Consider Phlebas

Iain M. Banks

  Consider Phlebas  Iain M. Banks  Orbit.   The war raged across the galaxy. Billions had died, billions more were doomed. Moons, planets, the very stars themselves, faced destruction, cold-blooded, brutal, and worse, random. The Idirans fought for their Faith; the Culture for its moral right to exist. Principles were at stake. There could be no surrender. Within the cosmic conflict, an individual crusade. Deep within a fabled labyrinth on a barren world, a Planet of the Dead proscribed to mortals, lay a fugitive Mind. Both the Culture and the Idirans sought it. It was the fate of Horza, the Changer, and his motley crew of unpredictable mercenaries, human and machine, actually to find it, and with it their own destruction.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Orbit. The war raged across the galaxy. Billions had died, billions more were doomed. Moons, planets, the very stars themselves, faced destruction, cold-blooded, brutal, and worse, random. The Idirans fought for their Faith; the Culture for its moral right to exist. Principles were at stake. There could be no surrender. Within the cosmic conflict, an individual crusade. Deep within a fabled labyrinth on a barren world, a Planet of the Dead proscribed to mortals, lay a fugitive Mind. Both the Culture and the Idirans sought it. It was the fate of Horza, the Changer, and his motley crew of unpredictable mercenaries, human and machine, actually to find it, and with it their own destruction....

Оконные занавеси. Иллюстрированная энциклопедия

Чарлз Т. Рэндалл

  Оконные занавеси. Иллюстрированная энциклопедия  Чарлз Т. Рэндалл  Ниола-Пресс.   В книге представлено широкое разнообразие стилей и способов декорирования окон в зависимости от использования различного вида занавесей, карнизов и ламбрекенов, гирлянд и каскадов и т.д. Оригинальные идеи оформления окон, предлагаемые вашему вниманию, включая выразительные аксессуары (скатерти, салфетки, диванные подушки, абажуры), помогут придать неповторимый облик декору вашего дома.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Ниола-Пресс. В книге представлено широкое разнообразие стилей и способов декорирования окон в зависимости от использования различного вида занавесей, карнизов и ламбрекенов, гирлянд и каскадов и т.д. Оригинальные идеи оформления окон, предлагаемые вашему вниманию, включая выразительные аксессуары (скатерти, салфетки, диванные подушки, абажуры), помогут придать неповторимый облик декору вашего дома....

Современная аранжировка цветов

Пола Прайк

  Современная аранжировка цветов  Пола Прайк  Арт-Родник.   Все, что вам необходимо знать об индивидуальном стиле - Арт-Родник. Все, что вам необходимо знать об индивидуальном стиле - "стиле Полы Прайк", - можно найти в этой книге, если вы хотите стать компетентным флористом или серьезно изучаете аранжировку цветов. Как только вы постигнете основы - технику и элементы хорошего цветочного дизайна, - вы сумеете создавать любую композицию, какую пожелаете. Усвоив эти навыки, вы можете искать свой собственный стиль и со временем стать серьезным художником-флористом. Работа с цветами в течение многих лет приносила автору неимоверную радость. Кроме того, автор надеется, что эта книга будет способствовать подтверждению мнения о том, что занятия с цветами приносят радость и удовлетворение всем - и не только самому дизайнеру!...

Learning New Languages: A Guide to Second Language Acquisition (Teachersource Book): A Guide to Second Language Acquisition (Teachersource Book)

Thomas Scovel

  Learning New Languages: A Guide to Second Language Acquisition (Teachersource Book): A Guide to Second Language Acquisition (Teachersource Book)  Thomas Scovel  This text provides a thorough account of the key principles of second language acquisition. Voices from the classroom, as well as activities for reflective research, engage the reader in an interactive exploration of how learners acquire new languages.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This text provides a thorough account of the key principles of second language acquisition. Voices from the classroom, as well as activities for reflective research, engage the reader in an interactive exploration of how learners acquire new languages....

Minimalist Lighting: Professional Techniques for Location Photography

Kirk Tuck

  Minimalist Lighting: Professional Techniques for Location Photography  Kirk Tuck  
.   Packed with incredible images and step-by-step techniques, this book is a must have for commercial, wedding, and portrait photographers working on location who want to maximize their time behind the camera and minimize their time spent hauling cumbersome ighting equipment. The tips show how to select easily portable and versatile equipment for location shoots, cutting down on the packing and porting of expensive equipment. With techniques and information on the latest technology—including battery-powered lashes and accessories—this reference shows photographers how to work with smaller and lighter-weight lighting equipment without sacrificing quality. Whether shooting portraits, landscapes, or interiors, whether indoors or out, photographers will embrace he portable approach offered in this valuable resource.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин . Packed with incredible images and step-by-step techniques, this book is a must have for commercial, wedding, and portrait photographers working on location who want to maximize their time behind the camera and minimize their time spent hauling cumbersome ighting equipment. The tips show how to select easily portable and versatile equipment for location shoots, cutting down on the packing and porting of expensive equipment. With techniques and information on the latest technology—including battery-powered lashes and accessories—this reference shows photographers how to work with smaller and lighter-weight lighting equipment without sacrificing quality. Whether shooting portraits, landscapes, or interiors, whether indoors or out, photographers will embrace he portable approach offered in this valuable resource....

<<<  Open Your Heart: 12 Weeks of Daily Devotions. Martin ...             A Dream in Polar Fog. Yuri Rytkheu >>>

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Consider Phlebas. Iain M. Banks . Книги.

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