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Grammar Booster 2 Rachel Finnie
The "Grammar Booster" series has been carefully researched and planned for beginner to intermediate students who need grammar practice. The key features include: grammar points are taught in short, easy stages which students can easily cope with; a wealth of exercises after the presentation of each grammar point gives plenty of practice of what has been taught; clear and simple explanations of all the grammar points covered encourage students to study alone and gain a better understanding of the material; a communication activity and a writing task at the end of every unit consolidate the grammar points covered in each unit in a fun and effective way; five review sections ensure that students have a thorough understanding of all the grammar points covered in the previous units; and, five progress tests give teachers the opportunity to assess their students' progress. Also available are a teachers Book, test Book and CD-ROM....
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Teacher Text for Best Practical Element
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First Certificate Gold: Intermediate Class (Gold) Richard Acklam, Araminta Crace
"Going for Gold" is an English course for adults and young adults that develops language skills and sets students on the road to exam success. Included is a graded introduction to task types which gradually familiarise students with exam requirements....
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Critical Success Factors: Improving the Viability ofFree Clinics: Strategies for Enhancing the Free Clinic Delivery Model Jann M.D. Caison-Sorey
A component of the Michigan safety net are freeclinics. These clinics financed through donationsand staffed by volunteers operate under tightconstraints and often face insurmountable challenges. Michigan free clinics serve nearly 7,500 individualseach month.This book identifies the critical success factors(CSFs) necessary for Michigan clinics to achieve andmaintain organizational stability and improvelong-term viability. Critical success factors whenidentified and managed significantly contribute toorganizational success. Critical success factors (CSFs) were identifiedutilizing survey, interview, benchmarking researchmethodologies, and other other statistical tools toidentify top CSFs. The top five CSFs identified aredefined fund raising strategies, volunteer and staffmanagement, collaboration and partnerships,leadership, and computer systems. Free clinics will benefit from ensuring these CSFsare operational within their organization. Tacticalinterventions to aid in the implementation......
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The Last Legion
Manfredi Valerio Massimo...
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Grammar Booster 2. Rachel Finnie . Книги.
Альметьевск, Хасавюрт, Одинцово, Димитровград, Смоленск, Пермь,
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