Кипр. Путеводитель с мини-разговорником

Ральф Р. Браун

  Кипр. Путеводитель с мини-разговорником  Ральф Р. Браун  Аякс-пресс.   Аякс-пресс. "Рожденная из пены морской", воспетая Гомером, Афродита впервые ступила на землю, населенную людьми, именно на побережье Кипра. Богиня любви и красоты знала, что лучшего места для своего появления на свет ей не найти. Здесь ласковые волны бирюзового моря омывают песчаные берега, почти круглый год солнце светит, не прячась за тучи, а покой охраняют мощные утесы и скалистые горы, поросшие густым лесом. Мы ничего не знаем о первых встречах Афродиты с людьми, но они были, должно быть, вполне добросердечными. Ведь гостеприимство на Кипре считается священным долгом, и первое, что гости острова хорошо усваивают, - это приглашение: "Kopiaste!", что переводится примерно так: "Входите, пожалуйста!" А найти повод труда не составит: это может быть и свадьба, и крестины, и просто пикник по случаю хорошей погоды. Но уж если пить, так пить, есть так есть, танцевать так танцевать, петь так петь, и люди быстро забывают, что они в гостях. Формат: 12 см x 19,5 см....

Traditional Chinese Medicine Cupping Therapy

Ilkay Z. Chirali

  Traditional Chinese Medicine Cupping Therapy  Ilkay Z. Chirali  Churchill Livingstone.   This new edition explores and describes techniques of cupping in the context of TCM theory. It provides a clear and detailed set of practical guidelines to applying this technique for various common conditions, and looks closely at issues of safety, expectation and theoretical principles of action. This new edition includes new scientific research on cupping therapy and the effect on the immune system as well as new material on muscular pain, stress management and cupping therapy and sports medicine. A DVD complements the text with video clips showing the eleven methods of cupping therapy. DVD containing 12 video clips showing the use of cupping in practice. Unique scienfitic research on cupping therapy and the effect on the immune system.LI>16 page colour plate section containing 63 halftones. New page layout including new features. Thoroughly revised and updated throughout with more details allocated to individual treatment and methods.LI>...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Churchill Livingstone. This new edition explores and describes techniques of cupping in the context of TCM theory. It provides a clear and detailed set of practical guidelines to applying this technique for various common conditions, and looks closely at issues of safety, expectation and theoretical principles of action. This new edition includes new scientific research on cupping therapy and the effect on the immune system as well as new material on muscular pain, stress management and cupping therapy and sports medicine. A DVD complements the text with video clips showing the eleven methods of cupping therapy. DVD containing 12 video clips showing the use of cupping in practice. Unique scienfitic research on cupping therapy and the effect on the immune system.LI>16 page colour plate section containing 63 halftones. New page layout including new features. Thoroughly revised and updated throughout with more details allocated to individual treatment and methods.LI>......

A Woman After God's Own HeartA-A Daily Devotional

Elizabeth George

  A Woman After God's Own HeartA-A Daily Devotional  Elizabeth George  Harvest House Publishers.   Elizabeth draws on wisdom from her bestselling books (more than 4 million sold) and popular Harvest House Publishers. Elizabeth draws on wisdom from her bestselling books (more than 4 million sold) and popular "Woman After God's Own Heart" radio spots and podcasts to provide 365 dynamic devotions in a beautiful, pocket-size, padded cover format. With insight and "I've been there too" openness, Elizabeth shares practical ideas to help busy women get the most out of life. They're encouraged to... jumpstart their day through God's Word and prayer; trust the Lord in every circumstance; enjoy a daily harvest of the fruit of the Spirit; experience the joy of serving God and others; make every day count by setting and meeting goals; love their families and model Christlikeness; use their influence to motivate others. As readers focus on God's truth and power, they'll be uplifted and energized. Every woman needs to know God loves them, provides for them, and is always available to them!...

Framing ADHD Children: A Critical Examination of the History, Discourse, and Everyday Experience of Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder

Adam Rafalovich

  Framing ADHD Children: A Critical Examination of the History, Discourse, and Everyday Experience of Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder  Adam Rafalovich  Lexington Books.   An in depth study of how adults and children negotiate the meaning of ADHD within the contexts of the home, school, and clinic. Adam Rafalovich's book provides historical perspectives of ADHD alongside the everyday accounts of ADHD from parents, teachers, clinicians, and ADHD children.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Lexington Books. An in depth study of how adults and children negotiate the meaning of ADHD within the contexts of the home, school, and clinic. Adam Rafalovich's book provides historical perspectives of ADHD alongside the everyday accounts of ADHD from parents, teachers, clinicians, and ADHD children....

Struggling with History: Islam and Cosmopolitanism in the Western Indian Ocean

  Struggling with History: Islam and Cosmopolitanism in the Western Indian Ocean  Columbia University Press.   Columbia University Press. "Struggling with History" compares anthropological and historical approaches to the study of the Indian Ocean by focusing on the conflicted nature of cosmopolitanism. Essays contribute to current debates on the nature of cosmopolitanism, the comparative study of Muslim societies, and the examination of colonial and postcolonial contexts. Few books combine a comparable level of interdisciplinary scholarship and regional ethnographic expertise....

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Кипр. Путеводитель с мини-разговорником. Ральф Р. Браун . Книги.

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