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Чудеса и диковины Грегори Норминтон
АСТ, Транзиткнига, АСТ Москва, Харвест. Корабль дураков. Позднее Возрождение... Эпоха гениальных творцов, гениальных авантюристов… и гениев, совмещающих талант к творчеству с талантом к преступлению. Перед вами - не просто потрясающий интеллектуальный авантюрный роман, но удивительная анатомия самого духа, двигавшего этой эпохой. Причем режет этот дух по-живому человек, ставший своеобразным его воплощением... "Блестящий роман об истории, искусстве, преступлении и искусстве преступления в истории!" Times...
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Beyond the Ruins: The Meanings of Deindustrialization
Book DescriptionThe immediate impact of deindustrialization?the suffering inflicted upon workers, their families, and their communities?has been widely reported by scholars and journalists. In this important volume, the authors seek to move discussion of America?s industrial decline beyond the immediate ramifications of plant shutdowns by placing it into a broader social, political, and economic context. Emphasizing a historical approach, the authors explore the multiple meanings of one ofthe major transformations of the twentieth century. The concept of deindustrialization entered the popular and scholarly lexicon in 1982 with the publication of The Deindustrialization of America, by Barry Bluestone and Bennett Harrison. Beyond the Ruins both builds upon and departs from the insights presented in that benchmark study. In this volume, the authors rethink the chronology, memory, geography, culture, and politics of industrial change in America. Taken together,......
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The World Economy : Resources, Location, Trade and Development (4th Edition) Frederick P. Stutz
Book DescriptionThis book provides a sound theoretical and practical foundation for understanding the global economy in an era of shifting borders, restructuring economies, and regional realignments. It combines economic theory with geography in addressing critical problems of growth, distribution, and development, and to explain their impact on international business. Recent geopolitical changes are vividly portrayed in a series of superb full color maps and striking photographs. Chapter topics cover globalization of the world economy: an introduction, population and the world economy, resources and environment, transportation and communications in world economy, world agriculture and rural land use, urban land use: theory and practice, cities as retail and service centers, industrial location: firms, industrial location: world regions, and international business: dynamics, world patterns, and development. For professionals of the 21st century who want to better appreciate and......
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Salmon Doubts Adam Sacks
Book DescriptionBeautifully illustrated and deeply imaginative, the cast of conversing fish in Salmon Doubts philosophize about the meaning of life as they make their ultimate journey upstream to spawn. With lushly-rendered artwork, uproarious humor, intricately imagined settings, and striking, inventive page layouts, Adam Sacks envelops readers with his genius. The characters in Salmon Doubts fall outside the conventions of the "funny animal" or "anthropomorphic" comics genres - they look like animals, and do not wear little waistcoats or drive little automobiles. But saddled with the full weight of consciousness and speech, they testify just as much to the Human Condition as to Natural Selection....
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As You Like It : A Guide to the Play (Greenwood Guides to Shakespeare) Stephen J. Lynch
Book DescriptionThis comprehensive guide includes a discussion of the play's textual history, analyses of its various contexts and sources of influence, an examination of its dramatic structure, a detailed plot summary, a discussion of major themes and critical approaches, and a look at major productions from the 16th through the 20th century....
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Чудеса и диковины. Грегори Норминтон . Книги.
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