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Principles of Political Economy (Great Mind) John Stuart Mill
The standard economics textbook for more than a generation, PRINCIPLES OF POLITICAL ECONOMY, written by John Stuart Mill (1806-1873) in 1848, is as much a synthesis of his predecessors' ideas as an original treatise on economics. Heavily influenced by the work of David Ricardo, and taking ideas from Adam Smith and Thomas Malthus, Mill demonstrates how important economic concept can be applied to realworld situations. Reflecting his utilitarian social philosophy, Mill suggests that social improvementsare always possible. He thus proposes modifying a purely laissez-faire system, advocating trade protectionism and regulation of employees' work hours for the benefit of domestic industries and workers' well-being. In such features he displays a leaning toward socialism. For anyone with an interest in the history of economics or the history of ideas, Mill's landmark work still makes for stimulating reading....
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Foundations of Operations Management and Student CD Larry P. Ritzman, Lee J. Krajewski
This book addresses a growing demand for a brief treatment of operations management. At less than 500 pages, it comprehensively covers the essential topics for active learners. Chapter topics include competing with operations, process management, managing project processes, managing technology, quality, capacity, location and layout, supply chain management, forecasting, inventory management, aggregate planning and scheduling, resource planning, and lean systems. For project managers and other business personnel who need to manage and improve processes....
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Guam a Spy Guide Ibp USA
Strategic and practical information on government, national security, army, foreign and domestic politics, conflicts, relations with the US, international activity, economy, technology, mineral resources, culture, traditions, govt...
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Flowcharts: Plain & Simple: Learning & Application Guide Joiner Associates Staff
Flowcharts teaches how to create and compare different flowcharts that outline the sequence of steps in a process. The information is presented in a straightforward, easy-to-understand manner through a series of exercises and case studies. Users of Plain & Simple Series learn how to select the right tool for the task at hand, collect the right data, interpret the data, and take appropriate action based on their findings....
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Understanding Web Services: XML, WSDL, SOAP, and UDDI Eric Newcomer
Addison-Wesley Pub Co. Web services, the new way of stitching data and processing resources together to form elaborate, distributed applications, aren't like other software systems. They differ even from other architectures for distributed applications. In his fantastic Understanding Web Services , Eric Newcomer helps his readers figure out what Web services are all about. This book is better than any other book out there in helping readers come to grips with the terms, technologies, behaviors, and design requirements that define the Web services universe. It's remarkably light on code--Newcomer's logic appears to be that you should dig into the details of implementation only after you thoroughly understand the design concepts--and emphasizes definition and exposition ofSOAP, UDDI, WSDL, and ebXML. Newcomer's work looks and reads almost like a notebook, with succinct statements in the margin (for instance, "SOAP processors first have to check the mustUnderstand attribute, if any"), adjacent to......
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Principles of Political Economy (Great Mind). John Stuart Mill . Книги.
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