John H. Patterson: Pioneer in Industrial Welfare

Samuel Crowther

  John H. Patterson: Pioneer in Industrial Welfare  Samuel Crowther  1923. This volume contains a biographical account of the life of John Henry Patterson, an American manufacturer. Patterson was best known for his merchandising innovations, such as the idea of exclusive sales territories. At the age of 40, he became the owner of the National Cash Register Company in Dayton, Ohio. Illustrated throughout.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин 1923. This volume contains a biographical account of the life of John Henry Patterson, an American manufacturer. Patterson was best known for his merchandising innovations, such as the idea of exclusive sales territories. At the age of 40, he became the owner of the National Cash Register Company in Dayton, Ohio. Illustrated throughout....

Passion and Purpose: How to Identify and Leverage the Powerful Patterns That Shape Your Work/Life

Marlys Hanson, Merle E. Hanson, Arthur F. Miller Jr.

  Passion and Purpose: How to Identify and Leverage the Powerful Patterns That Shape Your Work/Life  Marlys Hanson, Merle E. Hanson, Arthur F. Miller Jr.  This book is about innate motivation--the naturally endowed needs, drives or desires that motivate a person to some particular action or behavior. Many terms are used to describe this phenomenon. Giftedness, talents, motivated abilities, natural strengths, motivational patterns or passion and purpose are some of the most common. Regardless of the specific term used, all are intended to convey the fact that every time a person accomplishes something personally significant and enjoyable, he or she will inevitably repeat some or all of the aspects of his or her innate motivation. Over time, a consistent pattern emerges that, if recognized and understood, reveals the basis for fulfillment and productivity for that individual. This book presents the System of Identifying Motivated Abilities, (SIMA), a behavior-based assessment process designed to identify this unique but consistent pattern of your natural strengths. The outcome of this SIMA Assessment is a description of your...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This book is about innate motivation--the naturally endowed needs, drives or desires that motivate a person to some particular action or behavior. Many terms are used to describe this phenomenon. Giftedness, talents, motivated abilities, natural strengths, motivational patterns or passion and purpose are some of the most common. Regardless of the specific term used, all are intended to convey the fact that every time a person accomplishes something personally significant and enjoyable, he or she will inevitably repeat some or all of the aspects of his or her innate motivation. Over time, a consistent pattern emerges that, if recognized and understood, reveals the basis for fulfillment and productivity for that individual. This book presents the System of Identifying Motivated Abilities, (SIMA), a behavior-based assessment process designed to identify this unique but consistent pattern of your natural strengths. The outcome of this SIMA Assessment is a description of your......

What the Market Does to People: Privatization, Globalization and Poverty

David MacArov

  What the Market Does to People: Privatization, Globalization and Poverty  David MacArov  This book is a description, explanation and expose of the poverty that currently afflicts large swathes of people in both developed and less-developed nations. It examines and illustrates the shocking extent, the kinds and the results of poverty from both societal and individual perspectives. The origins of poverty in attitudes and ideologies, and the societal norms and structures that currently keep billions of people poor, are examined. Methods of determining statistical poverty lines, and their uses in hiding the extent of real poverty, are explained, as well as some little-known aspects of the poverty lines used in various countries. The subterfuges used by most governments in counting the poor are also examined. Particular attention is paid to the most recent and widespread causes of poverty, namely, privatization and globalization, with their emphasis on the need for a market-driven economy, in which greed is posited as goal, guide and god. The market-driven...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This book is a description, explanation and expose of the poverty that currently afflicts large swathes of people in both developed and less-developed nations. It examines and illustrates the shocking extent, the kinds and the results of poverty from both societal and individual perspectives. The origins of poverty in attitudes and ideologies, and the societal norms and structures that currently keep billions of people poor, are examined. Methods of determining statistical poverty lines, and their uses in hiding the extent of real poverty, are explained, as well as some little-known aspects of the poverty lines used in various countries. The subterfuges used by most governments in counting the poor are also examined. Particular attention is paid to the most recent and widespread causes of poverty, namely, privatization and globalization, with their emphasis on the need for a market-driven economy, in which greed is posited as goal, guide and god. The market-driven......

