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How to Get the Sound You Want, Second Edition Michael Prochak
Book DescriptionHow to Get the Sound You Want is a comprehensive study of exactly what makes one style of music different from another -- and how to achieve that difference. By way of historical overview and analysis of production techniques, it providesa step-by-step guide to producing and creating music in any style you choose, from ragga to rock, jazz to jump-up, breakbeat to blues....
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Fierce Attachments : A Memoir Vivian Gornick
Amazon.comRarely is the barbed edge of mother love described with such scorching wit and raw emotion as it is in Vivian Gornick's reissued memoir. Fierce Attachments zigzags between a Bronx tenement teeming with immigrants in the 1940s and New York in the 1980s. It chronicles an almighty struggle between the author and her mother, a stubborn rabble-rouser bursting with tart, angry pronouncements, moxie, and an undeniable measure of charm. Waving away an "Eastern religionist" trying to sell her on his god, she raps out: "Young man, I am a Jew and a socialist. I think that's more than enough for one lifetime, don't you?" Her husband's untimely death is the occasion for such wild histrionics--screaming, refusing to walk, flinging herself into the grave--that when Gornick works the Middle East years later as a journalist, the ululating cries and fainting mourners at funerals seem comfortably familiar. The rapid-fire flow of confidences and furious arguments between the duo......
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Sailors & God Steven L. Rogers
Book DescriptionFast paced, soul gripping, heart wrenching stories about sailors who walked as if they were on the streets of heaven, until they decided to march down a road leading to a fiery hell....
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Last Honest Man, The : Mordecai Richler: An Oral Biography Michael Posner
Book DescriptionNovelist, essayist, satirist, and iconoclast, Mordecai Richler made an international reputation with such contemporary fiction triumphs as Barney’s Version and The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz . His death in July 2001 prompted heartfelt tributes from around the world that acknowledged his humour, intellect, soft heart, and irrepressible curmudgeonliness. The Last Honest Man documents the writer’s public and private lives through the words of his family and friends, colleagues and rivals, editors, writers, filmmakers, drinking pals, snooker buddies, and many others. To borrow a phrase from his long-time editor, Robert Gottlieb, this unusual biography captures the grumpy and the high-spirited man, the generous and the distanced, the enthusiastic and the sardonic, the hungry and the fastidious, the man who was awkward in crowded social situations but consummately at ease in Winston’s bar in Montreal. Michael Posner......
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Creating a Database in FileMaker Pro : Visual QuickProject Guide (Visual Quickproject Series) Steve Schwartz
Peachpit Press. The problem: Your boss has demanded a database, and you don't know how to create one. It doesn't matter that it's just a simple one (for tracking invoices, inventory, and contacts), or that flexible, powerful software (FileMaker Pro 7) has already been purchased. If you've never created a database before, the task can be daunting. The solution: This low-priced, compact guide! Recognizing that you don't necessarily want or need to know about every FileMaker Pro 7 feature, this focused, four-color volume demonstrates the quickest route to creating a functional, organized database-nothing more and certainly nothing less. Using large color illustrations and a minimum of verbiage, it provides the basics you need to get going without bogging you down with detailed explanations of all of FileMaker's intricacies. It also serves as the perfect jumping-off point for more extensive database exploration-for example, through FileMaker Pro......
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How to Get the Sound You Want, Second Edition. Michael Prochak . Книги.
Кемерово, Химки, Ухта, Северск, Владимир, Калининград, Ленинск-Кузнецкий, Нальчик, Ухта, Комсомольск-на-Амуре,
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