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Культурология. Шпаргалка
Окей-книга. Скорая помощь студенту. Настоящее издание поможет систематизировать полученные ранее знания, а также подготовиться к экзамену или зачету и успешно их сдать. Пособие предназначено для студентов и средних образовательных учреждений....
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Ожог Василий Аксенов
Эксмо. Остров Аксенов. В романе Василия Аксенова "Ожог" автор бесстрашно и смешно рассказывает о современниках, пугающе - о сталинских лагерях, откровенно - о любви, честно - о высокопоставленных мерзавцах, романтично - о молодости и о себе и, как всегда, пронзительно - о судьбе России. Действие романа Аксенова "Ожог" разворачивается в Москве, Ленинграде, Крыму и "столице Колымского края" Магадане, по-настоящему "обжигает" мрачной фантасмагорией реалий. "Ожог" вырвался из души Аксенова как крик, как выдох. Невероятный, немыслимо высокий градус свободы - настоящая обжигающая проза....
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Tangible Strategies for Intangible Assets John Berry
McGraw-Hill Companies. While guidelines now exist for the financial valuation of intangible assets, managing them for maximum value is new territory for many organizations. "Tangible Strategies for Intangible Assets" provides an insightful, in-depth examination of methods for measuring and managing the value of intangibles in an organization and maximizing opportunities for realizing their full value. Management consultant John Berry introduces six critical intangible asset classes - information technology, intellectual property, knowledge, brand, customers, and employees - and demonstrates specific management techniques for each class that offer real potential to deliver value to an organization. These asset classes form the foundation for a detailed analysis that reveals such principles as: The nature of intangible assets in today's transforming global economy - what they are, what they are not, and what they mean to you; Top-to-bottom strategies for treating employees as a driver of......
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Horrible Histories: Wicked Words Terry Deary
Scholastic. Horrible Histories. History with the nasty bits left in! Wicked Words tells you some fascinating and funny facts about the incredible English language and its horrible history, from the first word ever to dreadful dictionaries and sleazy slang. Want to know: how to be very rude... without anybody knowing? some murky Medieval jokes? what to say if someone calls you mundungus, hackum or jobbernowl? Read on for some potty proverbs, wacky word games, ridiculous writers and rotten riddles. Ever suffered a spelling test or grappled with grammar? Get your revenge with some really wicked words - even English teachers will be speechless' History has never been so horrible! Формат: 13,5 см х 21,5 см....
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Crucial Needs, Weak Incentives: Social Sector Reform, Democratization, and Globalization in Latin America Edited by Robert R. Kaufman and Joan M. Nelson
Woodrow Wilson Center Press, The Johns Hopkins University Press. "Crucial Needs, Weak Incentives" studies the politics of 1990s efforts to reform education and health services in Latin America. Both sectors were common targets of reform - education because of its economic importance, health care because of needs to reduce great inequities and opportunities to increase domestic savings presented by reforms. The two sectors also have large numbers of unionized public employees, whose presence affects not only patronage but also political power. The book presents case studies of Mexico, Argentina, Colombia, Brazil. Costa Rica, and Peru for health care and Mexico, Argentina, Colombia, Brazil, Nicaragua, and Venezuela for education. The case studies offer a wealth of new information not previously accessible to the English-speaking academic and policy community. Four chapters by the editors set out for each sector the goals, structure, and outcomes of reform efforts. Формат: 15 см x 22,5 см....
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Культурология. Шпаргалка. . Книги.
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