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Macromedia Studio MX 2004 All-in-One Desk Reference for Dummies Damon Dean, Andy Cowitt, Ellen Finkelstein, Doug Sahlin, Camille McCue, Damon Dean, Andy Cowitt
Macromedia Studio MX 2004 All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies provides a one-stop reference for users looking to harness the power of this Web building suite. The book covers each of the core applications in Studio MX including Dreamweaver, Flash, Freehand, Fireworks, ColdFusion and, newly added to this edition, Contribute. Macromedia Studio MX 2004 All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies also contains coverage on using all the applications together in a single Web building project as well as an overview of the basics of good Web design. This book, like the product itself, should appeal to both professional and hobbyist Web builders who want a single product that can do the work of six or seven separate products....
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Sams Teach Yourself Adobe LiveMotion 2 in 24 Hours Molly E. Holzschlag
Sams. LiveMotion is Adobe's premiere Web graphics and animation design tool. It allows designers to work with vector and raster graphics in an easy-to-use environment, with an interface that is designed to be both intuitive and familiar to those who use other Adobe products. A new version of LiveMotion is expected to be released in the 1st quarter of 2002. It includes powerful new scripting capabilities, using the industry standard, JavaScript. And it has greatly improved integration with other Adobe products like GoLive, Photoshop, and Illustrator. Sams Teach Yourself Adobe LiveMotion X in 24 Hours offers a clearly written, approachable tutorial that carefully steps the reader through the basics of creating Web graphics and animationswith LiveMotion. The book has been thoroughly reorganized and revised to better cover all the most important features of LiveMotion....
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Year 2000: The International Directory of Y2K Conversion Resources Bohdan Szuprowicz
The year 2000 (Y2K) conversion process is labor-intensive and requires a great deal of planning, resources, and time. Organizations must realize the size and scope of the date-change problem and begin to implement a plan now if they are to make a successful transition into the next century. CTR's new report is a comprehensive collection of effective Y2K strategies, solutions, and technologies. The report outlines the steps that IT professionals must take in order to guide their organizations to Y2K compliance and covers the possible legal consequences of noncompliance, the importance of testing, and the critical issues to consider when staffing a Y2K compliance team. There are several Y2K solution alternatives but the key to success lies in determining which specific solution, or combination of solutions, is the most appropriate. The report provides an examination of the most common Y2K solutions and conversion tools, including a brief description of each and their advantages......
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Red Hat Linux 9 for Dummies Jon 'maddog' Hall, Paul G. Sery
Red Hat Linux, with its splashy brand name and recognizable logo, is undeniably one of the driving forces behind the Linux revolution—and, by far, the most popular Linux flavor. It’s used by businesses, individuals, and governments world wideto cut costs, improve performance, and just plain get the work done. You can use it as a desktop workstation, a network server, an Internet gateway, a firewall, the basis of an embedded system (such as a smart VCR or a robot), or even as a multiprocessorsupercomputer. And thanks to the thousands of people who continually refine different parts of Linux, Red Hat Linux keeps getting more flexible and robust with each new release. Ready to put the power of the penguin in your PC? This handy plain-English guide to Red Hat Linux 9 shows you how—no experience required! It gets you up and running with everything you need to know to: Install, configure, customize, and fine-tune Red Hat Linux 9 Get......
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АСТ, Астрель. Справочник. Данная книга содержит описание приготовления 180 напитков: необходимые для приготовления коктейлей ингредиенты и оборудование; исчерпывающий словарь и указатели....
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Macromedia Studio MX 2004 All-in-One Desk Reference for Dummies. Damon Dean, Andy Cowitt, Ellen Finkelstein, Doug Sahlin, Camille McCue, Damon Dean, Andy Cowitt . Книги.
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