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Famine in North Korea: Markets, Aid, and Reform Stephan Haggard, Marcus Noland
In the mid-1990s, as many as one million North Koreans died in one of the worst famines of the twentieth century. The socialist food distribution system collapsed primarily because of a misguided push for self-reliance, but was compounded by the regime's failure to formulate a quick response-including the blocking of desperately needed humanitarian relief. As households, enterprises, local party organs, and military units tried to cope with the economic collapse, a grassroots process of marketization took root. However, rather than embracing these changes, the North Korean regime opted for tentative economic reforms with ambiguous benefits and a self-destructive foreign policy. As a result, a chronic food shortage continues to plague North Korea today. In their carefully researched book, Stephan Haggard and Marcus Noland present the most comprehensive and penetrating account of the famine to date, examining not only the origins and aftermath of the crisis but also the......
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Живописный Карамзин, или Русская история в картинах
Пан пресс. В первой половине XIX века петербургский издатель А.Прево выступил с инициативой выпуска "Истории государства Российского" Н.М.Карамзина в живописных картинах, которые по его предложению были созданы художником Г.Чориковым, а составителем текста стал В.М.Строев. Изданный в 1830-1840-х годах "Живописный Карамзин" вскоре получил широкую популярность не только у юных читателей, но и у их родителей. Переизданный в XXI веке "Живописный Карамзин", основанный не только на исторических событиях, но и на народных преданиях, отвергаемых более поздними исследователями, безусловно интересен современному читателю не только тем, что до наших дней сохраняет за собой важное познавательное значение, но и как образец популярной исторической литературы XIX века....
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Higher Creativity for Virtual Teams: Developing Platforms for Co-Creation (Premier Reference)
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Snakecharm (Kiesha'ra (Paperback)) Amelia Atwater-Rhodes
ZANE COBRIANA, COBRA shapeshifter, thanks the gods every day for Danica, his hawk pair bond, and the peace their union has brought to the avian and serpiente. Soon, Danica will have a child to carry on their royal line. But what should be a happy time is riddled with doubt. Syfka, an ancient falcon, has arrived from Ahnmik claiming that one of her people is hidden in their midst. The falcons are more powerful than the avians and serpiente combined, and Syfka shows nothing but contempt for Zane and Danica’s alliance. To Zane’s horror, his own people seem just as appalled as Syfka is by the thought of a mixed-blood child becoming heir to the throne. Is Syfka’s lost falcon just a ruse to stir up controversy among them? The truth lies somewhere in their tangled pasts—and the search will redefine Zane and Danica’s fragile future. Praise for Hawksong : “Atwater-Rhodes has created a stunning adventure that draws readers in......
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Applied Probability and Statistics Mario Lefebvre
This textbook is designed for a one-term course on Probability and Statistics for Applied Mathematics, Engineering and Computer Science students. The exposition, enriched by many examples from real life, unfolds systematically from an introductory chapter to such topics as random variables and vectors, stochastic processes, estimation, testing and regression. Additionally, there are interesting historical notes, along with numerous exercises and solutions, and a useful bibliography and index....
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Famine in North Korea: Markets, Aid, and Reform. Stephan Haggard, Marcus Noland . Книги.
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