Наши верные друзья

А. М. Чельцов-Бебутов, Н. Н. Немнонов

  Наши верные друзья  А. М. Чельцов-Бебутов, Н. Н. Немнонов  Просвещение.   В книжке на оригинальном фотоматериале, собиравшемся известным фотографом-анималистом Н.Н.Немноновым от Памира и Кушки до Колымы и от Беловежской Пущи до Сихотэ-Алиня и Командорских островов более 30 лет, рассказывается о собаках, об их преданности человеку, о нелегком мирном и ратном труде наших четвероногих друзей.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Просвещение. В книжке на оригинальном фотоматериале, собиравшемся известным фотографом-анималистом Н.Н.Немноновым от Памира и Кушки до Колымы и от Беловежской Пущи до Сихотэ-Алиня и Командорских островов более 30 лет, рассказывается о собаках, об их преданности человеку, о нелегком мирном и ратном труде наших четвероногих друзей....

Sony vs Samsung: The Inside Story of the Electronics Giants' Battle For Global Supremacy

Sea-Jin Chang

  Sony vs Samsung: The Inside Story of the Electronics Giants' Battle For Global Supremacy  Sea-Jin Chang  Sony vs. Samsung is business history at its best! It explores the divergent fortunes of these two electronics giants in the last decade and identifies the true reasons behind Sony's decline and Samsung's rise. Contrary to popular belief, Chang shows that success (or failure) does not simply arise from different strategies. Rather, it emerges from major decisions that are deeply rooted in the companies' organizational processes and their executives' political behavior. This book is a must-read for any senior executive. --Constantinos Markides Robert P. Bauman Professor of Strategic Leadership and Chairman, Strategy Department, London Business School Sea-Jin Chang has produced that rarity in a business book--one that is as valuable to practicing managers as it is insightful to academic researchers. In this fascinating comparison of two modern global giants, he applies his high resolution research microscope to their changing fortunes by dissecting their contrasting...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Sony vs. Samsung is business history at its best! It explores the divergent fortunes of these two electronics giants in the last decade and identifies the true reasons behind Sony's decline and Samsung's rise. Contrary to popular belief, Chang shows that success (or failure) does not simply arise from different strategies. Rather, it emerges from major decisions that are deeply rooted in the companies' organizational processes and their executives' political behavior. This book is a must-read for any senior executive. --Constantinos Markides Robert P. Bauman Professor of Strategic Leadership and Chairman, Strategy Department, London Business School Sea-Jin Chang has produced that rarity in a business book--one that is as valuable to practicing managers as it is insightful to academic researchers. In this fascinating comparison of two modern global giants, he applies his high resolution research microscope to their changing fortunes by dissecting their contrasting......

The European Economy since 1945: Coordinated Capitalism and Beyond (Princeton Economic History of the Western World)

Barry Eichengreen

  The European Economy since 1945: Coordinated Capitalism and Beyond (Princeton Economic History of the Western World)  Barry Eichengreen  In 1945, many Europeans still heated with coal, cooled their food with ice, and lacked indoor plumbing. Today, things could hardly be more different. Over the second half of the twentieth century, the average European's buying power tripled, while working hours fell by a third. The European Economy since 1945 is a broad, accessible, forthright account of the extraordinary development of Europe's economy since the end of World War II. Barry Eichengreen argues that the continent's history has been critical to its economic performance, and that it will continue to be so going forward. Challenging standard views that basic economic forces were behind postwar Europe's success, Eichengreen shows how Western Europe in particular inherited a set of institutions singularly well suited to the economic circumstances that reigned for almost three decades. Economic growth was facilitated by solidarity-centered trade unions, cohesive employers' associations, and growth-minded governments--all...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин In 1945, many Europeans still heated with coal, cooled their food with ice, and lacked indoor plumbing. Today, things could hardly be more different. Over the second half of the twentieth century, the average European's buying power tripled, while working hours fell by a third. The European Economy since 1945 is a broad, accessible, forthright account of the extraordinary development of Europe's economy since the end of World War II. Barry Eichengreen argues that the continent's history has been critical to its economic performance, and that it will continue to be so going forward. Challenging standard views that basic economic forces were behind postwar Europe's success, Eichengreen shows how Western Europe in particular inherited a set of institutions singularly well suited to the economic circumstances that reigned for almost three decades. Economic growth was facilitated by solidarity-centered trade unions, cohesive employers' associations, and growth-minded governments--all......

Uruguay Government and Business Contacts Handbook (World Investment and Business Library)

Ibp Usa, USA International Business Publications

  Uruguay Government and Business Contacts Handbook (World Investment and Business Library)  Ibp Usa, USA International Business Publications  Uruguay Government and Business Contacts Handbook (World Investment and Business Library)  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Uruguay Government and Business Contacts Handbook (World Investment and Business Library)...

К пятерке шаг за шагом, или 50 занятий с репетитором. Русский язык. 9 класс

Л. А. Ахременкова

  К пятерке шаг за шагом, или 50 занятий с репетитором. Русский язык. 9 класс  Л. А. Ахременкова  Просвещение.   К пятерке шаг за шагом.   Уникальная методика позволяет учащимся быстро усвоить правила русской пунктуации и орфографии, закрепить навыки грамотного письма. Дидактический материал снабжен справочником, в котором приведены основные правила правописания. На все задания в книге даны ответы для самопроверки. Книга продолжает серию пособий Просвещение. К пятерке шаг за шагом. Уникальная методика позволяет учащимся быстро усвоить правила русской пунктуации и орфографии, закрепить навыки грамотного письма. Дидактический материал снабжен справочником, в котором приведены основные правила правописания. На все задания в книге даны ответы для самопроверки. Книга продолжает серию пособий "К пятерке шаг за шагом..." и может быть полезна как школьникам для самостоятельного повышения грамотности, так и учителям для организации работы учащихся в классе и дома....

<<<  Победа по очкам. Виктор Пронин             A Dream in Polar Fog. Yuri Rytkheu >>>

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Наши верные друзья. А. М. Чельцов-Бебутов, Н. Н. Немнонов . Книги.

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