Haunted London Underground

David Brandon, Alan Brooke

  Haunted London Underground  David Brandon, Alan Brooke  London’s Underground is associated with a multitude of ghostly stories and sightings. Particular stations and abandoned lines, many of which are in close proximity to burial sites from centuries ago, have given rise to unexplained events. This chilling book reveals well-known and hitherto unpublished tales of spirits, specters, and other spooky occurrences on one of the oldest railway networks in the world. The stories of sightings include the ghost of an actress regularly witnessed on Aldywch Station and the London’s Underground is associated with a multitude of ghostly stories and sightings. Particular stations and abandoned lines, many of which are in close proximity to burial sites from centuries ago, have given rise to unexplained events. This chilling book reveals well-known and hitherto unpublished tales of spirits, specters, and other spooky occurrences on one of the oldest railway networks in the world. The stories of sightings include the ghost of an actress regularly witnessed on Aldywch Station and the "Black Nun" at Bank Station. Eerie noises, such as the cries of 13 year-old Anne Naylor, who was murdered in 1758 at Farringdon Station, and the screams of children who were in an accident at Bethnal Green Station during World War II, are still heard echoing down the stations. These and many more ghostly accounts are recorded in fascinating detail in this book, which is a must-read for anyone interested in the mysterious and murky history of London’s Underground....

Геометрия треугольника в задачах

Е. Д. Куланин, С. Н. Федин

  Геометрия треугольника в задачах  Е. Д. Куланин, С. Н. Федин  Либроком.   Книга представляет собой переиздание хорошо известного любителям математики сборника задач, ставшего уже библиографической редкостью. В нем собрано несколько сотен наиболее интересных и полезных задач, относящихся к геометрии треугольника, разного уровня сложности - среди них есть как классические, так и составленные в последние годы. Существенная их часть приводится с решениями или указаниями. Книга, несомненно, будет полезна старшеклассникам и преподавателям гимназий и физико-математических спецшкол, а также всем ценителям и знатокам элементарной геометрии.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Либроком. Книга представляет собой переиздание хорошо известного любителям математики сборника задач, ставшего уже библиографической редкостью. В нем собрано несколько сотен наиболее интересных и полезных задач, относящихся к геометрии треугольника, разного уровня сложности - среди них есть как классические, так и составленные в последние годы. Существенная их часть приводится с решениями или указаниями. Книга, несомненно, будет полезна старшеклассникам и преподавателям гимназий и физико-математических спецшкол, а также всем ценителям и знатокам элементарной геометрии....

The Revolution in the Visual Arts and the Poetry of William Carlos Williams (Cambridge Studies in American Literature and Culture)

Peter Halter

  The Revolution in the Visual Arts and the Poetry of William Carlos Williams (Cambridge Studies in American Literature and Culture)  Peter Halter  This book is a major step toward a fuller exploration of the connection between the visual arts and Williams' concept of the Modernist poem and of his achievement in transcending an art-for-art's-sake formalism to create poems that both reflect their own nature as a work of art and vividly evoke the world of which they are a part.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This book is a major step toward a fuller exploration of the connection between the visual arts and Williams' concept of the Modernist poem and of his achievement in transcending an art-for-art's-sake formalism to create poems that both reflect their own nature as a work of art and vividly evoke the world of which they are a part....

Imitations of Life: Fannie Hurst's Gaslight Sonatas

Abe C. Ravitz

  Imitations of Life: Fannie Hurst's Gaslight Sonatas  Abe C. Ravitz  In the early 1920s, Fannie Hurst’s enormous popularity made her the highest-paid writer in America. She conquered the literary scene at the same time the silent movie industry began to emerge as a tremendously profitable and popular form of entertainment. Abe C. Ravitz parallels Hurst’s growing acclaim with the evolution of silent films, from which she borrowed ideas and techniques that furthered her career. Ravitz notes that Hurst was amazingly adept at anticipating what the public wanted. Sensing that the national interest was shifting from rural to urban subjects, Hurst set her immigrant tales and her In the early 1920s, Fannie Hurst’s enormous popularity made her the highest-paid writer in America. She conquered the literary scene at the same time the silent movie industry began to emerge as a tremendously profitable and popular form of entertainment. Abe C. Ravitz parallels Hurst’s growing acclaim with the evolution of silent films, from which she borrowed ideas and techniques that furthered her career. Ravitz notes that Hurst was amazingly adept at anticipating what the public wanted. Sensing that the national interest was shifting from rural to urban subjects, Hurst set her immigrant tales and her "woiking goil" tales in urban America. In her early stories, she tried to bridge the gap between Old World and New World citizens, each somewhat fearful and suspicious of the other. She wrote of love and ethnicity—bringing the Jewish Mother to prominence—of race relations and prejudice, of the woman alone in her quest for selfhood. Ravitz argues, in fact, that her socially oriented......

Андрей Белянин. 10 лет "Мечу Без Имени"

  Андрей Белянин. 10 лет Иллюстрированный календарь посвящен 10-летию выхода книги Андрея Белянина "Меч Без Имени". На каждой его странице представлены краткие описания книг А. Белянина....

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Haunted London Underground. David Brandon, Alan Brooke . Книги.

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