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On the Reappraisal of Microeconomics: Economic Growth And Change in a Material World
The conventional utility-based approach to microeconomics is now nearly a century old and although frequently criticized, it has yet to be replaced. On the Reappraisal of Microeconomics offers an alternative approach that overcomes most of the objections to orthodox theory, while offering some unique additional advantages. The authors present a new approach to non-equilibrium microeconomics that applies equally to production, trade and consumption, and that is also consistent with the laws of thermodynamics. This new theory is not limited to equilibrium or near-equilibrium conditions. The core of the theory is proof that, for each agent (firm or individual), there exists an unique function of goods and money (denoted Z) that can be interpreted as subjective wealth for an individual or the owners of a firm. Exchanges may occur only when both parties enjoy an increase in subjective wealth as a consequence. On average, this Z-function will increase over time if, and only if, the......
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The SAGE Handbook of Gender and Communication
The SAGE Handbook of Gender and Communication is a vital resource for those seeking to explore the complex interactions of gender and communication.A Editors Bonnie J. Dow and Julia T. Wood, together with an illustrious group of contributors, review and evaluate the state of the gender and communication field through the discussion of existing theories and research, as well as through identification of important directions for future scholarship. The first of its kind, this Handbook examines the primary contexts in which gender and communication are shaped, reflected, and expressed:A interpersonal, organizational, rhetoric, media, and intercultural/global.A A Key Features : Brings together theA expertise of leading scholars : Esteemed scholars edit each section and leading researchers in the field author each chapter. The distillation of scholarship in each area by seasoned scholars clarifies what is......
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Globalization and State Power: Who Wins When America Rules? (Great Questions in Politics)
Joel Krieger...
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Psychology, Rationality and Economic Behaviour: Challenging Standard Assumptions (International Economic Association Conference Volumes) International Economic Association
Economics has paid little attention to the psychology of economic behavior, leading to somewhat simplistic assumptions about human nature. The psychological aspects have typically been reduced to assumptions of standard utility theory, based on a narrow conception of rationality, often called "substantive rationality". However, recent work, some theoretic, some based on experimental economics or an empirical analysis of existing data, challenges these assumptions and forefronts the psychological dimensions of economic decisions. The essays in this volume provide a glimpse of this exciting and newly emerging field....
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Unpacking Policy: Knowledge, Actors And Spaces in Poverty Reduction in Uganda And Nigeria
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On the Reappraisal of Microeconomics: Economic Growth And Change in a Material World. . Книги.
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