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Individual Differences and Personality Michael C. Ashton
Academic Press. A contemporary approach to the study of individual differences....
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Chemical Signals in Vertebrates 11
Springer. This volume presents the proceedings of "Chemical Signals in Vertebrates 11", hosted by the University of Liverpool and held July 25 - 28, 2006 at the University of Chester in the United Kingdom. Chemical Signals in Vertebrates 11 contains the latest research on chemical communication relevant to vertebrates, particularly focusing on new research since the last meeting in 2003. Topics covered include chemical ecology, biochemistry, behavior and neurobiology of both the main olfactory and vomeronasal systems of vertebrates, from amphibia to mammals including humans. A broad range of taxonomic groups and topics are discussed, including sections on new directions in semiochemistry, olfactory response and function, recognition within species, sexual communication, maternal-offspring communication, communication between species, and applications for zoo animal enrichment and pest control. The volume is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Bets Rasmussen and includes a special tribute chapter on......
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Hiperactivo, Impulsivo, Distraido Me conoces?, Segunda edicion: Guia acerca del deficit atencional para padres, maestros y profesionales
Jose J. Bauermeister...
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Working With Adult Abuse: A Training Manual for People Working With Vulnerable Adults (Jkp Resource Materials)
Jacki Pritchard...
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The Dictionary of Love John Stark, Will Hopkins, Mary K. Baumann
Avon A. In its more than three hundred pages, "The Dictionary of Love" gets to the heart of the matter: To rusticate is to get out of town with one's lover. A ballabust is a controlling wife or girlfriend. Bob Hope had the longest Hollywood marriage. Kinkalicious is your girlfriend in a teddy. Tahiti is an island where lovers do the 'upa'upa. From "afterglow" to "zipper," "Ikea" to "Twister," "The Dictionary of Love" is chockablock with everything you ever wanted to know about love but couldn't find in your Funk & Wagnalls. The book draws from all areas of life: love songs, poems, history, law books, sex manuals, medical and psychology texts, folklore, modern science, cookbooks, classical literature, Internet dating sites, TV shows, and today's slang. What famous people best define love? According to "The Dictionary of Love", they include Johnny Depp, Angelina Jolie, Bill Clinton, Casanova, Lana Turner, Nefertiti, Zsa Zsa Gabor, Don Quixote,......
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Individual Differences and Personality. Michael C. Ashton . Книги.
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