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Экономическая теория. Экспресс-справочник для студентов вузов Н. Д. Елецкий, О. В. Корниенко
ИКЦ "МарТ". 100 экзаменационных ответов. Экспресс-справочник для студентов вузов. Учебное пособие подготовлено в соответствии с действующим Государственным образовательным стандартом по курсу экономической теории. Дана характеристика экономической системы общества и рыночной экономики, рассматриваются классические проблемы микроэкономической и макроэкономической теорий, отражены аспекты кризиса командной экономики и перехода к рынку, изложены основы курса истории экономических учений. Учебное пособие предназначено для изучающих экономическую теорию студентов высших учебных заведений, аспирантов, преподавателей, а также всех тех, кто интересуется теоретической экономикой....
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Politics and Economics in the Russian Far East: Changing Ties With Asia-Pacific Tsuneo Akaha
The Cold War is now over and the new Russia is attempting to turn itself into a democratic society with a market economy. The Soviet Union's previous relationships with countries in the Asia Pacific were based on military consideration. The new Russia is now trying to forge stable and peaceful relations in the political, economic and security realms. This book addresses the key issue of what the Russian far east and its Northeast Asian neighbors can do to further closer economic and co-operative realtionships. The question of to what extent the state should intervene to stimulate economic growth in the Russian far east is covered, as are the options for a more laissez-faire approach. The possibilities for economic co-operation with the more successful market economies of the region are discussed as are the problems and opportunities presented by the exploitation of Russia's vast natural resources. This book will be essential reading for all those wishing to obtain a deeper......
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States and Sovereignty in the Global Economy Dorothy J. Solinger, David A. Smith, Steven Topik, University of California Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation
New developments in information technology, an increasing flow of information and cultural exchanges, and the rapidity with which trade and investment now takes place has given rise to uncertainty. This book seeks to understand the nature of these changes, their impact on the sovereignty of the nation state, and whether this process of globalization is in fact something new. The contributors consider the historical development of the state in the global economy, the forces that have created the modern global economy, regional issues of globalization and the importance of the state. Also included are a series of case studies from around the world....
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Spoiled Silk: The Red Mayor and the Great Paterson Textile Strike George W. Shea, George William Shea
Spoiled Silk is the story of two immigrants from the Rhineland, William Brueckmann and his wife Katherine, who started a new life in America?s first industrial city, Paterson NJ, nourishing a vision of their adopted country that was never to be. Committed to a socialist dream, they struggled to improve the lot of their fellow immigrants and, at the same time, to raise a family in the midst of the turbulence that surrounded them. Their efforts contributed in the long run to improve working conditions in American mills, but their dream of a socialist American was never to be realized. It was in 1913 that the workers in the Paterson textile mills, having learned that a new kind of loom would put many of them out of work went on strike against themill owners. In desperation, they called in Big Bill Haywood and the Wobblies of the I. W. W. to help them. The Paterson authorities moved quickly to crush the strike by forbidding the strikers to hold public meetings. Alone among......
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Making the Client Connection : Maximizing the Power of Your Personality, Presentations, and Presence Mitch Anthony, Gary DeMoss
The ability to connect with clients-not just the ability to manage a portfolio-is essential for financial advisors who want to succeed in today's competitive financial services industry. One of the best ways to attract clients in today's marketplace is for financial advisors to connect with clients on a personal level. In Making the Client Connection , Mitch Anthony and Gary DeMoss help financial advisors use interpersonal and relational skills to identify and meet clients' needs to increase their book of business. Anthony and DeMoss reveal how to: * Resolve the conflicts and move from agreement to action. * Avoid the most common mistakes advisors make. * Be an emotionally intelligent advisor. * Read one's clients before trying to lead them. In Making the Client Connection , Anthony and DeMoss illustrate the radically altered dynamic in the financial services industry and the level of trust that must be built between financial......
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Экономическая теория. Экспресс-справочник для студентов вузов. Н. Д. Елецкий, О. В. Корниенко . Книги.
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