The Paper Princess Flies Again: (with Her Dog)

Elisa Kleven

  The Paper Princess Flies Again: (with Her Dog)  Elisa Kleven  Book DescriptionNot so far away, in Mexico, a girl named Lucy loved a paper princess. . . After her many travels, the Paper Princess has finally found a good home with Lucy. She even has a paper dog to keep her company. One day, as the household preparesfor a big fiesta, the Paper Princess and her dog set out to find a gift for the girl who has cared for them so well. Their adventure leads them to a kite-flying boy, a hungry coyote, and the wide and windy ocean. Will the princess and her dog ever find their way home again?  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionNot so far away, in Mexico, a girl named Lucy loved a paper princess. . . After her many travels, the Paper Princess has finally found a good home with Lucy. She even has a paper dog to keep her company. One day, as the household preparesfor a big fiesta, the Paper Princess and her dog set out to find a gift for the girl who has cared for them so well. Their adventure leads them to a kite-flying boy, a hungry coyote, and the wide and windy ocean. Will the princess and her dog ever find their way home again?...

Basic Conducting Techniques, Fifth Edition

Joseph A. Labuta

  Basic Conducting Techniques, Fifth Edition  Joseph A. Labuta  Book DescriptionThis competency-based workbook provides sound and practical hands-on procedures for beginning and advanced conducting enthusiasts. It features a broad repertory of musical excerpts, and?since most are reduced to a four-part format?users can practice conducting skills and rehearsal techniques readily. The workbook promotes self-directed learning by challenging users to attempt conducting techniques as they arise in the music. The workbook details conductingtechniques including the baton, beat patterns, fractional beat preparations, the fermata, asymmetrical and changing meters, tempo changes and accompanying. It also outlines score preparation and rehearsal technique and provides musical excerpts. For individuals interested in learning the finer points of musical conducting.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionThis competency-based workbook provides sound and practical hands-on procedures for beginning and advanced conducting enthusiasts. It features a broad repertory of musical excerpts, and?since most are reduced to a four-part format?users can practice conducting skills and rehearsal techniques readily. The workbook promotes self-directed learning by challenging users to attempt conducting techniques as they arise in the music. The workbook details conductingtechniques including the baton, beat patterns, fractional beat preparations, the fermata, asymmetrical and changing meters, tempo changes and accompanying. It also outlines score preparation and rehearsal technique and provides musical excerpts. For individuals interested in learning the finer points of musical conducting....

A History of Rock Music, 1951-2000

Piero Scaruffi

  A History of Rock Music, 1951-2000  Piero Scaruffi  Book DescriptionThis history of rock music is not a history of the charts (which I consider an aberration), but a history of the great ideas introduced by rock musicians over 50 years of relentless innovation, and the history of their greatest albums (regardless of how many copies were sold). It ends up being more focused on A?alternativeA? rock than on A?mainstreamA? rock, simply because alternative musicians tend to be more innovative and sincere than mainstreammusicians. In a sense, rediscovering A?alternativeA? rock and giving it its dues is also a way to restore the reputation of rock music among the more sophisticated audiences. Today, rock music is a genre that employs sampling techniques, electronic instruments, digital/computer technology, cacophony, and ethnic sources. The roots of todayA?s rock music lie in the technical innovations brought about in the first half of the 20th century....  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionThis history of rock music is not a history of the charts (which I consider an aberration), but a history of the great ideas introduced by rock musicians over 50 years of relentless innovation, and the history of their greatest albums (regardless of how many copies were sold). It ends up being more focused on A?alternativeA? rock than on A?mainstreamA? rock, simply because alternative musicians tend to be more innovative and sincere than mainstreammusicians. In a sense, rediscovering A?alternativeA? rock and giving it its dues is also a way to restore the reputation of rock music among the more sophisticated audiences. Today, rock music is a genre that employs sampling techniques, electronic instruments, digital/computer technology, cacophony, and ethnic sources. The roots of todayA?s rock music lie in the technical innovations brought about in the first half of the 20th century.......

How To Do Theory (How to Study Literature)

Wolfgang Iser

  How To Do Theory (How to Study Literature)  Wolfgang Iser  Blackwell Publishers.   Book DescriptionLiterary theory has become a branch of learning in its own right, and for teachers as well as students its complexities can sometimes be daunting. In this succinct introduction, Wolfgang Iser, himself a renowned theorist: explainswhat Blackwell Publishers. Book DescriptionLiterary theory has become a branch of learning in its own right, and for teachers as well as students its complexities can sometimes be daunting. In this succinct introduction, Wolfgang Iser, himself a renowned theorist: explainswhat "theory" is and why it is that there are so many different theories deals in turn with those theories that have made the greatest impact in recent times, among them phenomenological theory, reception theory, semiotic theory, psychoanalytical theory, Marxist theory, deconstruction, art as experience, and feminist theory outlines the main components of each approach and explains how it is constructed. Using classic literary texts, including Keats?s Ode on a Grecian Urn, Spenser?s The Shepheardes Calender, and T. S. Eliot?s The Waste Land, Iser shows what a work of art looks like if viewed in terms of each of the theories concerned. He presents the different theories objectively, leaving it up to readers to......

Reason 2 Propellerhead Software (Quick Start (Music Sales))

Craig Anderton

  Reason 2 Propellerhead Software (Quick Start (Music Sales))  Craig Anderton  Book DescriptionThe absolute beginner?s guide to getting started with the world?s most popular Book DescriptionThe absolute beginner?s guide to getting started with the world?s most popular "virtual studio" program. Reason 2 is more than a software program - it?s a complete electronic music studio that lets you make anything from soft ambient to hardcore dance music. This book, along with the companion CD-ROM, helps you start making music almost as soon as you open the box. Want to make some great sounds with REASON 2? Start here. The CD-ROM features a Reason 2 trial version, video tutorials, learn-by-doing examples, and free drum loops....

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The Paper Princess Flies Again: (with Her Dog). Elisa Kleven . Книги.

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