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Dr. Susan's Kids-Only Weight Loss Guide: The Parent's Action Plan for Success
Susan S. Bartell...
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Nifty Thrifty Music Crafts (Nifty Thrifty Crafts for Kids)
Felicia Lowenstein Niven...
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Renaissance and Reformation
Marshall Cavendish Corporation. This gorgeous six-volume set provides a solid background on the historical period that bridged the medieval and modern worlds, roughly 1300-1700, with emphasis on 1350-1650. The first five volumes present 158 articles in A-Z order and averaging more than seven pages in length. Volume 1 offers the set overview, with a table of contents and a thematic contents table that organizes the articles into 11 themes such as "Daily Life," "People" and "Places." Around 65 of the entries are biographical and treat artists (Caravaggio, Raphael); writers (Boccaccio, Shakespeare); philosophers (Descartes, Erasmus); explorers and scientists (Columbus, Copernicus); rulers (Elizabeth I, the Medicis); and more. Each of these biographical articles includes a chronology of principal dates and events. Attention is given to the economics of the period and the significant wars, battles, and treaties. Society is depicted through articles such as Agriculture, Chivalry, Disease, Education, Guilds and companies,......
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The Best of Gourmet: Sixty-five Years, Sixty-five Favorite Recipes Gourmet Magazine Editors
Random House. Take a mouthwatering look and treat yourself to The Best of Gourmet, a spectacular collection of the year's best menus and recipes, all gathered for you in one beautiful cookbook! Plus, thrill your guests with our anniversary celebration section "Sixty-Five Years, Sixty-Five Favorite Recipes" featuring the best-of-the best recipes - one chosen from each scrumptious year of our magazine. With 350 delicious recipes, 28 spectacular menus and 120 full-color photographs....
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It Came from the Kitchen: Monstrously Delicious Celebrity Recipes from Dracula, Frankenstein, The Wolf Man, & Assorted Aliens And Beyond! Geoff Isaac & Gordon Reid
BearManor Media. -...
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На главную
Dr. Susan's Kids-Only Weight Loss Guide: The Parent's Action Plan for Success. Susan S. Bartell . Книги.
Краснодар, Одинцово, Владивосток, Артём, Череповец, Москва , Новошахтинск, Абакан, Орехово-Зуево, Улан-Удэ, Петропавловск-Камчатский, Бийск, Новокузнецк, Сызрань, Абакан, Комсомольск-на-Амуре,
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