George Tooker

Robert Cozzolino, Marshall N. Price, M. Melissa Wolfe

  George Tooker  Robert Cozzolino, Marshall N. Price, M. Melissa Wolfe  One of America?s pre-eminent painters, George Tooker (born 1920) is known for his haunting works that evoke the alienation and anonymity of urban life. Working in egg tempera, a Renaissance medium that produces a luminous quality yet requires meticulous application, Tooker first came to prominence as part of the post-war Magic Realist movement, creating surrealistic visions that captured the uncertainty of the Cold War era. Often compared with Hopper and Wyeth, Tooker continues to examine modern life with his disquieting imagery. This beautifully produced book, published to coincide with the first major retrospective in 30 years, features superb reproductions of Tooker?s timeless paintings, and includes essays offering new perspectives on his passion for composition, his spirituality and his exploration of identity.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин One of America?s pre-eminent painters, George Tooker (born 1920) is known for his haunting works that evoke the alienation and anonymity of urban life. Working in egg tempera, a Renaissance medium that produces a luminous quality yet requires meticulous application, Tooker first came to prominence as part of the post-war Magic Realist movement, creating surrealistic visions that captured the uncertainty of the Cold War era. Often compared with Hopper and Wyeth, Tooker continues to examine modern life with his disquieting imagery. This beautifully produced book, published to coincide with the first major retrospective in 30 years, features superb reproductions of Tooker?s timeless paintings, and includes essays offering new perspectives on his passion for composition, his spirituality and his exploration of identity....

Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Methods in Finance, Volume 15: Special Volume (Handbook of Numerical Analysis)

Philippe G. Ciarlet

  Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Methods in Finance, Volume 15: Special Volume (Handbook of Numerical Analysis)  Philippe G. Ciarlet  Mathematical Finance is a prolific scientific domain in which there exists a particular characteristic of developing both advanced theories and practical techniques simultaneously. Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Methods in Finance addresses the three most importants aspects in the field: mathematical models, computational methods, and applications and provides a solid overview of major new ideas and results in the three domains. . Coverage of all aspects of quantitative finance including models, computational methods and applications . Provides an overview of new ideas and results . Contributors are leaders of the field  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Mathematical Finance is a prolific scientific domain in which there exists a particular characteristic of developing both advanced theories and practical techniques simultaneously. Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Methods in Finance addresses the three most importants aspects in the field: mathematical models, computational methods, and applications and provides a solid overview of major new ideas and results in the three domains. . Coverage of all aspects of quantitative finance including models, computational methods and applications . Provides an overview of new ideas and results . Contributors are leaders of the field...

Essentials of Business Communication (with Printed Access Card)

Mary Ellen Guffey

  Essentials of Business Communication (with Printed Access Card)  Mary Ellen Guffey  This cost-effective textbook/workbook/handbook presents a streamlined approach to business communication that includes comprehensive Web resources and unparalleled author support for instructors and students. ESSENTIALS provides a four-in-one learning package: (1) authoritative text, (2) practical workbook, (3) self-teaching grammar/mechanics handbook, and (4) premium Web site ( Especially effective for students with outdated or inadequate language skills, ESSENTIALS offers extraordinary digital and printed exercises to help students build confidence as they review grammar, punctuation, and writing guidelines. Textbook chapters teach basic writing skills and then apply these skills to a variety of e-mails, memos, letters, reports, and resumes. Realistic model documents and structured writing assignments build lasting workplace skills. The Eighth Edition of this award-winning favorite features increased coverage of professionalism, employment communication, and...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This cost-effective textbook/workbook/handbook presents a streamlined approach to business communication that includes comprehensive Web resources and unparalleled author support for instructors and students. ESSENTIALS provides a four-in-one learning package: (1) authoritative text, (2) practical workbook, (3) self-teaching grammar/mechanics handbook, and (4) premium Web site ( Especially effective for students with outdated or inadequate language skills, ESSENTIALS offers extraordinary digital and printed exercises to help students build confidence as they review grammar, punctuation, and writing guidelines. Textbook chapters teach basic writing skills and then apply these skills to a variety of e-mails, memos, letters, reports, and resumes. Realistic model documents and structured writing assignments build lasting workplace skills. The Eighth Edition of this award-winning favorite features increased coverage of professionalism, employment communication, and......

Будь лучшим! Разумный способ привести в порядок ваше здоровье, тело и сознание

Дэвид Морган

  Будь лучшим! Разумный способ привести в порядок ваше здоровье, тело и сознание  Дэвид Морган  Эксмо.   Библиотека Men's Health.   Пятикратный чемпион Игр Содружества Наций по тяжелой атлетике Дэвид Морган навеки вписал свое имя в историю спорта. Дэвид трижды успешно участвовал в Олимпийских играх и до сих пор продолжает соревноваться - завоевал титул в категории Эксмо. Библиотека Men's Health. Пятикратный чемпион Игр Содружества Наций по тяжелой атлетике Дэвид Морган навеки вписал свое имя в историю спорта. Дэвид трижды успешно участвовал в Олимпийских играх и до сих пор продолжает соревноваться - завоевал титул в категории "ветераны", побив пять мировых рекордов. Удивительно, но, совершив столько побед, Морган остался совершенно здоровым человеком. Кому, как не ему, сохраняющему отличную форму на протяжении многих лет, судить о тренировках, питании и мотивации современных атлетов?...

Таиланд. Обычаи и этикет

Дерек Тонкин, Вишну Конгшири

  Таиланд. Обычаи и этикет  Дерек Тонкин, Вишну Конгшири  АСТ, Астрель.   Краткий путеводитель.   Почему Таиланд стал таким притягательным местом для туристов? Конечно, дело в жарком климате и в экзотике, в тайской кухне, причудливо соединившей элементы кухонь Индии, Китая и Малайзии. Но большее значение имеет, пожалуй, то, что, лишенные расовых и религиозных предрассудков, тайцы приветствуют иностранных гостей как равных. Вы найдете радостным общение с ними. А когда речь заходит о развлечениях, тайцы могут быть не только гостеприимны, но даже расточительны. При этом от вас не потребуют ответного хода. Но прежде чем шагнуть на гостеприимную АСТ, Астрель. Краткий путеводитель. Почему Таиланд стал таким притягательным местом для туристов? Конечно, дело в жарком климате и в экзотике, в тайской кухне, причудливо соединившей элементы кухонь Индии, Китая и Малайзии. Но большее значение имеет, пожалуй, то, что, лишенные расовых и религиозных предрассудков, тайцы приветствуют иностранных гостей как равных. Вы найдете радостным общение с ними. А когда речь заходит о развлечениях, тайцы могут быть не только гостеприимны, но даже расточительны. При этом от вас не потребуют ответного хода. Но прежде чем шагнуть на гостеприимную "землю свободных", вы должны узнать кое-что о кодексе поведения в тайском обществе....

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George Tooker. Robert Cozzolino, Marshall N. Price, M. Melissa Wolfe . Книги.

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