The Dragon Snatcher

M.P. Robertson

  The Dragon Snatcher  M.P. Robertson  Book DescriptionOne night while reading in bed, George hears a familiar noise outside. His dragon has come for his help, but this time they face a daunting foe?an ice wizard who is stealing dragon eggs and keeping them locked up in his frozen castle. Luckily George knows how to outwit even a powerful wizard, although things don?t turn out quite the way he expects. In this companion to picture book favorites The Egg and The Great Dragon Rescue, George embarks on a spine-tingling, surprising adventure that will thrill children?especially those too young for a certain other wizard! M. P. Robertson lives in England.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionOne night while reading in bed, George hears a familiar noise outside. His dragon has come for his help, but this time they face a daunting foe?an ice wizard who is stealing dragon eggs and keeping them locked up in his frozen castle. Luckily George knows how to outwit even a powerful wizard, although things don?t turn out quite the way he expects. In this companion to picture book favorites The Egg and The Great Dragon Rescue, George embarks on a spine-tingling, surprising adventure that will thrill children?especially those too young for a certain other wizard! M. P. Robertson lives in England....

Black Directors in Hollywood

Melvin Donalson

  Black Directors in Hollywood  Melvin Donalson  Book DescriptionHollywood film directors are some of the world's most powerful storytellers, shaping the fantasies and aspirations of people around the globe. Since the 1960s, African Americans have increasingly joined their ranks, bringing fresh insights to movie characterizations, plots, and themes and depicting areas of African American culture that were previously absent from mainstream films. Today, black directors are making films in all popular genres, while inventing new ones to speak directly from and to the black experience. This book offers a first comprehensive look at the work of black directors in Hollywood, from pioneers such as Gordon Parks, Melvin Van Peebles, and Ossie Davis to current talents including Spike Lee, John Singleton, Kasi Lemmons, and Carl Franklin. Discussing 67 individuals and over 135 films, Melvin Donalson thoroughly explores how black directors' storytelling skills and film techniques have widened both the thematic focus and visual style of...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionHollywood film directors are some of the world's most powerful storytellers, shaping the fantasies and aspirations of people around the globe. Since the 1960s, African Americans have increasingly joined their ranks, bringing fresh insights to movie characterizations, plots, and themes and depicting areas of African American culture that were previously absent from mainstream films. Today, black directors are making films in all popular genres, while inventing new ones to speak directly from and to the black experience. This book offers a first comprehensive look at the work of black directors in Hollywood, from pioneers such as Gordon Parks, Melvin Van Peebles, and Ossie Davis to current talents including Spike Lee, John Singleton, Kasi Lemmons, and Carl Franklin. Discussing 67 individuals and over 135 films, Melvin Donalson thoroughly explores how black directors' storytelling skills and film techniques have widened both the thematic focus and visual style of......

The White Mountains

John Christopher

  The White Mountains  John Christopher  Book Description 35th Anniversary Editon with new Text and a New Preface by the Author! Long ago, the Tripods -- huge, three-legged machines -- descended upon Earth and took control. Now people unquestioninglyaccept the Tripods' power. They have no control over their thoughts or their lives. But for a brief time in each persson's life -- in childhood -- he is not a slave. For Will his time of freedom is about to end -- unless he can escape to the White Mountains, where the possibility of freedom still exists.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description 35th Anniversary Editon with new Text and a New Preface by the Author! Long ago, the Tripods -- huge, three-legged machines -- descended upon Earth and took control. Now people unquestioninglyaccept the Tripods' power. They have no control over their thoughts or their lives. But for a brief time in each persson's life -- in childhood -- he is not a slave. For Will his time of freedom is about to end -- unless he can escape to the White Mountains, where the possibility of freedom still exists....

Макроэкономика. Конспект лекций

Е. А. Киселева

  Макроэкономика. Конспект лекций  Е. А. Киселева  Эксмо.   Полный курс за три дня.   Учебное пособие подготовлено в соответствии с требованиями Государственного образовательного стандарта и имеет целью познакомить читателя с основами макроэкономической теории - понятиями общего экономического равновесия, платежного баланса, инфляции, безработицы и многими другими. Компактная подача и доступное изложение материала делают эту книгу незаменимой для студентов вузов, позволяют им сэкономить время и максимально быстро и качественно подготовиться к семинарам, зачетам и экзаменам по данному предмету. Для студентов экономических вузов и факультетов и всех интересующихся проблемами макроэкономики.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Эксмо. Полный курс за три дня. Учебное пособие подготовлено в соответствии с требованиями Государственного образовательного стандарта и имеет целью познакомить читателя с основами макроэкономической теории - понятиями общего экономического равновесия, платежного баланса, инфляции, безработицы и многими другими. Компактная подача и доступное изложение материала делают эту книгу незаменимой для студентов вузов, позволяют им сэкономить время и максимально быстро и качественно подготовиться к семинарам, зачетам и экзаменам по данному предмету. Для студентов экономических вузов и факультетов и всех интересующихся проблемами макроэкономики....

Русская сатирическая сказка

  Русская сатирическая сказка  Художественная литература. Ленинградское отделение.   В книгу входят различные по сюжетам русские сатирические сказки - антипоповские, фантастические, бывальщины, сказки о ловком победителе, глупцах, чертях и другие.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Художественная литература. Ленинградское отделение. В книгу входят различные по сюжетам русские сатирические сказки - антипоповские, фантастические, бывальщины, сказки о ловком победителе, глупцах, чертях и другие....

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The Dragon Snatcher. M.P. Robertson . Книги.

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