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How Not to Date Judy McGuire
Sasquatch Books. Columnist Judy McGuire has advised and entertained singles with her irreverent "Ask DateGirl" column since 2000. She's heard it all, and here she tells it all - from the bland to the terrifying - along with sage advice on how to short-circuit any Date from Hell. Printed in a handy gift format, "How Not to Date" is organized into four sections, a series of gradually worse-off situations compiled from readers over the years. "Worried Grimace" features not ideal dates but nothing to freak out over. "One Eyebrow Raised" contains stories of dates with red flags. "Both Eyebrows Furrowed in Horror" collects true nightmare tales. Finally, "Abandon Hope All Ye Who Enter Here" showcases the worst of the worst. For each nightmare situation, Judy advises what to do, and how to escape the especially frightful and potentially dangerous ones. In addition, she forecasts what the future could be like if the date is given "just one more" chance....
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Handbook of Compounds of Antiprotozoal Activity Isolated from Plants Rosa Martha Perez Gutierrez
Nova Science Publishers. This book presents 616 compounds isolated and identified from plants that present antioxidant activity. These substances have been classified by chemical groups and each provides the most relevant information of its pharmacological activity, action mechanism, chemical structure, spectroscopic date and other properties. Chemical structures have been drawn to indicate the stereochemistry. In this handbook a summary of the scientific information of plants that present biological activity and the compounds responsible for this activity is presented, which introduces the reader to the study of medicinal plants and also provides bibliographic references, where a detailed study of its chemistry and pharmacology can be found. This dictionary will be of great help for pre and post-graduate students, as well as professors, research in the medical industry, and those who work in some way with isolated bioactive compounds obtained from plants....
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The Art of the Band T-shirt Amber Easby & Henry Oliver
Simon Spotlight Entertainment. Once, T-shirts were just unadorned undergarments. But with the evolution of screen printing and the birth of band merchandising, T-shirts became so much cooler. Now every band with an ounce of savvy knows the importance of T-shirts not only as a lucrative sideline but also as a means of self-promotion and a way for fans to show their allegiance. "The Art of the Band T-shirt" is a visual history of that perennial fashion statement, complete with nearly two hundred images of the most important, influential, iconic, and ironic T-shirts. It includes shirt images from artists as diverse as Led Zeppelin, the Ramones, Madonna, Morrissey, Public Enemy, and the Flaming Lips, each with a caption that includes historical background, little-known facts, or an artist's comments about the design. A fascinating, beautifully illustrated archive for hipsters, fashionistas, serious collectors, and all music fans, "The Art of the Band T-shirt" is as indispensable and classically cool as the......
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Онкоэндокринология Л. М. Берштейн
Наука. Монография посвящена анализу ключевых проблем современной эндокринологии онкологических заболеваний и представляет собой критическое обобщение сведений, содержащихся в литературе, и результатов работы коллектива, возглавляемого автором и имеющего многолетние научные традиции. В основных разделах книги рассмотрены гормонассоциированные факторы онкологического риска и антириска; современная концепция о механизмах гормонального канцерогенеза и феномен переключения эстрогенного эффекта; вопрос о новообразованиях гормонозависимых тканей как компонент основных неинфекционных заболеваний человека и о характере связей между этими патологическими состояниями; проблемы гормональной диагностики, гормонотерапии и антигормональной профилактики опухолей; природа их гормоночувствительности и способность к локальной продукции гормонов; сходство и различие между наиболее частыми гормонозависимыми и гормонсекретирующими новообразованиями. Обсуждаются перспективы дальнейшего развития этой важной......
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