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The Secret Lives of Toddlers : A Parent's Guide to the Wonderful, Terrible, Fascinating Behavior of Children Ag Jana Murphy
Book DescriptionWhy do they rub food in their hair? Why do they want to hear the same book over and over? Why do they love being naked? Between the ages of one and three, children can be delightful, affectionate, intelligent explorers of their newfound world. They can also be holy terrors. Grounded in up-to-date research, The Secret Lives of Toddlers demystifies 52 common behaviors of toddlers, while helping parents appreciate the miraculous development of their children. An entertaining, reassuring guide to toddler behavior, this book shows parents how to get through their kids' toddlerhood with affection, humor, and authority. With explanations from pediatricians, child development experts, and behavioral psychologists, parents will learn to: - Understand the world from a child's point of view - Learn which bad behaviors need intervention and which can be ignored - Cultivate good manners and reward good behavior - Reduce their own......
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A Lifelong Affair: My Passion for People and Politics Bethine C. Church
Book DescriptionThe autobiography of the widow and political partner of Frank Church, four-term U.S. senator from Idaho (1957-1981), and their joint efforts on behalf of progressive issues such as civil rights, opposition to the Vietnam War, and wilderness preservation. Besides being a tale of a political woman, A Lifelong Affair is a poignant love story....
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T'ai Chi: The "Supreme Ultimate" Exercise for Health, Sport, and Self-Defense Cheng Man-Ch'ing, Robert W. Smith
Tuttle Publishing. Book DescriptionThe Chinese secret for youthfulness, health and long life lies at least partly in T'ai Chi, the ballet-like calisthenics they've practiced for centuries. This rhythmical art stresses slow breathing, balanced and relaxed postures and absolute calmness of mind.The practice itself need take no more than ten minutes a day.This book is a complete step-by-step manual for the beginner that will enable anyone to master the sequence of thirty-seven postures that make up the T'ai Chi solo exercise....
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How to Go from Brainstorm to "Bingo!" Chick Charles
Book DescriptionThis book shows you how to harness your creative and spiritual energies to generate ideas that will change your life! The book also gives practical tips on researching, patenting and marketing your ideas. The author credits his inventingsuccess to his faith in God and belief that God wants everyone to use the creative process to help others....
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Cooling Time : An American Poetry Vigil C.D. Wright
Book Description C. D. Wright takes her title from a line of legal defense, peculiar to Texas courts, in which it is held that if a man kills before having had time "to cool" after receiving an injury or an insult he is not guilty of murder. Cooling Time is a new type of book, an unruly vigil that is an interconnected memoir-poem-essay about contemporary American poetry. Ever focused on possibilities , Wright demonstrates that "the search for models becomes a search for alternatives," and thereby defines the terms by which poets can chart their own course. These are some of the things I have touched in my life that are forbidden: paintings behind velvet ropes, electric fencing, a vault in an office, gun in a drawer, my brother's folding money, the poet's anus, the black holes in his heart-where his life went out of him . Tell me, what is the long stretch of road for if not to sort out the reasons why we are here and why we do what we do, from......
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The Secret Lives of Toddlers : A Parent's Guide to the Wonderful, Terrible, Fascinating Behavior of Children Ag. Jana Murphy . Книги.
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