101 Trends Every Investor Should Know about the Global Economy

Joseph P. Quinlan, Kathryn L. Stevens

  101 Trends Every Investor Should Know about the Global Economy  Joseph P. Quinlan, Kathryn L. Stevens  Contemporary Books (CB).   The end of the Cold War, Europe's single currency, Asia's financial crisis, the rise of China, new global trade agreements, massive daily flows of capital-all of these variables and more signal an unprecedented pace of change in the global economy. Globalization has emerged as the hallmark of the 1990s, challenging U.S. investors and corporations to grasp and understand the powerful forces at work outside the United States. This thorough, readable guide presents the 101 key demographic, financial, and economic characteristics of the global economy. It provides a taut introduction for understanding the key trends of the global economy and is essential reading for anyone engaged in international business and finance. It is an excellent sourcebook and reference, incorporating subjects ranging from America's position in global trade and investment to the rise of the global Contemporary Books (CB). The end of the Cold War, Europe's single currency, Asia's financial crisis, the rise of China, new global trade agreements, massive daily flows of capital-all of these variables and more signal an unprecedented pace of change in the global economy. Globalization has emerged as the hallmark of the 1990s, challenging U.S. investors and corporations to grasp and understand the powerful forces at work outside the United States. This thorough, readable guide presents the 101 key demographic, financial, and economic characteristics of the global economy. It provides a taut introduction for understanding the key trends of the global economy and is essential reading for anyone engaged in international business and finance. It is an excellent sourcebook and reference, incorporating subjects ranging from America's position in global trade and investment to the rise of the global "MTV generation". Conveniently organized into two-page spreads that discuss and then illustrate predominant......

Speculum Iuris : Roman Law as a Reflection of Social and Economic Life in Antiquity

Jean-Jacques Aubert, Boudewijn Sirks

  Speculum Iuris : Roman Law as a Reflection of Social and Economic Life in Antiquity  Jean-Jacques Aubert, Boudewijn Sirks  Roman public and private law regulated many aspects of life in Antiquity. The legal sources, statutes, juristic opinions, textbooks, documents and reports preserve a wealth of information that illuminates Roman society and economy. However, the use of this kind of evidence can be extremely difficult. With this volume, classicists, historians, and legal scholars propose various ways to integrate the legal evidence with other sources for ancient social and economic history. Speculum Iuris examines the complex relationship between law and social practice from the particular angle of Roman legislation and jurisprudence as conditioned by or reacting to a specific social, economic, and political context. Using various strategies, the editors and contributors mine a huge body of texts to study attitudes and behaviors of the Roman upper class, whose social concerns are reflected in the development of legal rules. A close reading of juristic opinions and...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Roman public and private law regulated many aspects of life in Antiquity. The legal sources, statutes, juristic opinions, textbooks, documents and reports preserve a wealth of information that illuminates Roman society and economy. However, the use of this kind of evidence can be extremely difficult. With this volume, classicists, historians, and legal scholars propose various ways to integrate the legal evidence with other sources for ancient social and economic history. Speculum Iuris examines the complex relationship between law and social practice from the particular angle of Roman legislation and jurisprudence as conditioned by or reacting to a specific social, economic, and political context. Using various strategies, the editors and contributors mine a huge body of texts to study attitudes and behaviors of the Roman upper class, whose social concerns are reflected in the development of legal rules. A close reading of juristic opinions and......

<<<  Я познаю мир: Великие ученые. Т. Д. Пономарева             International Income Taxation: Code and Regulations--Selected ... >>>

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John H. Patterson: Pioneer in Industrial Welfare. Samuel Crowther . Книги.

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