Прощание. Путешествие

Станислав Дыгат

  Прощание. Путешествие  Станислав Дыгат  Картя Молдовеняскэ.   В книгу польского прозаика включены два романа. Роман Картя Молдовеняскэ. В книгу польского прозаика включены два романа. Роман "Прощание" посвящен жизни молодого интеллигента в канун второй мировой воины и период оккупации. В романе "Путешествие" развенчивается снобистское увлечение буржуазным Западом. Для литературной манеры С.Дыгата характерны изображение действительности через восприятие героя, представленного, как правило, "рядовым", "заурядным" человеком, внимание к его повседневному быту и внутреннему миру....

Computer Accounting with QuickBooks Pro 2007

Donna Ulmer

  Computer Accounting with QuickBooks Pro 2007  Donna Ulmer  Computer Accounting with QuickBooks Pro 2007 provides hands-on, step-by-step instructions for easy learning with an abundance of exercises and projects to reinforce new concepts. Each chapter builds on the previous chapter as the student progresses from entering simple transactions to using advanced QuickBooks features. The first part of the text provides a hands-on introduction to QuickBooks, and the second half focuses on maintaining a service and merchandising business, as well as on advanced features of QuickBooks. Computer Accounting with QuickBooks 2007 provides both the “big picture” overview (“Where am I going?”) and step-by-step instructions (“Where do I click?”).  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Computer Accounting with QuickBooks Pro 2007 provides hands-on, step-by-step instructions for easy learning with an abundance of exercises and projects to reinforce new concepts. Each chapter builds on the previous chapter as the student progresses from entering simple transactions to using advanced QuickBooks features. The first part of the text provides a hands-on introduction to QuickBooks, and the second half focuses on maintaining a service and merchandising business, as well as on advanced features of QuickBooks. Computer Accounting with QuickBooks 2007 provides both the “big picture” overview (“Where am I going?”) and step-by-step instructions (“Where do I click?”)....

Factor Analysis at 100: Historical Developments and Future Directions

  Factor Analysis at 100: Historical Developments and Future Directions  Factor analysis is one of the success stories of statistics in the social sciences. The reason for its wide appeal is that it provides a way to investigate latent variables, the fundamental traits and concepts in the study of individual differences. Because of its importance, a recent conference was held to mark the centennial of the publication of Charles Spearman's seminal 1904 article which introduced the major elements of this invaluable statistical tool. This new book evolved from that conference. It provides a retrospective look at major issues and developments as well as a prospective view of future directions in factor analysis and related methods. In so doing, it demonstrates how and why factor analysis is considered to be one of the methodological pillars of behavioral research. Featuring an outstanding collection of contributors, this volume offers unique insights on factor analysis and its related methods. Several chapters have a clear historical...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Factor analysis is one of the success stories of statistics in the social sciences. The reason for its wide appeal is that it provides a way to investigate latent variables, the fundamental traits and concepts in the study of individual differences. Because of its importance, a recent conference was held to mark the centennial of the publication of Charles Spearman's seminal 1904 article which introduced the major elements of this invaluable statistical tool. This new book evolved from that conference. It provides a retrospective look at major issues and developments as well as a prospective view of future directions in factor analysis and related methods. In so doing, it demonstrates how and why factor analysis is considered to be one of the methodological pillars of behavioral research. Featuring an outstanding collection of contributors, this volume offers unique insights on factor analysis and its related methods. Several chapters have a clear historical......

Slavery, Emancipation, and Freedom: Comparative Perspectives (Walter Lynwood Fleming Lectures in Southern History)

Stanley L. Engerman

  Slavery, Emancipation, and Freedom: Comparative Perspectives (Walter Lynwood Fleming Lectures in Southern History)  Stanley L. Engerman  It is beyond dispute that slavery has always been abhorrent and, wherever it still exists, should be abolished. Where most scholarly writing on slavery in the past has concentrated on examining slaves as victims, recent writings have taken a more nuanced view of slavery in focusing on the slaves themselves and their cultural and psychological accomplishments in captivity. Also, studies of the system's profitability have shown that, from an economic perspective, slavery worked for the slaveholders and their society. In Slavery, Emancipation, and Freedom, the distinguished scholar Stanley Engerman succinctly synthesizes current scholarship and addresses questions that are critical to understanding the nature of slavery: Why did slavery arise, and how, why, where, and when did it legally end? What impact did slavery have on the enslaved? Was the impact lingering or was it reversed by the provision of freedom? Engerman begins his study by discussing slavery from a global perspective....  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин It is beyond dispute that slavery has always been abhorrent and, wherever it still exists, should be abolished. Where most scholarly writing on slavery in the past has concentrated on examining slaves as victims, recent writings have taken a more nuanced view of slavery in focusing on the slaves themselves and their cultural and psychological accomplishments in captivity. Also, studies of the system's profitability have shown that, from an economic perspective, slavery worked for the slaveholders and their society. In Slavery, Emancipation, and Freedom, the distinguished scholar Stanley Engerman succinctly synthesizes current scholarship and addresses questions that are critical to understanding the nature of slavery: Why did slavery arise, and how, why, where, and when did it legally end? What impact did slavery have on the enslaved? Was the impact lingering or was it reversed by the provision of freedom? Engerman begins his study by discussing slavery from a global perspective.......

The Quiet American (Penguin Classics Deluxe Edition)

Graham Greene

  The Quiet American (Penguin Classics Deluxe Edition)  Graham Greene  Starring Michael Caine and Brendan Fraser, The Quiet American is already gaining incredible buzz -- including a Golden Globe nomination for Caine (Best Actor, Drama). This enchanting film is directed by Phillip Noyce (Rabbit-Proof Fence; The Bone Collector; Clear and Present Dange r) and is adapted from one of Graham Greene’s best-loved novels. Into the intrigue and violence of Indo-China comes Pyle, a young idealistic American sent to promote democracy through a mysterious “Third Force.” As his naA?ve optimism starts to cause bloodshed, his friend Fowler, a cynical foreign correspondent, finds it hard to stand aside and watch. But even as he intervenes he wonders why: for the sake of politics, or for love.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Starring Michael Caine and Brendan Fraser, The Quiet American is already gaining incredible buzz -- including a Golden Globe nomination for Caine (Best Actor, Drama). This enchanting film is directed by Phillip Noyce (Rabbit-Proof Fence; The Bone Collector; Clear and Present Dange r) and is adapted from one of Graham Greene’s best-loved novels. Into the intrigue and violence of Indo-China comes Pyle, a young idealistic American sent to promote democracy through a mysterious “Third Force.” As his naA?ve optimism starts to cause bloodshed, his friend Fowler, a cynical foreign correspondent, finds it hard to stand aside and watch. But even as he intervenes he wonders why: for the sake of politics, or for love....

<<<  Творчество Арнольда Шенберга. Н. О. Власова             International Income Taxation: Code and Regulations--Selected ... >>>

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