Искусство управления дыханием

Вадим Уфимцев

  Искусство управления дыханием  Вадим Уфимцев  Современная школа.   Школа спецназа.   Данная книга является детально разработанным практическим учебником по овладению уникальными возможностями искусства управления дыханием. Освоив многочисленные дыхательные упражнения, изложенные в книге, вы сможете достичь богатырского здоровья, потрясающей работоспособности и поразительно крепкой психики. Для широкого круга читателей.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Современная школа. Школа спецназа. Данная книга является детально разработанным практическим учебником по овладению уникальными возможностями искусства управления дыханием. Освоив многочисленные дыхательные упражнения, изложенные в книге, вы сможете достичь богатырского здоровья, потрясающей работоспособности и поразительно крепкой психики. Для широкого круга читателей....

Slum Travelers: Ladies and London Poverty, 1860-1920

  Slum Travelers: Ladies and London Poverty, 1860-1920  Late-nineteenth-century Britain saw the privileged classes forsake society balls and gatherings to turn their considerable resources to investigating and relieving poverty. By the 1890s at least half a million women were involved in philanthropy, particularly in London. Slum Travelers, edited, annotated, and with a superb introduction by Ellen Ross, collects a fascinating array of the writings of these Late-nineteenth-century Britain saw the privileged classes forsake society balls and gatherings to turn their considerable resources to investigating and relieving poverty. By the 1890s at least half a million women were involved in philanthropy, particularly in London. Slum Travelers, edited, annotated, and with a superb introduction by Ellen Ross, collects a fascinating array of the writings of these "lady explorers," who were active in the east, south, and central London slums from around 1870 until the end of World War I. Contributors range from the well known, including Annie Besant, Sylvia Pankhurst, and Beatrice Webb (then Potter), to the obscure. The collection reclaims an important group of writers whose representations of urban poverty have been eclipsed by better-known male authors such as Charles Dickens and Jack London....

Dimensions of Inequality in Canada (Equality, Security, Community)

  Dimensions of Inequality in Canada (Equality, Security, Community)  Canada is commonly portrayed as becoming a more and more polarized society. At the same time, Canadians perceive their nation as kind-hearted, and pride themselves on taking better care of the disadvantaged than their neighbors to the south. This groundbreaking volume closely examines these differeing views through a careful analysis of the causes, trends, and dimensions of inequality to provide an overall assessment of the state of inequality in Canada. The contributions from leading economists, sociologists, philosophers, and political scientists provide frameworks for thinking about inequality, original analyses using Canadian data, and assessments of significant policy issues, methodologies, and research agendas. Topics include inequalities in economic, labor, health, and political and social participation, which are influenced by factors such as family status, gender, age, ethnicity, and language. An invaluable source of information for policy makers, researchers, and students...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Canada is commonly portrayed as becoming a more and more polarized society. At the same time, Canadians perceive their nation as kind-hearted, and pride themselves on taking better care of the disadvantaged than their neighbors to the south. This groundbreaking volume closely examines these differeing views through a careful analysis of the causes, trends, and dimensions of inequality to provide an overall assessment of the state of inequality in Canada. The contributions from leading economists, sociologists, philosophers, and political scientists provide frameworks for thinking about inequality, original analyses using Canadian data, and assessments of significant policy issues, methodologies, and research agendas. Topics include inequalities in economic, labor, health, and political and social participation, which are influenced by factors such as family status, gender, age, ethnicity, and language. An invaluable source of information for policy makers, researchers, and students......

Уйти и не вернуться

Чингиз Абдуллаев

  Уйти и не вернуться  Чингиз Абдуллаев  Проф-Пресс.   Схватка без правил.   В книгу вошли два романа писателя: Проф-Пресс. Схватка без правил. В книгу вошли два романа писателя: "Уйти и не вернуться" и "Мое прекрасное алиби". Женщина-подполковник Катерина Падерина действует в горах Афганистана против неприятеля, с которым даже мужчинам - закаленным десантникам и диверсантам - приходится сражаться изо всех сил, всерьез. А один из десантников, тяжко изувеченный, после войны отыскивает себе единственное оставшееся применение: становится профессиональным убийцей-истребителем, пуская в дело накопленные навыки... Если вы увлекаетесь исключительно западными боевиками - удостоверьтесь: отечественные образцы могут быть не хуже, а лучше!...

Time Lag (Yaoi)

Shinobu Gotoh, Hotaru Odagiri

  Time Lag (Yaoi)  Shinobu Gotoh, Hotaru Odagiri  Satoru Tendou has confessed his love to Shirou Sawaguchi every spring since entering high school, only to be rejected with a cold stare. As the spring of their third year approaches, Satoru is starting to wonder if he should give up on Shirou or risk being rejected a third time. Will Satoru be able to convince Shirou that his love is genuine? Or will Seiichi Hiro, Satoru's friend and confidant, steal Satoru away before he and Shirou can reconcile their differences?  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Satoru Tendou has confessed his love to Shirou Sawaguchi every spring since entering high school, only to be rejected with a cold stare. As the spring of their third year approaches, Satoru is starting to wonder if he should give up on Shirou or risk being rejected a third time. Will Satoru be able to convince Shirou that his love is genuine? Or will Seiichi Hiro, Satoru's friend and confidant, steal Satoru away before he and Shirou can reconcile their differences?...

<<<  Справочник классного руководителя: 10-11 классы: Новое изданиеорганизационные, ...             A Dream in Polar Fog. Yuri Rytkheu >>>

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Искусство управления дыханием. Вадим Уфимцев . Книги.

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