Борьба с будущим

  Борьба с будущим  АСТ.   The X-Files. Секретные материалы.   Этот сериал смотрят во всем мире уже пятый год. Он вобрал в себя все страхи нашего времени, загадки и тайны, в реальности так и не получившие научного объяснения. Странную информацию получает Фокс Малдер. уже почти разуверившийся в том, что когда-нибудь отыщет АСТ. The X-Files. Секретные материалы. Этот сериал смотрят во всем мире уже пятый год. Он вобрал в себя все страхи нашего времени, загадки и тайны, в реальности так и не получившие научного объяснения. Странную информацию получает Фокс Малдер. уже почти разуверившийся в том, что когда-нибудь отыщет "истину где-то там". Возможно ли, что рядом с нами, буквально у нас на глазах люди, вступившие в союз с пришельцами, проводят генетические эксперименты, цель которых - навеки изменить человечество? Как бы гам ни было, информация нуждается в проверке... Так начинается одно из самых интересных и опасных дел "Секретных материалов"... На основе телесериала Криса Картера....

Михаил Булгаков. Собрание сочинений в 8 томах. Том 3. Белая гвардия

Михаил Булгаков

  Михаил Булгаков. Собрание сочинений в 8 томах. Том 3. Белая гвардия  Михаил Булгаков  Центрполиграф.   Михаил Булгаков. Собрание сочинений в 8 томах.   Дни Турбиных и Хлудовых, Белая гвардия, Белая гвардия (Вторая редакция), Зойкина квартира, Бег, Приложение, Белая гвардия (19-я и 20-я главы) (ранняя редакция), Дни Турбиных, Бег (Переделки по договору с МХАТом им. М. Горького от 29 апреля 1933 года), Бег (Вариант финала 1934 года), Бег (Вариант финала 1937 года), Комментарии.   В третий том Собрания сочинений Михаила Булгакова вошел роман Центрполиграф. Михаил Булгаков. Собрание сочинений в 8 томах. Дни Турбиных и Хлудовых, Белая гвардия, Белая гвардия (Вторая редакция), Зойкина квартира, Бег, Приложение, Белая гвардия (19-я и 20-я главы) (ранняя редакция), Дни Турбиных, Бег (Переделки по договору с МХАТом им. М. Горького от 29 апреля 1933 года), Бег (Вариант финала 1934 года), Бег (Вариант финала 1937 года), Комментарии. В третий том Собрания сочинений Михаила Булгакова вошел роман "Белая гвардия" и пьесы "Зойкина квартира", "Белая гвардия", "Бег" "Дни Турбиных"....

Derivatives in Financial Markets With Stochastic Volatility

Jean-Pierre Fouque, George Papanicolaou, K. Ronnie Sircar

  Derivatives in Financial Markets With Stochastic Volatility  Jean-Pierre Fouque, George Papanicolaou, K. Ronnie Sircar  This important work addresses problems in financial mathematics of pricing and hedging derivative securities in an environment of uncertain and changing market volatility. These problems are important to investors from large trading institutions to pension funds. The authors present mathematical and statistical tools that exploit the volatile nature of the market. The mathematics is introduced through examples and illustrated with simulations and the modeling approach that is described is validated and tested on market data. The material is suitable for a one-semester course for graduate students with some exposure to methods of stochastic modeling and arbitrage pricing theory in finance. The volume is easily accessible to derivatives practitioners in the financial engineering industry.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This important work addresses problems in financial mathematics of pricing and hedging derivative securities in an environment of uncertain and changing market volatility. These problems are important to investors from large trading institutions to pension funds. The authors present mathematical and statistical tools that exploit the volatile nature of the market. The mathematics is introduced through examples and illustrated with simulations and the modeling approach that is described is validated and tested on market data. The material is suitable for a one-semester course for graduate students with some exposure to methods of stochastic modeling and arbitrage pricing theory in finance. The volume is easily accessible to derivatives practitioners in the financial engineering industry....

Model Policies and Procedures for Not-for-Profit Organizations

Edward J. McMillan

  Model Policies and Procedures for Not-for-Profit Organizations  Edward J. McMillan  Adopt procedures that ensure financial accountability, eliminate misunderstandings, and protect the organization?s assets and viability Not-for-profit executives are held accountable for every aspect of their organization, from legal issues, marketing, lobbying, and editorial functions to membership operations, budgeting, and of course, finance. Yet it is impossible for any one executive to give all of these areas all of the attention they need, all of the time. The smooth operation of the organization depends on the development of clear and effective policies and procedures that both reflect the executive?s vision and allow employees to practice them successfully. Edward McMillan?s revised and expanded Model Policies and Procedures for Not-for-Profit Organizations helps executives both strengthen their organization?s financial procedures and assure board members that they are meeting fiduciary responsibilities. This latest edition of McMillan?s...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Adopt procedures that ensure financial accountability, eliminate misunderstandings, and protect the organization?s assets and viability Not-for-profit executives are held accountable for every aspect of their organization, from legal issues, marketing, lobbying, and editorial functions to membership operations, budgeting, and of course, finance. Yet it is impossible for any one executive to give all of these areas all of the attention they need, all of the time. The smooth operation of the organization depends on the development of clear and effective policies and procedures that both reflect the executive?s vision and allow employees to practice them successfully. Edward McMillan?s revised and expanded Model Policies and Procedures for Not-for-Profit Organizations helps executives both strengthen their organization?s financial procedures and assure board members that they are meeting fiduciary responsibilities. This latest edition of McMillan?s......

The Fortune Sellers : The Big Business of Buying and Selling Predictions

William A. Sherden

  The Fortune Sellers : The Big Business of Buying and Selling Predictions  William A. Sherden  "An ambitious, intelligent, and very readable guide to understanding our present and our future." —Harry Beckwith, Principal, Beckwith Advertising and Marketing and author of Selling the Invisible No one can foretell the future. Or can they? There are many who purport to —and they are making a fortune. From meteorologists who give us our daily weather forecasts to investment advisers who project tomorrow's hottest stock, these and numerous other prognosticating professionals are part ofa multibillion-dollar industry that's growing every day. No longer merely fortunetellers, they are fortune sellers, offering us a commodity we're more than eager to buy: the future. In this piercing and provocative expose, William Sherden, a seasoned consultant and expert on business forecasting, casts an unblinking eye on the booming business of predicting the future, from its major players to the ultimate validity and value of the information they proffer. Debunking false......

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