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The Last Dropout: Stop the Epidemic!
Bill Milliken...
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Trout Fishing in the Catskills
Ed Van Put...
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Ecological and Genetic Implications of Aquaculture Activities (Reviews: Methods and Technologies in Fish Biology and Fisheries) (Reviews: Methods and Technologies in Fish Biology a
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Clean & Serene: Meditations for the Bath Annalise Witberg
Melcher Media. A treasury of calming reflections from spiritual traditions (Zen to New Age) to enjoy in the comfort of a warm, languorous bath. Clean & Serene provides inspiration for inner escapes through balanced breathing techniques, visualization exercises, and healing meditations for body and soul....
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The Shut Up and Shoot Documentary Guide: A Down & Dirty DV Production Anthony Q. Artis
Focal Press. So you want to make a documentary, but think you don't have a lot of time, money, or experience? It's time to get down and dirty! Down and dirty is a filmmaking mindset. It's the mentality that forces you to be creative with your resources. It's about doing more with less. You will learn how to make your project better, faster, and cheaper. The pages are crammed with 500 full-color pictures, tips from the pros, resources, checklists and charts, making it easy to find what you need fast....
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The Last Dropout: Stop the Epidemic!. Bill Milliken . Книги.
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