Oxford. Новая детская энциклопедия

  Oxford. Новая детская энциклопедия  Росмэн-Пресс.   Это книга о различных областях знаний, об основных закономерностях природы и достижениях человечества. Здесь вы найдете важные и занимательные сведения о растениях и животных, о космосе, об окружающей среде и климате, о различных веществах и еще о многом другом, что уже открыли или продолжают изучать ученые разных стран.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Росмэн-Пресс. Это книга о различных областях знаний, об основных закономерностях природы и достижениях человечества. Здесь вы найдете важные и занимательные сведения о растениях и животных, о космосе, об окружающей среде и климате, о различных веществах и еще о многом другом, что уже открыли или продолжают изучать ученые разных стран....

Федеральный закон "Об аудиторской деятельности"

  Федеральный закон Омега-Л. Законы Российской Федерации. Настоящее издание содержит текст Федерального закона "Об аудиторской деятельности"....

Долговекий мастер. Очерк творчества

Евгений Пермяк

  Долговекий мастер. Очерк творчества  Евгений Пермяк  Детская литература. Москва.   Жизнь и творчество Павла Петровича Бажова в рассказах, очерках, письмах.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Детская литература. Москва. Жизнь и творчество Павла Петровича Бажова в рассказах, очерках, письмах....

Cousin Henry (Oxford World's Classics)

Anthony Trollope

  Cousin Henry (Oxford World's Classics)  Anthony Trollope  Cousin Henry, first published in 1879, is perhaps the most unusual and intriguing of Trollope's shorter novels. Trollope's masterly handling of the novel's unlikely hero, a tiresome and timid coward, is notable for its insight and compassion.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Cousin Henry, first published in 1879, is perhaps the most unusual and intriguing of Trollope's shorter novels. Trollope's masterly handling of the novel's unlikely hero, a tiresome and timid coward, is notable for its insight and compassion....

The Adam Brothers in Rome: Drawings from the Grand Tour

A. A. Tait

  The Adam Brothers in Rome: Drawings from the Grand Tour  A. A. Tait  Scala Publishers.   Robert and James Adam dominated British architecture for the second half of the eighteenth century. The key period in the development of the Adam style was their time as Grand Tourists in Italy - three years for Robert, four for James. During these years, they toured Italy from their base in the Casa Guarnieri in Rome. As architects they studied and drew after the Antique, as Grand Tourists they formed a vast collection of paintings and drawings. It was this collection that was sold during the years 1765-1821. The drawings themselves were acquired by Sir John Soane in 1833 for his new Museum in Lincoln's Inn Fields, London. These drawings, together with the brothers' fascinating letters and James's journal, form a unique picture. Each complements and extends the other to make up a remarkable document for any student of the eighteenth century and Italy. This book gives an account of the brothers' aspirations and achievements in making their Grand Tours, tracing James's role as...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Scala Publishers. Robert and James Adam dominated British architecture for the second half of the eighteenth century. The key period in the development of the Adam style was their time as Grand Tourists in Italy - three years for Robert, four for James. During these years, they toured Italy from their base in the Casa Guarnieri in Rome. As architects they studied and drew after the Antique, as Grand Tourists they formed a vast collection of paintings and drawings. It was this collection that was sold during the years 1765-1821. The drawings themselves were acquired by Sir John Soane in 1833 for his new Museum in Lincoln's Inn Fields, London. These drawings, together with the brothers' fascinating letters and James's journal, form a unique picture. Each complements and extends the other to make up a remarkable document for any student of the eighteenth century and Italy. This book gives an account of the brothers' aspirations and achievements in making their Grand Tours, tracing James's role as......

<<<  Все девчонки - странные, но они вкусно пахнут. Тодд Харрис ...             The West of Ireland: A Photographer's Journey. Carsten ... >>>

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Oxford. Новая детская энциклопедия. . Книги.

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