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Адора Смолл Бертрис
Крон-Пресс. Звезда любви. Адора. Бертрис Смолл - популярная американская писательница, чьи произведения издаются во всем мире и занимают первые места в списках бестселлеров США. Роскошные волосы и фиалковые глаза Адоры пленили молодого принца Мурада, когда он увидел ее в цветущем саду. Их любовь расцвела, как персиковое дерево, под которым он сорвал с ее губ первый поцелуй. Но султан Орхан объявил Адору своей невестой. Смогут ли влюбленные встретиться вновь?...
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The Complete Guide to Book Publicity Jodee Blanco
The nuts and bolts of book promotion are covered for fiction, nonfiction, hardcover trade, mass market, and trade paperbacks. Readers are told how to tailor campaigns to reach differing consumer, trade, and special-interest audiences; how to pitch the media and arrange author tours with print, television, and radio interviews; and how to produce headline-grabbing promotional events. Jodee Blanco has spearheaded campaigns for more than a dozen New York Times best-sellers. President of Blanco & Peace, a Chicago-based public relations firm with offices in New York and Los Angeles, and a faculty member of New York University's Center for Publishing, she splits her time among all three cities....
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Language of Real Estate
John Reilly...
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Junkers Aircraft And Engines, 1913-1945 (Putnam Aviation)
Antony L. Kay, Paul Couper...
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Our Shared Legacy: Nursing Education at Johns Hopkins, 1889--2006
"Conscious of the past, equal to the present, and reaching forward into the future -- that's the Hopkins way. That's our shared legacy. That's the challenge of your tomorrow." With these words to the class of 1988, Barbara Donaho (1956) underscored the complex history of nursing education at Johns Hopkins. From the founding of the hospital's training nursing school in 1889, through years of struggle to achieve full academic recognition as the Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing, Hopkins nurses have maintained high standards of excellence, professionalism, and vigilance -- both at the bedside and in the highest realms of leadership. In this beautifully illustrated volume, Mame Warren, Linda Sabin, and Mary Frances Keen weave a rich tapestry of the Nursing School's deep and fascinating tradition. The voices of generations of Hopkins nurses combine with a well-researched historical narrative to offer a stirring tribute to Hopkins nursing students and alumni along......
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Адора. Смолл Бертрис . Книги.
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