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Хороший тон
Терра, "Книжная Лавка - РТР". Русский дом. Хороший тон. Издание 1996 года. Сохранность хорошая. В книге рассказано о правилах "благоустройства частной жизни человека". Читатель узнает о том, какие требования предъявило общество XIX века к главе семейства, к жене и детям, как проводились торжественные и семейные обеды, званые и музыкальные вечера, приемы, как писались письма. Редактор И.Шурыгина....
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Banking and Economic Development-Brazil, 1889-1930: Brazil, 1889-1930 Gail D. Triner
A banking system emerged in Brazil during the early 20th century that was efficiently and productively supported by economic development. However, it also contained the seeds of its future limitations. This banking system did not equalize conditionsacross sectors or regions as existing theory and historiography anticipated. Deeply embedded institutional constraints limited banking's contribution to long-term development. The three most important institutional constraints were insecure property rights, continual tension between the system's public and private sector functions, and competition between the Federal State and the states. Nevertheless, the banking system was an effective tool in the consolidation of an economy of national scope during these crucial years. As a modern banking system emerged, its use in national consolidation both magnified and reflected its limitations....
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Privatisation and Structural Change in Transition Economies (Euro-Asian Studies) Yelena Kalyuzhnova, Wladimir Andreff
This book brings together specialists from different areas (governance, regulation, macro-econometrics, micro-econometrics, enterprise culture, foreign direct investment, technology transfer) to focus on the many different aspects of the privatization process in transition economies. The book does not dwell on the administrative or procedural aspects of privatization. Instead it attempts to understand the bigger picture in terms of underlying policy environment and supporting legal and economic measures which helped to a large extent to determine the eventual success or failure of privatization programs....
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Coping With Corporate Campaigns : Patterns of Activist Intrusion James E. Lukaszewski
The ?corporate campaign? has evolved into one of the more negative and destructive anti-corporate actions that can be taken against a business or high-profile organization. Labor activists, out of frustration with typical bargaining approaches, originally developed the technique. It first appeared as an identified strategy in the 1960s in an organizing campaign against J. P. Stevens, a textile manufacturer in the South. Today most activist organizations, NGOs, and religious activists use, participate in, or sanction such tactics. Corporate campaigns are part of a large and growing worldwide anti-business attitude. In this insightful monograph Mr. Lukaszewski describes corporate campaigns: what they are, how they work, who conducts them,typical activist tactics, corporate behaviors that trigger attack, Alinsky?s rules, and corporate preparation and response....
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Careers for Computer Buffs & Other Technological Types Marjorie Eberts
Careers For. . . * VARIETY OF CAREERS SHOWN. From the obvious to the obscure, readers will be able to explore careers that match their interests. * CAREER PROFILES. Includes complete job descriptions and salary ranges. * PROFESSIONAL INTERVIEWS. Allow student to see what jobs are really like and what it took to get them. * PROVEN GUIDELINES. Help students understand what it takes to get the job of their dreams and the steps to get there....
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Словари, справочники и энциклопедические издания по бизнесу| Индийские детективы| Первая мировая и гражданская война| Игры, праздники, развлечения для детей| Молодежные комедии| Теоретическая физика| Военные комедии| История Древней Руси. Средневековье| Финансовый анализ, оценка, учет и планирование. Бюджет| Глобусы, контурные карты и атласы| Офисные приложения| Туризм, путешествия и экспедиции| Коллекции изображений| Рок-музыка| Барды. | Фотоискусство. Художественная фотография| Индийские детективы| Природа| Естественные науки| Обучаем играя| Финансовое и банковское право| Симуляторы (Simulators)|
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