. The book has been designed for those practising managers who need more than the planning text book. It will tell you: * Why attempts at planning are foiled by the market, the company culture or both. * How effective strategists don't plan, but use......
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Hard Bargaining in Sumatra: Western Travelers and Toba Bataks in the Marketplace of Souvenirs (Southeast Asia) Andrew Causey
Book Description Hard Bargaining in Sumatra is an artfully written and penetrating examination of interactions between Western travelers and Toba Batak wood carvers in the souvenir marketplaces of Samosir Island, North Sumatra. Toba Batak carvings,ranging from simple human figures of wood to elaborately engraved water buffalo horns, are described in tourist guidebooks and by Toba Batak vendors alike as "traditional" and "antique," despite many recent changes and inventions in form. This pathbreaking work investigates how notions of place and self are constructed by the travelers and the Bataks in the context of ethnic tourism. The author proposes that these interactions be understood in light of Louis Marin's concept of utopics, suggesting that tourist venues such as hotels and marketplaces are neutral spaces where both locals and visitors can act out behaviors that would ordinarily be constrained by their respective cultures. The transformation of Toba Batak woodcarving is......
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Private Discounts, Public Subsidies: How the Medicare Prescription Drug Discount Card Really Works Joseph Antos
Book DescriptionCritics wasted no time in pronouncing the Medicare prescription drug discount card program a failure. The evidence, however, proves otherwise. The new Medicare discount card program can help millions of seniors and disabled people savemoney on their prescriptions. Prices available through Medicare-approved cards are 5?50 percent lower than prices offered by well-known discounters, including AARP, Costco, and drugstore.com. The neediest seniors stand to save even more. For them, discounts negotiated by the card sponsors are only part of the story. Low-income seniors without other drug coverage also receive a $600 taxpayer subsidy and special discounts made available by pharmaceutical manufacturers. Between June and December 2004, these beneficiaries could save between one half and three quarters of their prescription cost through this public-private partnership. Despite the potentially large savings available through Medicare discount cards, initial......
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Rick Sammon's Digital Imaging Workshops: Step-by-Step Lessons on Editing with Adobe Photoshop Elements Rick Sammon
. Rick Sammon leads us through twenty step-by-step workshops on how to edit our photographs using the most popular imaging software available. Rick Sammon's Digital Imaging Workshops picks up where his popular Complete Guide to Digital Photography leaves off. The earlier book gave us brief glimpses of the power of digital imaging. In his new book Sammon has selected twenty of the most common and effective imaging techniques that workshop participants request. Each richly illustrated workshop in the book is accompanied by Sammon's base images on the CD-ROM so that readers can follow step by step along with Sammon using the same image as portrayed in the book. This technique leads readers to develop their own ideas very rapidly. The book opens with a tour of Adobe Photoshop Elements tools and menus. For photographers who are visual learners, the book's CD-ROM also contains short movies that readers can view on their computer showing how to manipulate the most......
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Восточный ресторан. Создание и управление. Дмитрий Солдатенков . Книги.
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