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The Emotionally Destructive Relationship: Seeing It, Stopping It, Surviving It Leslie Vernick
Harvest House Publishers. Leslie Vernick, counselor and social worker, has witnessed the devastating effects of emotional abuse. Many, including many in the church, have not addressed this form of destruction in families and relationships because it is difficult to talk about. With godly guidance and practical experience, Vernick offers an empathetic approach to recognizing an emotionally destructive relationship and addresses the symptoms and the damage with biblical tools. Readers will understand how to: Reveal behaviors that are meant to control, punish, and hurt; Confront and speak truth when the timing is right; Determine when to keep trying, when to get out; Get safe and stay safe; Build an identity in Christ. This practical and thorough resource will help countless individuals, families, and churches view abuse from God's perspective and understand how vital it is for victims to embrace His freedom from the physical, emotional, spiritual, and......
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The Concise Book of Neuromuscular Therapy: A Trigger Point Manual John Sharkey
North Atlantic Books. Neuromuscular Therapy (NMT) is an innovative healing approach that combines the best soft tissue manipulation techniques of osteopathy, chiropractic, naturopathy, trigger point therapy, and other fields. NMT uses massage techniques and flexibility stretching to balance the musculoskeletal and nervous systems, and eliminate the causes of neuromuscular pain. The therapy consists of using the fingers, knuckles, or elbow to apply alternating levels of pressure, which relax the affected muscles and increase circulation. This treatment enhances muscle and joint function, and can be combined with other modalities as part of a comprehensive program. With 240 color and black-and-white illustrations, "The Concise Book of Neuromuscular Therapy" is an ideal learning tool for students involved in any of the medical sciences, as well as practicing physical therapists, doctors, or clinicians wishing to integrate NMT into osteopathy, physiotherapy, sport science, sports medicine, physical......
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The Marriage of Jesus: The Lost Wife of the Hidden Years
Maggy Whitehouse...
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Персидские сказки. Наследство падишаха
АСТ, АСТ Москва, Восток-Запад. Метод чтения Ильи Франка. Принц Ибрагим и жестокая искусительница, Женщина дурная, Бемуни и Искандер, Аббас Довс, Свинка, Наследство падишаха, Лист жемчужный, Ахмад-богатырь, Цветок распускающийся. В книге предлагаются персидские сказки, адаптированные (без упрощения текста оригинала) по методу Ильи Франка. Уникальность метода заключается в том, что запоминание слов и выражений происходит за счет их повторяемости, без заучивания и необходимости использовать словарь. Пособие способствует эффективному освоению языка, может служить дополнением к учебной программе. Предназначено для студентов, для изучающих персидский язык самостоятельно, а также для всех интересующихся персидской культурой. Пособие подготовила Гюзель Самарина....
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Rockin' Out: Popular Music in The U.S.A. Reebee Garofalo
Prentice Hall. "Rockin' Out: Popular Music in The U.S.A." offers a comprehensive history of popular music in the United States from the heyday of Tin Pan Alley to the present day sounds of electronic dance music and teen pop, from the invention of the phonograph to the promise of the Internet. It offers an analysis and critique of the music itself as well as how it is produced and marketed....
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The Emotionally Destructive Relationship: Seeing It, Stopping It, Surviving It. Leslie Vernick . Книги.
Нижневартовск, Великие Луки, Муром, Орёл, Сургут, Альметьевск, Саратов, Владикавказ, Тюмень, Саратов, Благовещенск, Уфа,
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