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Театр двойников Наталья Нестерова
Центрполиграф. Девушка с приветом, Театр двойников, Чингачгук, Пари, Конфликт хорошего с лучшим, Дары моря, Киднепинг, Милые бранятся, Отелло в юбке, Из породы собак, Подкидыш, Портрет семьи, Серьезные намерения, За стеклом, Театр двойников, Петь в хоре, Сумасшедший, Палата №, Лор-гинеколог, Устное народное творчество пациентов, Секс по-больничному. Долгие вечера в ожидании поднадоевшего любовника в компании хорошей книги и старых фильмов остались для Юли Носовой в прошлом. Встреча с Сержем и смена работы преобразили ее жизнь - теперь действительность лучше всякой мечты! Но не зря Юлю прозвали Девушкой с приветом - ей приходит в голову во что бы то ни стало узнать тайну любимого человека ("Девушка с приветом"). Улицы больших городов полны неожиданностей, и серые будни современной женщины в одночасье могут заиграть всеми красками ("Театр двойников"). Любой человек рано или поздно начинает заниматься своим здоровьем. Поэтому вопрос "болеть или не болеть?" должен быть решен без гамлетовских сомнений. Не болеть, но лечиться. И желательно, "со вкусом"! ("Палата №...")...
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Family Guy Book 3: Books Don't Taste Very Good Matt Fleckenstein, Benjamin Phillips
Chris Griffin takes the spotlight, as he offers his wisdom on all things Chris! Mainly dealing with an angry monkey in his closet! More antics from the twisted mind of Matt Fleckenstein and the wonderful world of the Family Guy!...
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Da Vinci Code Decoded: The Truth Behind the New York Times #1 Bestseller Martin Lunn
Da Vinci Code is a modern-day publishing phenomenon. With millions of copies in print, it is the most popular adult novel of the 21st Century. In an introductory note, author Dan Brown tells us that "all descriptions of documents and secret rituals . . . are accurate." But are they? Many scholars and theologians have attacked the book and the "facts" on which it is based. Some claim that Brown is anti-Catholic. Book clubs, reading groups, dedicated web-sites and countless reviews and articles in magazines and newspapers worldwide have fueled the fire, making Da Vinci Code not only the most successful book of its kind ever, but also the most controversial. Now Martin Lunn, an expert historian, reveals the truth behind Dan Brown's research. The reality of Catholic offshoot Opus Dei . . . the hard facts about the bloodline of Christ and King David . . . the origins of the Knights Templar and the infamous Priory of Sion . . . the secrets of Temple Church and Rosslyn......
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Christ the Lord: Out of Egypt Anne Rice
Having completed the two cycles of legend to which she has devoted her career so far, Anne Rice gives us now her most ambitious and courageous book, a novel about the early years of CHRIST THE LORD, based on the Gospels and on the most respected New Testament scholarship. The book’s power derives from the passion its author brings to the writing and the way in which she summons up the voice, the presence, the words of Jesus who tells the story....
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Crap Jobs: 100 Tales of Workplace Hell Dan Kieran
Quick -- what's the worst, most mind-numbing, humiliating, horrendous, horrific job you can think of? They're all here. The worst jobs in the world. Firsthand accounts of one hundred horrible jobs guaranteed to make you groan, laugh, and maybe, just maybe help you feel a teensy bit better about your own place in the rat race. Painstakingly assembled by the geniuses behind the British humor magazine The Idler, this collection includes the gloriously gory details of such occupations as: hospital launderette, gas station worker, weed sprayer, bank teller, janitor's assistant, and telemarketer. It's a hilarious romp through the stinky cesspool of employment hell, with helpful commentary from those who speak of crap jobs from hard-won personal experience. So curl up with this guide and be grateful for the job you have...or grab the want ads now!...
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Театр двойников. Наталья Нестерова . Книги.
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