Beginning J2ME: From Novice to Professional, Third Edition (Novice to Professional)

Jonathan Knudsen, Sing Li

  Beginning J2ME: From Novice to Professional, Third Edition (Novice to Professional)  Jonathan Knudsen, Sing Li  J2ME is a platform for wireless and mobile Java application development. Beginning J2ME makes this and all the fun you can have with it accessible to the first time wireless Java developer as well as useful to the experienced. This book includes coverage such as sound HTTPS support, lots of user interface API enhancements, a Game API, sound/music API, 3D graphics, Bluetooth, and much more. It’s easy to read with lots of practical hands-on and able to use code examples.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин J2ME is a platform for wireless and mobile Java application development. Beginning J2ME makes this and all the fun you can have with it accessible to the first time wireless Java developer as well as useful to the experienced. This book includes coverage such as sound HTTPS support, lots of user interface API enhancements, a Game API, sound/music API, 3D graphics, Bluetooth, and much more. It’s easy to read with lots of practical hands-on and able to use code examples....

Oil Shale Development in the United States: Prospects And Policy Issues

  Oil Shale Development in the United States: Prospects And Policy Issues  James T. Bartis, Tom Latourrette, D. J. Peterson, Gary Cecchine  James T. Bartis, Tom Latourrette, D. J. Peterson, Gary Cecchine  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин James T. Bartis, Tom Latourrette, D. J. Peterson, Gary Cecchine...

Public Opinion

  Public Opinion  Carroll J. Glynn, Susan Herbst, Garret O'Keefe, Robert Shapiro, Mark Lindeman  Carroll J. Glynn, Susan Herbst, Garret O'Keefe, Robert Shapiro, Mark Lindeman  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Carroll J. Glynn, Susan Herbst, Garret O'Keefe, Robert Shapiro, Mark Lindeman...

Transforming the School Counseling Profession (2nd Edition)

Bradley Erford

  Transforming the School Counseling Profession (2nd Edition)  Bradley Erford  Written by more than 20 experts in the counseling field, this new book examines the full spectrum of issues involved in the school counseling profession, with an emphasis on a comprehensive developmental school counseling approach supplemented by responsive interventions. Each of the contributing authors is a key practitioner/researcher in the area about which he/she writes; and, together, they advocate transforming the role of the professional school counselor from its traditional focus on guidance to a larger role that more accurately reflects the needs of today's students, educators, parents, and communities. The book outlines ten roles the professional school counselor plays in today's educational system and discusses becoming a competent multicultural counselor. It covers counseling individuals and groups, students with special needs, students at-risk, and students with mental and emotional disorders and examines the prevalence of such conditions in school populations and...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Written by more than 20 experts in the counseling field, this new book examines the full spectrum of issues involved in the school counseling profession, with an emphasis on a comprehensive developmental school counseling approach supplemented by responsive interventions. Each of the contributing authors is a key practitioner/researcher in the area about which he/she writes; and, together, they advocate transforming the role of the professional school counselor from its traditional focus on guidance to a larger role that more accurately reflects the needs of today's students, educators, parents, and communities. The book outlines ten roles the professional school counselor plays in today's educational system and discusses becoming a competent multicultural counselor. It covers counseling individuals and groups, students with special needs, students at-risk, and students with mental and emotional disorders and examines the prevalence of such conditions in school populations and......

Remaking the Urban Waterfront

Urban Land Institute

  Remaking the Urban Waterfront  Urban Land Institute  Waterfronts provide a natural opportunity to make a memorable urban place, yet many of them remain obsolete or underused. Remaking the Urban Waterfront, written by expert architects and planners, explains the importance of and challenges inherent in transforming waterfronts, the key design issues, zoning and land use regulations, environmental obstacles, development incentives, and how the public and private sectors must work together to create spectacular new waterfronts. Case studies of both small- and large-scale projects describe how mixed-use, residential, retail/entertainment, commercial/ industrial, civic buildings, and parks were developed in the United States and abroad  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Waterfronts provide a natural opportunity to make a memorable urban place, yet many of them remain obsolete or underused. Remaking the Urban Waterfront, written by expert architects and planners, explains the importance of and challenges inherent in transforming waterfronts, the key design issues, zoning and land use regulations, environmental obstacles, development incentives, and how the public and private sectors must work together to create spectacular new waterfronts. Case studies of both small- and large-scale projects describe how mixed-use, residential, retail/entertainment, commercial/ industrial, civic buildings, and parks were developed in the United States and abroad...

<<<  На горах. В двух книгах. Книга вторая. П. И. Мельников ...             The West of Ireland: A Photographer's Journey. Carsten ... >>>

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Beginning J2ME: From Novice to Professional, Third Edition (Novice to Professional). Jonathan Knudsen, Sing Li . Книги.

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