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Любимые сказки В. Гауф, В. и Я. Гримм, Ш. Перро, Х. К. Андерсен
Русич. Вашему вниманию предлагается красочно оформленный сборник сказок. Для младшего школьного возраста....
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Life and Times of a Ragamuffin: Growing up Wild Russ Freeman
Storytelling to Pass the Time During Long Winter MonthsThat truck did not have power enough to haul the elephant up the steep stretch of road, so the driver had been forced to stop. He and a helper lowered a ramp to unload the elephant. The helper then had the elephant push the truck to help it up the steep section. A short ways up the road, beyond the steep section, they loaded the elephant up and went on their way. As Geneva told the story the first time, she emphasized that there was not much room on the road and she was afraid that the elephant was going to bump into her car as it was getting off the truck. On her behalf a few days later, Dad retold the story, as was the custom. In his version, "She was afraid that the elephant was going to push her car off the road." After many retellings, elephants began to appear out of nowhere and push her car hither and yon. Since she was known to join her husband in imbibing from time to time, the story was gradually changed to imply that......
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Подводный патруль Сергей Зверев
Эксмо. Морской спецназ. Командир суперподлодки Илья Макаров по прозвищу Морской волк получает приказ срочно отправиться на Арктический шельф, где потерпело крушение научно-исследовательское судно "Академик Королев". Членов экипажа спасли, но на двухкилометровой глубине остался батискаф с учеными, которых и предстоит вызволить из пучины. Задание осложняется тем, что за батискафом уже охотятся американские корабли и подлодка. Чтобы захватить бесценные научно-исследовательские данные, янки идут ва-банк......
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Затаенная страсть Маргарет Пембертон
АСТ, АСТ Москва. Шарм. В Монте-Карло собирается весь бомонд Европы, но в роскошных казино и кабаре нет места для Шарлотты Грейнджер, бедной компаньонки престарелой княгини. И уж конечно, на девушку никогда не обратит внимания граф Шандор Кароли, сердце которого мечтают завоевать самые знатные и богатые невесты! Но порой чудеса все же случаются. Когда покровительница умирает, Шарлотта остается без гроша. И единственный, кто согласен помочь ей, ничего не требуя взамен, именно граф Кароли. Что движет им? Неужели только жалость? А может, затаенная страсть к гордой красавице?.....
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A Backward Look: God was There Through it All Kenneth E. Montgomery
Kenneth E. Montgomery has lived a full life: owning a business, becoming a jack of all trades and traveling throughout the world. Along the way, he's enjoyed more than 50 years of marriage with his wife, Barbara, raised a family and lost an arm. In good times and bad, God has been with him every step of the way. But it wasn't until after Kenneth earned his GED in his 60s that he began his life as a preacher. Since then, serving the Lord and spreading the "good news" of the gospel of Jesus Christ has become his passion. Kenneth's duties as a preacher have regularly led him to Belize in Central America, where he's preached about the kingdom of God. Even after being brutally attacked and left for dead by robbers, he continued his work as a missionary. Join Kenneth as he reflects on the hard times that made him wise, his life as a family man and his passion for the Bible in A Backward Look....
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Любимые сказки. В. Гауф, В. и Я. Гримм, Ш. Перро, Х. К. Андерсен . Книги.
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