Leadership Communication (Titles in Business Communication)

Deborah Barrett

  Leadership Communication (Titles in Business Communication)  Deborah Barrett  Book DescriptionLeadership Communication is a text to guide current and potential leaders in developing the communication capabilities needed to lead organizations effectively. It brings together managerial communication and concepts of emotional intelligence to create a new model of communication skills and strategies for corporate leaders. It begins with chapters on the core communication skills of developing strategy, analyzing an audience, writing all types of business documents and correspondence, and designing and delivering effective PowerPoint presentations - all from a leadership perspective. Then, it takes students through chapters on emotional intelligence, cultural literacy, meeting management, and team leadership, before concluding with chapters on internal and external organizational communication.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionLeadership Communication is a text to guide current and potential leaders in developing the communication capabilities needed to lead organizations effectively. It brings together managerial communication and concepts of emotional intelligence to create a new model of communication skills and strategies for corporate leaders. It begins with chapters on the core communication skills of developing strategy, analyzing an audience, writing all types of business documents and correspondence, and designing and delivering effective PowerPoint presentations - all from a leadership perspective. Then, it takes students through chapters on emotional intelligence, cultural literacy, meeting management, and team leadership, before concluding with chapters on internal and external organizational communication....

Adventure Capital : A Cautionary Tale of the Venture Capital Circus and the Clowns That Run It

Karl Capita

  Adventure Capital : A Cautionary Tale of the Venture Capital Circus and the Clowns That Run It  Karl Capita  Book DescriptionDid you watch in horror as the stock market collapsed and the ?dot-com bubble? burst, wiping out an old-age nest-egg, college fund, or early-retirement plan? Who caused this disaster? Adventure Capital points the finger at Venture Capitalists and tells you why your money still isn?t safe. Through a personal tale of one startup?s rise and fall on the backs of scheming venture capitalists, Adventure Capital highlights the worst excesses of the VC industry in a series of diary-entries of an entrepreneur swept up in the exuberance of Silicon Valley technology companies. A must-read for entrepreneurs starting a business, venture capitalists wanting insight on the worst of their kind, or anyone who thinks their money is safe now the bubble has burst. Download DescriptionDid you watch in horror as the stock market collapsed and the 'dot-com bubble Book DescriptionDid you watch in horror as the stock market collapsed and the ?dot-com bubble? burst, wiping out an old-age nest-egg, college fund, or early-retirement plan? Who caused this disaster? Adventure Capital points the finger at Venture Capitalists and tells you why your money still isn?t safe. Through a personal tale of one startup?s rise and fall on the backs of scheming venture capitalists, Adventure Capital highlights the worst excesses of the VC industry in a series of diary-entries of an entrepreneur swept up in the exuberance of Silicon Valley technology companies. A must-read for entrepreneurs starting a business, venture capitalists wanting insight on the worst of their kind, or anyone who thinks their money is safe now the bubble has burst. Download DescriptionDid you watch in horror as the stock market collapsed and the 'dot-com bubble" burst, wiping out an old-age nest-egg, college fund, or early-retirement......

An Introduction To Auction Theory

Flavio M. Menezes

  An Introduction To Auction Theory  Flavio M. Menezes  Book DescriptionThis step-by-step, self-contained introduction to the theory of auctions allows students and readers with a calculus background to work through all the basic results in auction theory. Readers will work through the basic independent-private-model, understand the effects of introducing correlation in valuations on equilibrium behaviour and the seller's expected revenue, develop a working knowledge of mechanism design, and be introduced to the theory of multi-object auctions.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionThis step-by-step, self-contained introduction to the theory of auctions allows students and readers with a calculus background to work through all the basic results in auction theory. Readers will work through the basic independent-private-model, understand the effects of introducing correlation in valuations on equilibrium behaviour and the seller's expected revenue, develop a working knowledge of mechanism design, and be introduced to the theory of multi-object auctions....

How to Open a Financially Successful Specialty Retail & Gourmet Foods Shop

Sharon Fullen

  How to Open a Financially Successful Specialty Retail & Gourmet Foods Shop  Sharon Fullen  Book DescriptionThe $20 billion gourmet market is nearly recession-proof. In fact, experts indicate that gourmet products actually do better in uncertain times like these as consumers seek out affordable luxuries. If you plan to open a specialty retail store, or perhaps a small store inside an existing retail space then this book is a must Although gourmet foods command a price double and up to ten times higher than that of grocery store brands, there are those consumers that are content and look to pay a premium price for premium items. This book shows how, with minimal effort and a small investment compared to other food businesses, how you can start your own specialty retail store and be highly profitable! This is the A-to-Z guide to making it in your own store. Learn the expert tips, tricks, and a vast gold mine of crucial how-to information you just can't find anywhere else. This is a perfect book for entrepreneurs, schools, colleges and technical training centers. This...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionThe $20 billion gourmet market is nearly recession-proof. In fact, experts indicate that gourmet products actually do better in uncertain times like these as consumers seek out affordable luxuries. If you plan to open a specialty retail store, or perhaps a small store inside an existing retail space then this book is a must Although gourmet foods command a price double and up to ten times higher than that of grocery store brands, there are those consumers that are content and look to pay a premium price for premium items. This book shows how, with minimal effort and a small investment compared to other food businesses, how you can start your own specialty retail store and be highly profitable! This is the A-to-Z guide to making it in your own store. Learn the expert tips, tricks, and a vast gold mine of crucial how-to information you just can't find anywhere else. This is a perfect book for entrepreneurs, schools, colleges and technical training centers. This......

The Bermuda Triangle of Business Procurement : How to exploit dormant potentials

Gerd Kerkhoff

  The Bermuda Triangle of Business Procurement : How to exploit dormant potentials  Gerd Kerkhoff  Book DescriptionDevelop the ideal procurement strategy and learn which additional returns can be achieved with a motivated and highly qualified procurement team in this easily comprehensible book. For most entrepreneurs and top managers, procurement is not one of the management tasks with the highest priority. This is a mistake as there is much potential for saving and optimization. The reason for this error is obvious -- very few managers have stopped off at procurement on their way to the top. Using impressive examples, Gerd Kerkhoff educates you about this important topic. He shows how your company can test the efficacy of its relationships to suppliers with often astounding results -- savings of over 10 percent! Order your copy today.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionDevelop the ideal procurement strategy and learn which additional returns can be achieved with a motivated and highly qualified procurement team in this easily comprehensible book. For most entrepreneurs and top managers, procurement is not one of the management tasks with the highest priority. This is a mistake as there is much potential for saving and optimization. The reason for this error is obvious -- very few managers have stopped off at procurement on their way to the top. Using impressive examples, Gerd Kerkhoff educates you about this important topic. He shows how your company can test the efficacy of its relationships to suppliers with often astounding results -- savings of over 10 percent! Order your copy today....

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Leadership Communication (Titles in Business Communication). Deborah Barrett . Книги.

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