
Hiroaki Samura

  Ohikkoshi  Hiroaki Samura  Dark Horse.   These stories are told with the same bold, kinetic art style and brilliantly paced storytelling that Samura's Blade of the Immortal epic is famous for. The main offering, Dark Horse. These stories are told with the same bold, kinetic art style and brilliantly paced storytelling that Samura's Blade of the Immortal epic is famous for. The main offering, "Ohikkoshi," follows the turbulent paths of several twenty-something art students as they fall in love, fall in lust, play in rock bands, ride motorbikes, eat, sleep (together) and try to avoid making life decisions while drunk. This romantic comedy is a "Japanese Art School Confidential" packed with absurd humor, obscure Death Metal references and some expertly-placed, dramatic revelations. "Luncheon of Tears Diary" is a vibrant, genre-busting tale that also peppers its humor with sharp, dramatic moments. Natsumi Funabashi, a virgin, is an aspiring manga creator on a quest for love and a fulfilling career. Along the way, she has to cope with overzealous men, gang warfare, a mahjong addiction and a lascivious manga editor. This collection is rounded off by Samura's hilarious "Kyoto Super Barhopping Journal: Bloodbath......


Редьярд Киплинг

  Маугли  Редьярд Киплинг  Фортуна ЭЛ.   Книжная коллекция.   Фортуна ЭЛ. Книжная коллекция. "Книга джунглей" состоит из удивительно увлекательных рассказов о жизни человеческого детеныша Маугли в джунглях, среди зверей. Р.Киплингу удалось создать яркие, запоминающиеся образы и самих зверей, которые живут по "закону джунглей". Они говорят и действуют так, как могли бы говорить звери, если бы люди понимали их язык. Равноценны литературным героям Киплинга и художественные образы, созданные академиком М.П.Митуричем. Яркая, феерическая палитра красок делает эту книгу подлинным произведением искусства....

History: A Very Short Introduction (Very Short Introductions)

John Arnold

  History: A Very Short Introduction (Very Short Introductions)  John Arnold  There are many stories we can tell about the past, and we are not, perhaps, as free as we might imagine in our choice of which stories to tell, or where those stories end. John Arnold's Very Short Introduction is a stimulating essay about how we study and understand history. The book begins by inviting us to think about various questions provoked by our investigation of history, and explores the ways these questions have been answered in the past. Concepts such as causation, interpretation, and periodization, are introduced by means of concrete examples of how historians work, giving the reader a sense of the excitement of discovering not only the past, but also ourselves.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин There are many stories we can tell about the past, and we are not, perhaps, as free as we might imagine in our choice of which stories to tell, or where those stories end. John Arnold's Very Short Introduction is a stimulating essay about how we study and understand history. The book begins by inviting us to think about various questions provoked by our investigation of history, and explores the ways these questions have been answered in the past. Concepts such as causation, interpretation, and periodization, are introduced by means of concrete examples of how historians work, giving the reader a sense of the excitement of discovering not only the past, but also ourselves....

English Grammar in Use: A Reference and Practice Book for Intermediate Students

Raymond Murphy

  English Grammar in Use: A Reference and Practice Book for Intermediate Students  Raymond Murphy  Cambridge University Press.   English Grammar in Use Third Edition is a fully updated version of the classic grammar title. This new edition: offers the same easy to use format: on each left-hand page a grammar point is explained and on the right-hand page there are exercises to check understanding; has nine completely new units, including eight new units on phrasal verbs to cover this important area more thoroughly; has a wealth of additional exercises for extra contrastive practice; is in full colour. Формат: 19,5 см х 26,5 см.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Cambridge University Press. English Grammar in Use Third Edition is a fully updated version of the classic grammar title. This new edition: offers the same easy to use format: on each left-hand page a grammar point is explained and on the right-hand page there are exercises to check understanding; has nine completely new units, including eight new units on phrasal verbs to cover this important area more thoroughly; has a wealth of additional exercises for extra contrastive practice; is in full colour. Формат: 19,5 см х 26,5 см....

Key Words for Fluency: Upper Intermediate

George Woolard

  Key Words for Fluency: Upper Intermediate  George Woolard  Thomson.   Key Words for Fluency Intermediate provides practice in learning collocations of some of the most useful words in English. It emphasizes common words that occur in many different contexts and identifies over 150 nouns essential for fluency.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Thomson. Key Words for Fluency Intermediate provides practice in learning collocations of some of the most useful words in English. It emphasizes common words that occur in many different contexts and identifies over 150 nouns essential for fluency....

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Ohikkoshi. Hiroaki Samura . Книги.

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