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Врожденные и перинатальные инфекции: предупреждение, диагностика и лечение
Петрополис. Достижения по снижению перинатальной заболеваемости и смертности в индустриально развитых странах основаны на широком клиническом внедрении данных контролируемых научных исследований и опыте, накопленном в этих странах, за последнее столетие. Перинатальные инфекции остаются одной из основных причин заболеваемости и смертности среди новорожденных во всех странах и число перинатально передающихся инфекций продолжает неуклонно увеличиваться. Возможности диагностики перинатальных инфекций значительно расширились благодаря внедрению новейших серологических технологий и возможностям ультразвукового сканирования. Знание последних достижений в этой области позволяет использовать современные методы антенатального скрининга и программы по предотвращению развития перинатальных инфекционных поражений. Книга предназначена для организаторов здравоохранения, врачей акушеров-гинекологов, неонатологов, клинических эпидемиологов, врачей общей практики, акушерок, студентов медицинских институтов,......
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Web Development and Design Foundations with XHTML Terry Felke-Morris
Addison Wesley. "Web Development and Design Foundations with XHTML", Fourth Edition, includes everything you need to develop highly effective Web sites. In addition to comprehensive coverage of XHTML, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), and Web design best practices, this book presents information on accessibility, ethics, e-commerce, Web site promotion strategies, and JavaScript™. CSS has become a standard for Web design, so this edition introduces CSS early on and integrates the topic throughout the text, including CSS-based page layouts. This book explains important Web development and design concepts and provides step-by-step presentations that show you how to implement them. With Web design focus activities, as well as Hands-On Practices, Hands-On Exercises, Web site Case Studies, and valuable reference material, this book has everything a beginning Web developer needs. This text is appropriate for a one-semester Web development course....
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Hodgson Mill Whole Grain Baking: 400 Healthy and Delicious Recipes for Muffins, Breads, Cookies, and More
Fair Winds Press. If your experience of whole grains translates into heavy, bitter, stale, or (in the case of pasta) mushy, take heart. A revolution in whole-grain flours and a better understanding of the techniques needed to create delicious whole-grain baked goods that are as good to eat as they are good for you has taken place in the last few years. With new flours like white whole wheat, white wheat bran, and white spelt, whole-grain baking has finally come into its own. And here to help health-conscious cooks take advantage of the new developments is The Official Hodgson Mill Whole-Grain Baking Companion. From scrumptious breads like Multigrain Currant Loaf, Sourdough Rye, and California Soy Crunch to White Whole Wheat Blueberry Muffins and Perfect Buckwheat Pancakes, from Cranberry-Marmalade Scones to Cardamom Coffee Braid, 400 recipes present the best of whole-grain baking in easy-to-follow step by-step format....
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Wild Sweets Chocolate: Savory, Sweet, Bites, Drinks Dominique Duby, Cindy Duby
Whitecap Books. Wild, exotic ways to incorporate chocolate into sweet and savory delicacies. Decadence and creativity merge into a blissful package of fine chocolate in this new cookbook by renowned chocolatiers Dominique and Cindy Duby. Chocolate is not delegated solely to the desserts section of this book but is incorporated throughout in savory dishes, giving each plate a velvety, complex and delicious finish. Not to worry: there are decadent desserts like baked chocolate cream and spiced caramel dust spoons. This new cookbook includes sections on cocktails and drinks, savory dishes (shellfish, fish, meat, vegetables) and sweet ends. Also included are professional add-on recipes, a section on basics, and a resource list. All the exquisite recipes reflect the rationale at Wild Sweets, the authors' chocolate atelier. They blend the exotic and the familiar, and offer elements of surprise with a sense of comfort. Among the selections: - Braised short ribs, choco-wine......
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Playing for JoePa
Jordan Hyman, Ken Rappoport...
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